
Progressive vs Center Left Not - It's Class vs Identity

If it were, Warren's faltering voters would all go to Sanders, not Klobuchar, and Biden's certainly wouldn't go to Sanders. It's class versus identity, and the good angel over my shoulder hopes class wins out. Policy wise Biden is a long way from Sanders, not a 180 degree difference but close to it, but Biden grew up working class and it shows, gaffs and all. People feel that in a gut reaction kind of way.

Bloomberg Offering $6k for Field Organisers

I'm sure if any of you have participated in campaigns other than comments on the net you've met paid Field Organisers before. Obama had a gazillion of them here in 08, Bennett had quite a few in 10, and Obama to a lesser extent in 12 as our state was a more sure bet. They are always in the offices, organize group canvasses, generate lists for people and maps, do trainings, etc.
