
Vignette, stone wine

Waking, donning his sheep costume preparing to read the MSM today and enjoy grass-fed truth, he waited until the Times emailed the expected breaking:

The F.B.I. interviewed Hillary Clinton on Saturday morning for its investigation into whether she or her aides broke the law by setting up a private email server for her use as secretary of state, her campaign said.

Lynch to accept FBI recommendations in Clinton law breaking investigation about government records

After the debacle on the tarmac in Phoenix in which Bill Clinton and Lynch created an unacceptable appearance of impropriety, Lynch is expected to make an announcement that DoJ will accept whatever recommendations about criminal charges the F.B.I. proposes.

From the NY Times source:

I just saw the weirdest thing on Yahoo

It was a story about the State Department asking for permission to hold off on the Clinton e-mail requests for 28 months. When I went back to Yahoo, the story was no longer on the front page.

Has anyone else here heard of this?

If true, it sure raises stink-test alarms in relation to the meeting between our AG and Bubba.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Met Amid Email Investigation...

What the actual fuck?

"Unscheduled" my ass....

Why do I think this is complete B.S.?

Who just happens to pop onto the private plane that it hauling the AG that is investigating his spouse and just talks about golf, travel and grand kids?

This is shameless and outrageous...

Detention Centers Record Revenue vs. Children Need Freedom and Sunshine to Grow

Today's News:

Immigration Officials Making Secret Deals With Private Prisons to Lock Up More Mothers and Children-- New report sheds light on how local contracts are boosting private profits from family detention.

Some idle speculation on Assange's timing on releasing the Email data...

So I was dusting the house and as is the norm when doing mindless tasks I was also engaging in idle speculation.

One of the things I was thinking about was all the questions I see repeatedly asking, "Why the hell won't Assange release the damn info already!".

And a possible answer hit me.

Could he be waiting for the last interviewee to have a chance to perjure themselves, Abedin in particular?

Are there any other interviews still to be conducted?

Vignette, step by step

There's a principle going on

called song

The human being




when misinterpreted, funny

deadly when applied

Yellow dog howls

full moon rises in blue sky

Turnip greens and olive oil

to die for


to work for nothing

to live for nothing


a hard place

Blackbirds flying

red-winged ones riding

leaving betrayal
