February of 2016 was About 1.57 C Hotter Than 1880s Averages
Woah. According to NASA, the planet hit the second of the red lines noted by climate scientists long before the 2010s. The first was +1C above 1880s averages, +1.5 was the second, and there be dragons beyond +2C. I've placed an extract, link, and graphic below.
This from the best climate journalist out there, Robert Scribbler.
According to NASA GISS, February of 2016 was the hottest February ever recorded by a long shot with global temperature departures hitting a never-before-seen above average range. Land and ocean temperature averages hit 1.35 C above NASA’s 20th Century baseline (1951-1980). This extraordinarily hot global reading represents a 1.57 C departure from average temperatures in the 1880s. In other words, for one month during February of 2016, global temperatures exceeded the dangerous 1.5 C threshold.
(February of 2016 showed an extreme departure from global average temperatures. Much of the extra heat focused on the Northern Polar region with the High Arctic bearing the brunt of it. Image source: NASA GISS.)
I hope you've long since begun to think about self-sufficiency, self-efficacy, local community links, and local and family sustainability issues. There really is very little time. The rate of runaway change and increasing secondary feedbacks are beyond scientists' wildest fears. We get wrapped around the axle by our surrounding socio-economic and political catastrophes, but sadly we are also facing a racing environmental clock.
Take a sustainability inventory. Get to know your neighbours. Talk with persuadable close family. Gather your chicks under wing, if it is possible. Talk to your parents, if you can. In our family, our oldest and partner, in their early 20s, are moving in with us from another city at the end of April. They know Toronto will be a death trap soon. We're joining efforts towards sustainability and looking for a rural acreage outside of our village. And so forth. Learn practical skills. When you do, you will be shocked at how helpless our culture has made us (on purpose so that we would be model consumers.) So a skills inventary in your family. It will be bracing, I assure you. There are people all around who'd become paralyzed should the electric can opener die. Do an environmental inventory: see how sustainable your property, neighbourhood, and surrounding area are. Flood, fire, water, access, heating, power, food and storage, etc. And so on and so forth.
At least these first: talk with family, do a skills inventory, and survey your property and surroundings for sustainability. It is show time, folks. Buckle up.
And perhaps we could discuss sustainability here on c99 somehow, someway.
Peace be with us, if we work for it with peaceful hearts,
One of the good things about being old I guess.
OTOH not so good for my grandchidren.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
Climate change
I am so happy to see an essay on climate change here at CC99. I hope we will have more people posting on this subject. We are now entering the crisis phase and still none of our Congressional leaders and other public officials seem to be doing much about it. This is all about life and death here on this planet and it is here and now.
Thank you for posting this Gerrit.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You're welcome, gg. We passed +1.5 heading into summer. Yikes.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.