Saturday Open Thread - 1/4/25: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!

The holidays are behind us, and normal life resumes in the USA January 1st.

Strolling in the NO French Quarter, which I have done 4 or 5 times, won't happen again. Same for Las Vegas. There are other quaint places to visit. Speaking of which a town we meant to visit was Pass Christian, near Biloxi and Gulfport, MS.

The day we had planned to go was hit with a heavy fog that didn't lift until after 3pm. I read some local news, and there had been an armed robbery at a convenience store in broad daylight the day before. We passed on Pass. Just before we drove home on the 1st, we heard about the stroller slaughter in NO. Interesting how that crowd crash is becoming a thing around the world. German Christmas Market, and also in GB, iirc. Hmmm...

Nothing the FBI is saying about the two incidences is particularly credible. The more they hide, the more we just might get the impression these were false flags. Fake Bureau of Investigation.

I am confused as to why I could be considered a racist because I do not like open borders or the H-1B. I didn't say I only disliked POC immigrants and visa workers coming in. My dislike would apply to Canadians, Aussies, Brits who might get freebies poor people here do not, or jobs at lower wages that prevent Americans from earning any wages at all, and suppress our wages should we get a job. This is much like the principle that calling out Zionists for committing genocide is anti-Semetic.

I am also confused about how Russia is committing war crimes, some even say genocide, but Israel is honorably defending itself within its' fake or imagined borders. If this is the best the West has to offer, I'd say Western Civilization is well past its' "best if used by" date. Time to move on to the next stage of societal development.

Weather and location prevented the usual taking of trip photos. Very surprisingly, more waterfowl can be spotted in Galveston! That was a surprise! We may try again at a different location next time.

Well, peeps, what ya got on your mind, stuck in your craw? This is an open thread, open to any topic, any music, pics, links to good articles and info you think would be worth sharing amongst the free rangers here.

So, let 'er rip!

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We are doing a bit of preparation for the upcoming freeze. We will wrap a few pipes, hope for the best.
I haven't browsed the morning's news headlines, but I am sure there are some very well written CIA articles for us to read and believe.
The CIA must keep statistics on our level of compliance.
Well, it is your turn to get your friends some truth!
Bring it on!

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Granma's picture

@on the cusp Also, when temps below freezing, let faucets drip.that keeps water moving so it won't freeze.
Insulating the pipes is best of course. But these things help a lot. Good luck.

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@Granma Good suggestions, and we do those things, as well as shutting off the water at the meter, draining the pipes.
Tornadoes are actually likely, as opposed to possible, so I am going to invite my secretary to stay in the office with her 2 kids. She lives in a double-wide mobile home. Very dangerous.
I anticipate black outs, that high lines will break all over the community. Our lanterns and flashlights are set out. I expect courthouses in the district will close at least on Monday.
Driving is gonna be an adventure!
Always great to "see" you, chica!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

mostly framed in typical social engineering blather
can't say I'm surprised by your experiences in So. MS
like so many other things, ain't what we thought it used to be

Thanks for your efforts in posting this OT!

candy is dandy but likker is quicker ~

7 users have voted.

question everything

@QMS Since I drink beer, I can keep it cold by putting it on the porch! No heat will be a pain for us, but the beer will be just fine.
People in Louisiana avoid NO. I get tempted, though. A client has an apartment in the French Quarter, says I can stay there anytime I wish, and that it is safe. But how does anyone feel safe when some guy in Houston knew just when and where the street bollards were being replaced on Bourbon St.? Like, was that broadcast on the news and he just happened to see it?
Speaking of bollards, I noticed last week that the nearby Walmart added more of them to their front doors. They now block vehicles both headed into the door, and now on both sides of the door. The Waltons are blessed with good instincts.
Will you get a dose of the Arctic storm, Blair? Stay warm, dear friend.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Washington, D.C., December 29, 2024 – The late President Jimmy Carter, contrary to the views of some critics, was typically focused, knowledgeable, and strong-willed on matters of foreign policy, often responding sharply to attempts by his most senior aides to bend his thinking, according to a review of the voluminous documentary record on Carter’s presidency.

A case in point is Carter’s relationship with his national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Every week, Brzezinski sent the president a memo intended to combine both factual reporting and personal observations on global affairs. Carter often wrote brief marginal notes on those memos in reply, which in retrospect open a window into his own thinking about the world and approaches to foreign policy.

A revealing example is Brzezinski’s April 21, 1978, “NSC Weekly Report,” an 8-page memo that immediately launches into a page-and-a-half appeal to modify and toughen administration foreign policy by doing more than just “negotiating agreements and devising formulas.” What was missing in the U.S. approach, Brzezinski wrote, was a hardnosed effort to “influence attitudes and to shape political events.” Sounding for all the world like his famously realpolitik predecessor, Henry Kissinger, Brzezinski called for a slew of other tactics, including an occasional “demonstration of force ... to infuse fear;” “saying publicly one thing and quietly negotiating something else;” “letting problems fester until they are ripe for action;” and using “black propaganda to stimulate difficulties for our proponents.” “The world,” he ended, “is just too complicated and turbulent to be handled effectively by negotiating ‘contracts’ while neglecting the need also to manipulate, to influence and to compel.”

Carter’s handwritten replies to most of these ideas are no more than a few words but they are graphic in conveying the president’s disapproval and even sarcasm regarding Brzezinski’s ideas. Next to the mention of force, he writes “Like Malaguez?” – a reference to a forcible rescue operation of a merchant ship (the Mayaguez) off Cambodia in 1975 that ended disastrously. Next to “saying publicly one thing,” he scribbles “Lying?” – an allusion to his core campaign pledge to reject the public dishonesty of the Nixon/Kissinger years and never to lie to the American people. In other places, he simply underlines the passage and puts a question mark in the margin. Finally, reacting to Brzezinski’s statement that he plans to develop some of these ideas further for the president, Carter writes: “You’ll be wasting your time.”

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7 users have voted.

@la58 World leaders (and their masters) do the talking, but shut the 99% down. They only listen to each other.
Opposite opinions will not stand, man!

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@la58 Brzezinski and the world would have been a safer place. His horrid legacy might have been less horrid.
Very interesting, la58.
Thanks mucho!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Granma's picture

Around the world are copycats, IMO. One happens, lots of news coverage. There are more. Sometimes, on the anniversary of such an event, the press digs up that story, reminds us it happened a year ago. I honestly believe if the media did not give these coverage, there would be fewer.

If you think about it, did we all need to know about that first crowd smash? It is awful, heartbreaking. Gets lots of views. Inspires others. They try to think of a place where they can find a bigger crowd to drive into.

We need a more ethical media.

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enhydra lutris's picture


my mind today. Sherlock Holmes once told Watson that the mind was like a filing cabinet, so one shouldn't fill it up with all kinds of random shit, but save it for important stuff. I do not ascribe to that theory, but, nonetheless, same-old-shit is same-old-shit, best simply filed away as"ditto", and be done with it. We all have things to do and lives to live and skimming heads reveals vast fields and piles of ditto and only an occasional item of interest. (Am I getting more jaded every day, should I care?)

Gnus: The Rus hit some western Ukiestan airfield with something the ukies are calling a new, unknown, mysterious missile doing mach 7 or 8, but vanishing from view and then reappearing. Ingest with mucho salt. For starts, something moving at those speeds would be very hard to track. starting at about 2:20 from beginning

New old news

Study finds DNA contamination in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines

Apple to pay Siri victims $20 each

that'll do for now
be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris What to make of the new Russian missiles or drones. If anyone could produce these untrackable missiles, it would be Russia.
Pfizer has done its' part in the de-population plan, me thinks. I feel lucky to have missed out on all the vax funsies. Yet another woman in her mid-60s I have known all my life came down with pneumonia, was hospitalized, tested, had stage four liver cancer. Never had any symptoms. She was a regular flu vaxxer, no word on if she took the COVID jabs.
I was never a Siri gal. I wanted to use my brain to do my own research, remember where I put my purse to keep my brain busy.
I admit Holmes made a good point, and he was prescient. I count about 20 or so websites I glimpse at during the week. I kind of appreciate them for presenting different or even opposite views from the propaganda junk on MSM.
Whilev we were in Gulfport, Dear One found the free Pluto tv channel for Gunsmoke episodes. The downside of Pluto TV is ads. Insurance, charities, and pharmaceuticals. They at least mention deadly side effects. I don't remember ever seeing a COVID vax ad that did so. I just haven't watched tv in decades, didn't catch this difference until fairly recently. i would have thought their 100% immunity from law suits would have freed them up to give the side-effects list.
I am down with "ditto"!
Enjoy your weekend, dear friend, and be glad you will not be anywhere near east Texas for the next few days.BWAHAGO!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@Granma would I invest $5000 to go on another German Christmas Markets tour? Not any time soon.
News is not about informing us, but manipulating us.
Been that way since 1948.
Copycats will always copycat.
Interesting observation, chica. There is clearly a point where information that helps flips to be that which harms.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture


NOW Neocons Are READY: Make Taiwan The Ukraine Of Asia | Jeffrey Sachs & Joanna Lei

Sachs insights are almost always worthwhile imo. Joanna Lei and Neutrality Studies do the English speaking world a great service by concisely characterizing the domestic situation in Taiwan with a DPP president, destroying the western propaganda about its vibrant democracy and shared values. She has a surprisingly sophisticated understanding of the US military strategy, and its motives.

Sachs points out the unlikely potential of the US to win a war on China's doorstep based upon a maniacal and unnecessary desire to "rule the world." This is one of the best presentations on Taiwan I have heard in years, (and I've listened to a lot of them in English by other credible observers who are fluent in Chinese and English) and Pascal living in Asia himself is to be commended for getting Lei and Sachs together for this discussion. I don't think anyone has lifted the veil on the Taiwan myth promoted in the west as Lei does here.

There are a lot of parallels in the Taiwan and Korean experiences that are particularly relevant now.

On the Cusp thanks for the O&E! Really liked the CCR tune. Can't believe I never heard it before. I've been back and forth on that 1-10/I-12 route hundreds of times. Only actually drove into NO proper once. Never really visited. I've told the story of crossing the Mississippi bridge near Baton Rouge many times in a fully loaded rig. Scary. I was always afraid it might collapse.

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang I will watch it after the trip to the grocery store.
Sachs is unimpeachable. We all need to clearly understand this insane pivot to Asia bs.
That bridge over the Mississippi River is a wild ride, fer shure. It was slow and crowded going, but coming back home, it was normal. It is a narrow sob, ain't it?
I-10-I-12 is a cluster, whether we use it to go to San Antonio, or toward Florida. The parallel Hwy 90 heading east from Texas is one traffic light after another.
Hope you are finally getting squared away with home repairs, etc...Our projects are hiring a crew to add a room to the house, and another crew to paint the house. Maintenance is never ending, storm or no storm!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend, and always remind any and everyone that the US will get their asses handed to them in a war with China.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981


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soryang's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

Harbin is the Chinese city, where the Korean independence fighter and patriot assassinated the former Resident General Ito Hirobumi.

(Source- KBS 1 History Journal, ep. 199) Ito was assassinated by Korean patriot Ahn Jung-geun, October 26, 1909 in Harbin, China.

Ito Hirobumi and Colonization of Korea

The new movie Harbin about him and the Korean independence movement was just released in theaters in the US. This movie is drawing a large audience in theaters in South Korea. He's probably the most famous freedom fighter South Korea has.

Look at Ahn's wikipedia entry for the fifteen reasons he killed Ito Hirobumi. The Japanese hanged him.

An Jung-geun

Thanks for reminding me of the movie. Hopefully the Netflix will pick it up at some point.

(edit typo)

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang I just watched the video with Sachs and Lei. She was so damn well grounded in truth.
I encourage everyone here to take a pause in their busy lives to watch this video.
We don't understand the workings of the Taiwan government. This will educate us.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

@on the cusp

She shared insights into Taiwan that I had suspected for some time, but I never really heard anyone spell it out so clearly as Dr. Lei. I had heard her before on some panel discussion video, but she had to compete with other analysts on the issues being discussed and didn't have a sufficient opportunity to explain her background and perspective on Taiwan's politics.

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang @soryang was the years and years of China and Taiwan talking, making agreements, treaties.
Anther thing was the structure of the Taiwan government being so damn controlled by the executive branch, with the legislative branch being so weak.
I had no idea of these things.
Since the US is aiming it's sharpened arrows at China, it is essential we understand that Taiwan does not want this!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

and gets much deserved respect on twitter.

The rest of the tweet:

So why would an Islamist force establish anything other than an Islamic state?

Upon her arrival, a welcoming delegation from the HTS-led regime refused to shake hands with Baerbock, and she thought they would build a civil/secular state? Let's be realistic.

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@humphrey a pathetic foreign minister. All it takes is to visit a middle east country a few days with a certified tour guide, and she would know not to expect a handshake, that dressed as she was is highly inappropriate. Wearing a blouse that is light colored and one that your bra can be seen is a YUGE faux pas. Her demands about Islamist state and removal of Russian air base and troops are rude, stupid, almost childish.
She is a monstrously ignorant globalist.
Good damn grief, Humphrey!
Interesting tweet! Thanks, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The rest of the tweet:

Several US lawmakers had accused the platform’s content of being “too pro-Palestine” and here is the direct quote from TikTok:

"The startling proposition that there should be no judicial scrutiny of a law shuttering a speech platform used by 170 million Americans would mean Congress could ban petitioners from operating TikTok explicitly because they refused to censor views Congress disfavours or to promote views it likes,"

US politicians love to criticize China for censoring content while simultaneously banning a Chinese app in America because it refuses to censor content.

You seriously can't make up how ridiculous this situation is. Hypocrisy at its finest

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@humphrey and often a courtroom for the truth to come out.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Hopefully his next trip will be straight to The Hauge!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Antony Blinken will embark on what is expected to be his final overseas trip in office this weekend, traveling to South Korea, Japan and France.

The State Department announced Friday that Blinken would visit Seoul, Tokyo and Paris beginning Sunday.

In South Korea, which is in the midst of political turmoil following the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol, and Japan, Blinken intends to highlight the expansion of U.S. cooperation with both nations as part of the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy.

That strategy is primarily intended to blunt Chinese ambitions in the region but also to deter the nuclear threat from North Korea. Political developments in South Korea, however, after Yoon declared martial law and was later impeached, have raised questions about the stability of Washington-Seoul relations.

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soryang's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

The propaganda spin on this from AP is all wrong. It isn't US South Korea relations that are in jeopardy because of the attempted coup, and the ongoing standoff at the presidential residence over the warrant to arrest him. It's South Korea Japanese relations that will be in jeopardy. Yoon's pitiful submission to Japan on several fronts is one of the major factors, among others leading to his huge unfavorable polling numbers. So the so called big achievement by Biden, Blinken, and Campbell, the so called trilateral partnership was a rickety house of cards with virtually no support among South Koreans to begin with. The anti China trilateral partnership is supported by a minority of South Koreans, little beyond the old pro-Japanese elites descended from the collaborators under Japan's ruthless domination and exploitation from 1905 to 1945.

Sadly, the US occupation used these people to govern Korea and form their army from the outset under the US occupation after WWII. Consequently, Japanese trained soldiers who fought the independence fighters for Japan, retained their position as police, soldiers, and administrators under the US occupation and during the South Korean dictatorships. Their descendants are a important element of the people supporting Yoon. This is where the conservatives come from. Yoon has been rewriting Korean text books, and removing statues, etc., to remove the anti-Japanese fighters from history.

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang might have been a good teacher's asst. for a 4th grade public school somewhere around the DC area. Or not.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

so can we!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Trump platform as analyzed by Scott Ritter.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

She acts like she is going to congress for the very first time instead of having been there for many decades. And what’s with her eyes? Too much Botox in the wrong place?

Good gawd! The responses to this tweet are so fcking nauseating. These are the people who let democrats dump on them year after year after year for decades even though they never deliver anything meaningful to their voters.

One person thanked her for 140 million people who have preexisting conditions getting health insurance because of her values. I responded that thanks to her values 500,000 people who had insurance go bankrupt every year.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Broken hip, surgery, rehab, all takes weeks.
RWNJ sites say she sounded drunk, but I think she sounded pretty damn drugged up and perky!
I hope you and my favorite client are having a great weekend, chica!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Loud noises go off and she thinks she is back in the trenches again waiting to die. I tell her that noise can’t hurt her and I won’t let it anyway, but she freaks out.

Maybe if she had been a rescue with a life I don’t know about, but she has been well sheltered and loved since she was 7 weeks old. I’d make a psych appointment for her, but they would probably put her on drugs and then I’d have to wait for her to go do a school shooting or something.
Beats me why she reacts this way.

I can’t keep going to bed at 7pm just so she can be hugged.

Maybe I should send her to you guys for awhile? You can deal with her phobias.
Let me know if you accept this assignment. This tape will self destruct in 10 seconds.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg No shit! This might work for my client! It is called the T-Touch, hyped by Lynda Tellington-Jones, for horses, but everything else with a spine.
Ok. Take your index finger or thumb and apply slight pressure around her spine circling all the bones. (Draw a circle.) When you get down her back, take your hands and push gently upward from down low, to up to her shoulders on the muscles on either side of her spine with the palm of your hands. Once you push up, then gently push back down to the lower back. Repeat.
She will be mesmerized.

The key is light pressure. It works on horses, dogs, cats, and Dear One!
Seems the push up of the back muscles and then pushing back down is like some release of pain or tension.
I lost count of how many T-Touch critters learned to love me in a calm way. I think Ms. Tellington-Jones, whom I met and watched a demonstration, was absolutely on to something.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


From the files of you can’t make this up comes shitlibs begging dems not to vote to certify the election.

Didn’t they call republicans who didn’t want to vote to certify the election insurrectionists? Why yes they did. Even though democrats used the legal procedure not to certify the election 5 times before republicans did that.

And they are still defending incrementalism on the grounds that the founding fathers said that’s the way to accomplish things. I don’t remember reading about that before today.

I kept thinking that once the old guard democrats died out then some sanity would return to the democratic base, but it’s the younger people who are coming up with these ideas. There’s no hope. Once they’re old enough to see that democrats will always betray their base there will be a new generation of dem voters thinking that they can change the party from the inside. Rinse and repeat….

2 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg And Bernie is harping Medicare for all again.
Excuse me. I must excuse myself to vomit.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

He’s pulling a Pelosi. Promising to get something passed after dems lost both houses.

Remember when she would send McConnell bills she knew would never pass?

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture


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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Lookout's picture

I hope you had a nice trip to MS.

To follow up on the Sachs Lei conversation...more China bashing lies.

On October 25 2024 a number of main-stream media outlets were spreading an anti-Chinese propaganda campaign launched by U.S. national security sources.
The immediate occasion was an incident in which some hacker had gained access to a number of call records.
Media repeated those claims without any qualifications.
They were wrong.
Only ten weeks later the old reports are falling apart. Now a U.S. soldier is accused of hacking into the call data record databases and of publishing parts of them, presumably on his own behest.
There is no fact that would associate Wagenius with China or vice versa. The October claims of a Chinese hack just vanished. No one (but this little blog), certainly not NBCnews, will ever point out that the old claims, made by U.S. national security sources, of a Chinese hack were totally bollocks.
Be assured that any other claims made by national security sources of similar hacks by Chinese, Russian or Iranian actors are likely to be of similar quality.

Lies and more lies to propagate war. It is the US stock and trade!

Thanks for the OT!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout We had a good time in Gulfport. Dear One's closest friend lives in Florida, has a daughter in Gulfport. We will coordinate, meet up there in the future. Surprisingly, our condo unit was the nicest one we have ever rented! The balcony was so big, you could get in your walkies by some back and forths across it!
Well, the roast is in the crock pot, so it is time to start reading your WW, dear friend!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981