
Hillary Can't Beat Trump Without The Progressive Vote

So let us, as a movement, extract binding commitments for our support. Of course in order for this to work we can not bluff, we need to be committed to either vote Jill Stein or not vote if she ignores us and yes if necessary be willing to throw the election to Trump.

News That Suits My Sense of Humor

Supposedly, a glass ceiling was broken recently. I hope no one got cut on the shards.

Meanwhile, it looks like many in the media thought the story was a bit ho-hum to the point that they displayed photos of WJC instead of HRC along with their stories. The author tries to pin the "oversight" on sexism. Personally, I think it is karma.

They admit culpability. The system was rigged.

Good ole senate minority leader Harry Reid admits that they all knew the primaries were rigged in the favor of the queen.
What took him so long to tell the truth he says they knew? Seeing how the word is being floated so easily amongst those who fear the truth....

"As Dems Enthrone Hillary Clinton remember her contempt for rule of law" - Chicago Tribune

I was just checking out this piece written by a reporter named John Kass over at the Chicago Tribune.

It reads in parts almost like an open letter to the Clintonites. I highly recommend you give it a read.

Why The Movement Should Protest At The Polls This Year

This election cycle offers an unparalleled opportunity for the movement to organize and cast off the yoke of the corporate duopoly that controls our election space. The behind-the-scenes nefarious actions that the parties use to control the elections have been more obvious than usual and have been brought to the public's attention repeatedly. The public seems more aware that the election process is not working as it should in the sort of democracy that the US tries to convince us we live in.

Awareness of the corruption of the process should be a great boon to bringing about demand and support for serious reforms from a broad segment of the public.
