Featured Editorials

The Democratic Party is Our Enemy, and Set the Table for a Neo-Fascist Trump Administration

Yes, that's right. In its current iteration, the Democrats are the enemy of the 99 percent. To help you understand why, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was a center-left party that held power for many years, until they squandered it by abandoning whatever principles they had, and betrayed working people and unions, in order to serve the capitalist oligarchs, wealthy elites and militaristic elements in their country.

Is AntiFa becoming more fascist than the fascists they organized against?

Real life has been quite hectic on the personal front lately, so I haven't been able to come and share my thoughts with you guys and gals as frequently as I was, but I felt I had to take the time to put this together as I fear it is a troubling sign for the future.

Standing Rock: More Than 70 Water Protectors Arrested February 1

Yesterday, a group of water protectors set up a small new camp on Lakota Sioux treaty land -- and within hours, the cops and mercenaries came through in force and arrested more than 70 people, including Chase IronEyes. I watched quite a lot of livestream yesterday and there are numerous videos of the invasion and the capture of the people standing up for clean water and their treaty rights as a sovereign nation. Since the water protectors often post unedited video, many are quite long, and I therefore haven't watched everything I'm posting today. If you have time, please bear witness to what is being done to Native people again.

Happy Groundhog Day...again?

Round we go...mostly unaware our connections to the past... as we come to yet another ancient pagan holiday.

This is mostly gleaned from wiki, but I found it interesting and hope you do as well.

Six more weeks of winter says Punxsutawney Phil. He left his burrow at 7:25 a.m. February 2nd at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and saw his shadow.

Inquiring minds want to know why?

On Sociopaths, Narcissists, Believers and Provocateurs.

I was reminded of this by the UC Berkley demonstration surrounding Milo Yiannopoulos who fits quite nicely with three out of the four with the exception of believer. As someone wrote a while ago "Milo Yiannopoulos is the ideological analogue of Kim Kardashian’s rear end " [Laurie Penny in the Guardian from memory]

The Netroots in Retrospect and the Resistance to Trump

Almost anyone who has heard of Machiavelli associates him with the sly deceit supposedly recommended in The Prince. It is a grievously erroneous way to think of Machiavelli, whose far more important book was The Discourses on Livy, a multi-volume work some ten times the length of The Prince.
