
It's Over Gandalf. We Need to Unite Behind Saruman To Save Middle Earth From Sauron!

I’ve been on Team Gandalf ever since he first visited the Shire. It was so nice to see a wizard who was truly a wizard of the people. The kind of wizard who wouldn’t even throw you in a dungeon for smoking a little Longbottom Leaf or Old Toby. Here was a wizard who didn’t have a big fancy tower. His staff and cloak were rather plain and grey. And he had quite a dream, didn’t he?

How Clinton, Kos, and the rest of the Triumphalists are Yet Again Throwing Wisconsin to the Wolves

April 5th is Presidential Primary day in Wisconsin.

It is also, however, election day for judicial offices across the state. Most significantly, Wisconsinites will be electing a State Supreme Court judge to a 10-year term.

2B or knotty B. That is the question

Honestly, I was spoiled by the result in Michigan. I actually, factually thought that Illinois would be berning up the polls yesterday. Pity that he only closed a 23 point gap by 21 points. (which is still a heck of an accomplishment.) Losing to her in her home state? By such much? It makes me wonder what would have happened after another week, given the trend lines.

Brilliant new Bill Curry article at Salon today

Bill curry has always been out front of the posse catching up to El Diablo Hillario in the dusty deserts of the post-industrial wastelands. He's not only smart as a whip, but he has seen the Clinton Machine in flagrante delicto up close. Do not form mental images inside your head...too late, eh? Smile He's so close to El Diablo he can almost touch the tails of the rear-most horses. He provides a brilliant take on the view from there today. And takes a good swot at the overreach of the 538's of her MSM colluders. It even has a Jack Sparrow quote. Extract and link below.

Occupy Trump - Badgers and Hogwarts Houses ( renamed from Response to a Critique)

John Lennon said that life is what happens to us while we're busy making other plans. We're having a primary where the coronation got interrupted by an insurgent. That was unexpected, but it quickly became clear that the insurgency could grow into a Democratic schism. One side is corporatist, neo-con, and neo-liberal. The other side is progressive, democratic socialist, and peaceful. "All we are saying is give peace a chance."

On the other side of the American divide, their ideological madness is splitting the GOP into a racist, corporatist, and global side and a racist, christian-dominionist side. The leader of the christianist side is, ironically, Drumpf, with the yet more dangerous Cruz at his heels. Cruz is a traditional racist, a lawyerly blower of dog whistles. Drumpf,on the other hand, is a Freudian carnival of ego gone amok. As the Democratic sides separated into a catholic and protestant side, Drumpf's drumbeat of racist incitement overwhelmed not only the GOP primary race, but the entire 2016 election. The bitter harvest of ancient hate and a decade of racist incitement against one of the most accomplished of all American presidents is in. Now. In real time. Spring may be in the air, but in the American psyche, it's fall and the bitter harvest is in. Drumpf's race-baiting is now the defining feature of the 2016 election. Life happens while we are busy making primary plans. So, what does all of this mean for Bernie?
