
Trump makes corruption great again: part 3

Summarizing Trump's executive orders so far:
1. Trump fired most of the inspector generals.
2. Trump revoked Biden's rules against accepting gifts from lobbyists
3. Trump revoked Biden's rule against the "revolving door"
4. Trump replaced civil service classification with political appointees.

Open Thread - 01-24-25 - People Don't Get What They Deserve

The constitutional principles of separation of powers and a co-equal tripartite government are out of balance. The president has become too powerful. Congress has abrogated too much of its power to the executive branch. The president can unilaterally declare war and essentially allocate funding by edict (executive orders). Presidents can now ignore Supreme Court decisions with no consequence. It seems like each subsequent president grabs more power and then flaunts that power in the face of the people along with blatant in-your-face corruption, which now seems the norm.

Attribution: Pixabay

Open Thread - 10-03-23 - How to Survive in Today's World

Author's note: I just woke up and realized that today is Tuesday and I promised to cover the open thread for earthling1. I have to leave shortly for a one and a half hour round trip to a neighboring city to get some shingles for the crew that's working on our house. I don't have time to write anything substantial so I'll post this rough draft that I saved as a future OT.

Our so called leaders are showing us how to survive in today's world. Be a crook. Be corrupt. Lie. Steal. Cheat.

It's become increasingly difficult to make ends meet today, unless one is lawless. It's been made obvious that the rule of law is passe. Both petty thieves and hardened criminals are slapped on the wrist while white collar corruption goes unstopped on a massive scale.


This could turn into a rant, but I'll risk it

Redacted spent a great deal of time today ( If you get the whole program it's pretty much what I want ) talking all anti war. It seems that Ukraine has started their "spring offensive" - by shelling civilians.
