Evening Blues Preview 6-10-15
This evening's music features blues guitarist Ronnie Earl.
Here are some stories from tonight's posting:
A Bipartisan Group of US Senators Would Like to Re-Ban Torture Again
Six months after a Senate committee released a damning report that described in horrific detail how the CIA tortured "war on terror" detainees at black-site prisons, a bipartisan group of powerful lawmakers introduced legislation reaffirming the ban on torture.
The seven-page amendment [pdf below], introduced Tuesday and sponsored by senators John McCain, Dianne Feinstein, Jack Reed, and Susan Collins, will be included in the Defense appropriations bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and mandate that interrogations of individuals conducted by agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and Department of Defense strictly adhere to the Army Field Manual. ...
There are already laws on the books in the US that prohibit the use of torture. But the McCain-Feinstein amendment would specifically prohibit the use of violence and coercive techniques to extract information from individuals detained in an armed conflict. ...
While the amendment would establish the Army Field Manual as the sole rulebook for interrogations, the manual, as currently written, authorizes the use of techniques — notably sleep and sensory deprivation — that the United Nations Committee Against Torture recently condemned as constituting "torture or ill-treatment."
One way the McCain-Feinstein amendment appears to resolve that issue is by requiring the Army Field Manual to be thoroughly reviewed and revised to ensure it "complies with the legal obligations of the United States" designed to "elicit reliable and voluntary statements that do not involve the use or threat or force." Any changes to the manual must be disclosed publicly, the amendment stipulates.
Katherine Hawkins, a national security fellow with the transparency group OpenTheGovernment, told VICE News that the Army Field Manual, "as it is written now, clearly forbids the worst abuses by the CIA."
"But its Appendix M is deeply flawed," she continued. "I think senators McCain and Feinstein were wise to require that it be updated to forbid all forms of coercion — and to require that it remains public after any updates."
Congress Didn't Notice the FBI Creating a 'Small Air Force' for Surveillance
Last week, Americans learned that even as the NSA collected information on their telephone and Internet behavior, the FBI was using fictitious companies to secretly operate what the AP called “a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cell phone surveillance technology.”
The news organization reported that surveillance flights may be more than a decade old, and identified “more than 100 flights since late April orbiting both major cities and rural areas.” ...
The merits of this program will now be debated.
What’s already clear, however, is the anti-democratic nature of keeping it hidden all these years. The U.S. is supposed to be governed by the people. Whether Americans want a federal law-enforcement agency using planes to conduct surveillance on vast swaths of the country is a question properly aired and debated.
It is for Americans to choose.
Instead, an executive branch that has grown alarmingly powerful since the September 11 terrorist attacks, or perhaps even before, imposed its preferred policy in secret. The vast majority of Americans were completely unaware of its choice.
This made voter accountability on the issue impossible.
Putin Says US Imperial Footprint Unmatched: 'Draw a Map and See'
Responding to ongoing brinkmanship between the United States and his country, Russian President Vladimir Putin dared reporters to publish a map of the two nations' global military footprints and then "see the difference."
The comments came over the weekend as G7 leaders assembled in Bavaria, Germany—a meeting which, prior to the recent upheaval in Ukraine, would have also included Russia. On Monday, U.S. President Barack Obama closedthe summit by saying that the Russian leader was aiming to "recreate the Soviet empire." ...
However, Obama's accusations of Russia violating the "sovereignty of other countries" are striking in light of the United States' own military strategy, which Putin highlighted days earlier in a Saturday interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. ...
Outside of what he described as the "remnants" of Soviet-era armed forces in Tajikistan, Armenia, and zones with high terrorist threat such as the Afghanistan border and Kyrgyzstan, Putin said that "Russia has virtually no bases abroad."
"We have dismantled our bases in various regions of the world, including Cuba, Vietnam, and so on," he said.
And despite statements about Russian aggression, this draw-down highlights a policy that "in this respect is not global, offensive or aggressive."
"I invite you to publish the world map in your newspaper and to mark all the U.S. military bases on it," Putin continued. "You will see the difference."
State Dept: Overcoming ISIS in Iraq to Take 3-5 Years
When it was first launched last summer, the US war against ISIS was supposed to be a quick push meant to shift the momentum back in favor of the Iraqi government. The first year of war has seen ISIS take even more territory, and Iraq less able to resist than ever. Officials are increasingly admitting its a long war.
State Department spokesman retired Admiral John Kirby conceded the victory is “not going to happen overnight,” predicting that in Iraq along the war was going to take another 3-5 years. That wasn’t even necessary a full war timetable, but just the amount needed to “overcome the ISIS onslaught.”
Another administration spokesman on the war, retired General John Allen, last week predicted that the overall war, covering both Iraq and Syria, would last “a generation or more,” an admission that this war is far more open-ended than anyone figured.
Why is the DNC Sending Out Pro-Bernie Sanders Emails?
The "Sheepdog", the Sheep and the Plantation
Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall noticed something interesting recently: he’s been getting a lot of pro-Bernie Sanders emails from the Democratic National Committee despite the organization’s neoliberal leanings and commitment to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. ...
Although Marshall’s analysis is generally partisan, he briefly dips into a deeper critique here when he writes, “If you want to be arch about it there’s a bit of this that reminds me of how things operate in one-party states where there are usually a few official opposition candidates who are harmless and make nominal runs and everyone gets along and goes along…think there’s some element of that – Hillary does kind of need and want the Sanders candidacy.” ...
Ironically, it seems that the DNC and left-critics of the Sanders campaign agree on a very important fact: they believe Sanders will attract a number of young voters and activists, then dutifully tell them to vote for Hillary when he drops out. The DNC sees that outcome as a win and leftists see it as a loss, but both perceive his dropout as inevitable. “Hillary Clinton certainly doesn’t regard Sanders as a threat,” writes Ashley Smith at Jacobin, “She knows that the national election business follows the golden rule: whoever has more gold, wins. ...
The Black Agenda Report’s Bruce Dixon believes that those committed to such an inescapable outcome are assisting Sanders in playing the roll of the “sheepdog”: “The sheepdog’s job is to divert the energy and enthusiasm of activists a year, a year and a half out from a November election away from building an alternative to the Democratic party, and into his doomed effort. When the sheepdog inevitably folds in the late spring or early summer before a November election, there’s no time remaining to win ballot access for alternative parties or candidates, no time to raise money or organize any effective challenge to the two capitalist parties.”
With White House Bid Underway, Clinton Role in Honduras Coup Raises Key Concerns
State Department's role in 2009 Honduras coup makes Clinton's "campaign-season progressive rhetoric seem hollow"
During her time as Secretary of State, presidential candidate and former first lady Hillary Clinton engaged in the "engineering of regional politics in the service of the economic elite," according to a Salon exclusive, Hillary Clinton Sold Out Honduras, published Monday.
"Though it’s less sexy than Benghazi, the crisis following a coup in Honduras in 2009 has Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints all over it, and her alleged cooperation with oligarchic elites during the affair does much to expose Clinton’s newfound, campaign-season progressive rhetoric as hollow," writes journalist Matthew Pulver. "Moreover, the Honduran coup is something of a radioactive issue with fallout that touches many on Team Clinton, including husband Bill, once put into a full context." ...
Pulver explores how the Clinton family's "legal pitbull," Lanny Davis, was "deployed as an auxiliary weapon against the rightful, legal, democratically elected president of Honduras."
"If you want to understand who the real power behind the [Honduran] coup is, you need to find out who’s paying Lanny Davis,” said Robert White, former ambassador to El Salvador, just a month after the coup. Speaking to Roberto Lovato for the American Prospect, Davis revealed who that was: “My clients represent the CEAL, the [Honduras Chapter of] Business Council of Latin America.” In other words, the oligarchs who preside over a country with a 65 percent poverty rate."
Through his reporting, Pulver suggests that Zelaya, a progressive, was ousted because his plans to raise the minimum wage and otherwise provide assistance to the poor were opposed by business interests and the wealthy.
Also of interest:
“people can’t really protest like that anymore.”
"the administrator"
Ya, it ain't the 60's anymore because of assholes like that.
in the '70s, after they broke our occupation of the administration buidiling—via mass arrests—they renamed the neighboring Free Speech Area, the Open Discussion Area. On the signs and everything. Just so everyone would know that while "open discussion" might be permitted, "free speech" would probably be going too far. : /
McCain and Feinstein
My head hurts. You know they do this kind of thing not to do the right thing but to further institutionalize imperialism,
the war OF terror, and all the accoutrements. People look at it and think about whether it's an improvement or something
when it's just the same fucking thing.
talk, it's only talk...
the key term is "army field manual." once you put something into words, the obama administration can "interpret" those words (legally) to mean any damned thing - including the opposite of what was intended by them.
Well, after the NYT piece about FSC's Camp
deciding against going after the voters who are the most ideologically aligned with her (conservadems, Republicans, and conservative Independents)--it really isn't that much of a surprise that the DNC would try to use Senator Sanders to attempt to garner the support/votes of more progressive Dem Party activists.
That was one of the first things that crossed my mind when I heard the news this past Sunday--that it could make it much easier to manipulate some of Sanders' supporters into transferring their allegiance to FSC, if she is able to successfully paint herself as a 'liberal.' (and he loses the nomination to her)
I know that the notion that she could succeed, is almost laughable. But judging from many of the ludicrous pronunciations that I've observed at DKos--from both staff and bloggers--I could see it happening.
Apparently, this was not her original plan. Closer to this Fall (and the No Labels shindig), I'll post the audio interview with one of her FIRE sector fundraisers (one-two years ago, when the "Ready For Hillary" PAC first formed), Shelly Porges, who stated emphatically that FSC would actively seek Republican and Independent votes.
Maybe it will wake up some of the more trusting, or gullible folks who believe she's some kind of liberal savior. I doubt it, but it won't hurt to try.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." --Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
"Will Hillary Channel Her Inner Warren?" Had to share this
since a Dem Party shill is on The Press Pool pushing the idea that Hillary can win over the Warren/Sanders wing of the Dem Party.
Here you go:
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
POSTSCRIPT: Just heard that Harry Reid is already on the Senate floor warning of another Government Shutdown if he can't get a deal on the Sequester (which one mean cuts to non-discretionary programs--Social Security/Medicare, etc--in exchange for more spending on discretionary programs).
So prepare for more slashing of social insurance programs, or the Grand Bargain in 'increments.' As Mason mentioned, the Budget deadline is not until September, but already the language of a Government Shutdown is being bandied about.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Be back later people
I have to work. Whaa!!! going to have to switch my blogging and yakking time to the evening. Great posts today. thanks all.
Naked tourists cause deadly earthquake
No, really
It's a good thing the locals weren't muslims.
Oh, well. You should have mentioned the flight of swallows before. That certainly does prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
don't really know of any deities that get crazy about nakedness, except that Mormon version of Jehovah, that makes people wear the special underwear, and those Muslim variants of the same Jehovah that apparently wants women to appear in public at all times swathed in armor. I do know that Diana doesn't want people looking at her in the bath, but that doesn't preclude the people themselves from getting naked.
I would think mountain spirits would be more pissed off about cellphones and trash, than nakedness.
Since gays caused Hurricane Katrina
as well as most other natural disasters, this actually makes sense.
that's no deity,
that's the well-known dark wizard Pat Robertson, master of weather, who in 1985 diverted a storm bearing down on his church headquarters in Virginia Beach to Fire Island, where it flattened Calvin Klein's house.
In 1998 Robertson tried to bring down hurricanes on Florida's Disney World, because the place was celebrating "Gay Days," but Hurricane Bonnie instead headed straight for Roberston's own Virginia magic-man compound.
As Old Lodge Skins said: "Sometimes the magic works. Sometimes it doesn't."
Wizard Roberston generally claims he unleashed the OD of Katrina because women were aborting. That is apparently also why Robertson felled the Twin Towers. For the feti.
; )
i think that it made the mountain spirits dance for joy and like most wild partiers they got a little carried away.