climate change

2016 Global Temps Send Shockwaves Through Climate Scientists

Hi Folks, I've been away. (You've all been real busy here! w00t!) Only to return with shocking news on global temperature records in 2016. You may well ask, "WTF, G! We're not even three months into 2016 and winter just ended last week (although tell that to the Great Lakes region, eh)?"
Well, dear friends, it is pretty bad. How bad? See more below.

Classic Diaries: Four reasons to anticipate postcapitalism

Author's note: this diary was published 25 September of last year -- still relevant today!

You know, postcapitalism -- the coming period of existence after the capitalist system has run its course, after Bernie Sanders' "political revolution" has outstripped Sanders' current promises, and brought us to a world in which we can actually do something about our situation without dragging around the profits system like a giant millstone?

February of 2016 was About 1.57 C Hotter Than 1880s Averages

Woah. According to NASA, the planet hit the second of the red lines noted by climate scientists long before the 2010s. The first was +1C above 1880s averages, +1.5 was the second, and there be dragons beyond +2C. I've placed an extract, link, and graphic below.

Feel the other Bern: the Bern that means we need the Bern

Woah. Feel this Bern. I subscribe to the Arctic News blog from the climate scientists who study the Arctic climate change phenomena. Here is some hair-raising information from today's article, an infographic by the brilliant Dr. Sam Carana. It looks at the range of possible global temps in 2026, ten years from now.

Is the US Senate Too Stupid and Corrupt to Represent the American People?

The existence of human-caused climate change could not muster 60 votes amongst the idiot rich in the Millionaires Club. The resolution went down to defeat 50-49.

US Senate refuses to accept humanity's role in global climate change, again

It is nearly 27 years now since a Nasa scientist testified before the US Senate that the agency was 99% certain that rising global temperatures were caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

And the Senate still has not got it – based on the results of three symbolic climate change votes on Wednesday night.

The Senate voted virtually unanimously that climate change is occurring and not, as some Republicans have said, a hoax – but it defeated two measures attributing its causes to human activity.

Only one Senator, Roger Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi, voted against a resolution declaring climate change was real and not – as his fellow Republican, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma once famous declared – a hoax. That measure passed 98 to one.

But the Senate voted down two measures that attributed climate change to human activity.
