climate change

OK so what's going on?

Yesterday I received an email pitch from the Sanders campaign:

When we began this campaign a little over a year ago we were considered to be a fringe campaign. But over the last year, I think that has changed just a little bit.

As of last night, we have won 22 state primaries and caucuses with more than 11 million votes.

First Principles First? On C99 And Issues

JtC posted a helpful essay yesterday that kicked off a discussion about c99 and issues.

Johnny said this in conclusion:

Surely I understand that electing the right politician will help with the issues before us, but my point is that this site was never fixated on electoral politics up until very recently, and hopefully someday and someday soon we can get back to the issues.

How does one think productively about the issues? One begins with first principles.
Defining the issues must begin with first principles or anything and everything could be relevant.
What then constitutes first principles? More below.

The Clinton Doctrine continues the past on steroids.

Here is what I see over the past 55 years of (mostly) watching from afar. No matter who has been in office, liberal, centrist or wing-nuts, white or black, America has always been America first and the rest of the world can go dig themselves a hole and die, or slowly die from having our resources stripped to American’s benefit. All with wonderfully moral convictions to hide behind.

Because our earth cannot take any more of this nonsense

There are so many good reasons to support Bernie, but IMO the greatest is his understanding of the crisis of climate change and his commitment to address it with urgency.

Clinton is so blinded by her greed (and her donations from the fossil fuel industry), that she is unable to give the needed response to the greatest threat facing humanity.

Meat Consumption's Hidden Costs to Climate Change and Wildlife

Meat production causes more environmental harm than any other single industry, endangering wildlife, contributing at least 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and accounting for 80% of antibiotic use, 37% of pesticide use and nearly 50% of water use in the United States.

Resilience: Low-Tech Weather Forecasting How-To's

We have the usual hi-tech weather guides. We have an electronic temperature sensor and I check the Wunderground ( 10-day forecast every day.
As always with hi-tech, it makes us dependent on them. We grow up "not needing" to know how to read the weather signs for ourselves. The neighbourhood squirrels are smarter than me about, well, a lot of things, weather being one of them :=)
I wanted to learn about weather myself and low-tech is the way to knowledge. More below

Resilience: Geoff Lawton On Greening The Desert

Climate change is drying out the planet's already dry areas. And agricorps have worked diligently to worsen the soil and destroy ecosystems for more profits. The climate news can be most depressing. April was another record-breaking month, the 7th in a row. Yikes. If you live in a drying area, you might be interested in permaculture's practical lessons for greening the desert. More below.
