Featured Editorials

How Syria's architecture laid the foundation for brutal war

I love when someone comes up with what to me are ideas I have never thought of or even considered. In this case I have known the effect of horrible (monsterous) architecture in communities and rejected it more than a half century ago in favor of log cabins, homemade adobe structures, and, here in the Caribbean, old style local wood shack design.

A century ago we invaded and occupied a nation

"Bandit" is a very interesting term. It implies that we aren't actually fighting a war against a legitimate military foe, but are instead just hunting a group of outlaws. Thus the rules of war don't apply.
Bandit was the term used by America when it occupied Nicaragua from 1925 to 1933 and failed to quash the Sandino Revolt. But where did the American propaganda machine create that term from?
