
Alpha's Primary Election Live Blog for New Jersey, California etc.

Well, this is the big one!

Despite the DNC & the media's best attempts to shut down the Sanders campaign here it is, June 7th and we are still trucking on towards the convention!!!

I will be posting election return results as they come in as well as watching and commenting on the live stream of The Young Turks election coverage.

Proof of election fraud? Suing the media as accomplices?

There's a report and video up on Kossaks for Sanders about a group called Trust the Vote. They say they've been working with the FBI and have evidence of fraud, going back to 2012. Their attorney says on the video that they have the evidence, they can prove it, and that "Bernie has won."

He says they are also suing the media as "accomplices after the fact. They are covering up evidence of criminal activity. It's a crime."

"Volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants"

this pretty much sums up how things appear from this end of the telescope.
But wait there's more...

“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” he adds.

Hedge Clippers -


Posted last July, this site has just about everything we might want to know about who they are and how they destroy economies around the world. It makes it much easier to connect the dots to their political donations and what is to me, rampant corruption with impunity. I am putting it on speed dial.


Why Clinton's email is indeed a BIG deal and the EO that says so.

There have been many saying that this email thing isn't really a very big deal.

At first, I agreed. While I thought it was an indicator that she had stuff to hide, from an election standpoint I didn't think it would be a significant issue in the General.

But more and more has come out which has caused me to re-evaluate this position.

Clinton Should Be Disqualified From Seeking Office, at Minimum

As the Washington Post has reported, the Clintons went from being, as Hillary Clinton has said, “dead broke” upon leaving the White House in January 2000, to earning some $230 million by this year —

The Clinton's have sold their collective souls to the Oligarchs who have "BRIBED THEM".

This in my mind disqualifies them since they do not put the country before their own averse.

Some interesting developments today and yesterday...

I feel like things are shifting! The "tone" is shifting in the media, which may very well indicate the corporate game plan has changed.

First, we have a Snopes post marking the Nevada violence as 100% false:
