climate change

Resilience: Fire Protection - Advice From Permaculture

The massive wildfire driving the inhabitants of Fort McMurray, Alberta, and surroundings reminded me of the issue of fire protection, both urban and rural.
Here is some permaculture advice on fire protection in rural areas, from Bill Mollison, the Australian permaculture pioneer. If you're new to the miracles of permaculture, I included two short video clips. More below.

Personal Resilience: 10 Search Considerations for Locating a Rural Property

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Morning resilience c99ers. Some of you are living in rural areas on acreages. I'm in a village in rural Ontario, planning to buy an acreage next year, when our last child graduates high school. I've made a list of property search criteria for the happy day when we can go look. I wonder if it might be helpful for you, and also if you might have additions, modifications, links, resources, and/or stories of your property search to share.
More below the grass.

The Ballad of Bacon and Eggs for Gold

The Ballad of Bacon and Eggs for Gold

I had a dream
I was a rich man's son
Life was grand
We had a lot of fun

Then suddenly
As happens in dreaming
A nightmare came
The whole world was steaming

Ran cross a bridge
made it inside the doors
I heard these sounds
there was a gigantic roar
Thunder and lightning
The winds were so frightening
people were screaming
the people were dying

My Back Pages - Can the US political system deal with climate change?

This was originally published back in November 2014. While some big things have changed in the political landscape since then, a lot of the conditions described are still current. To my mind, there is a big question as to whether the political order, even if there is a change in leadership, can work out the problem of dealing with the powerful forces holding up action to mitigate climate change. Looking ahead, regardless of the outcome of the nearing election, it looks like the people are going to have to lead on this issue or look for a "Planet B."

The American "system" has been a bit tardy in its response to climate change.

Personal Climate Resilience: The Underground Greenhouse

This is a follow-up from conversations here on c99 on runaway climate change. "Um, G, tell me you're not a nutbar survivalist." No. Well, not yet :=) I'll write more later on the various options or levels of personal sustainability for climate change. Here is a follow-up on structures for growing plants year-round in a climate-controlled greenhouse (in an economical and fairly low-tech manner.) There are a number of existing technologies. Our family has chosen the underground greenhouse as a forthcoming project. Saving up every loose penny! I've got lots of photos and some links below.
