State Department

Josh Paul letter of Resignation

I have copied the text of Josh Paul's letter from a comment at Moon of Alabama. The link to the letter itself is at:

The letter is his resignation from the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, which oversees arms transfers to foreign nations.

Need a break from the coronation? Remember Bryan Pagliano?

Since there is little reason to continue watching the coronation and as we await the next release of DNC election emails from Wikileaks, courtesy of the Russian Cyber News Network, here's something to keep you occupied for a few minutes!

The Missing Man at the Center of Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal

State Department's knowing complicity with HRC's server.

Emailgate--the gift that keeps on giving! One of the gifts for which I am hoping is an orange pants suite for Medusa. As you are aware, Judicial Watch (JW) has been conducting multiple FOIA-based lawsuits against the Clinton-era State Dept. (DOS).

Emailgate: round 3 --Deposition of Stephen Mull

Hello, deposition fans! Here is the third released Journal Watch (JW) deposition related to multiple FOIA-associated lawsuits. The batter in third place is (was) a power hitter in the Hillary line-up, Stephen Mull (SM). He was in charge of cybersecurity in the State Department (DOS) during most of the Queen's reign of terror at Foggy Bottom.

The Federal Records Act, FOIA, and those pesky Email "Records"

Perhaps one of the harshest critiques hurled at presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, by the current State Dept Inspector General, was this:

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

Any Government Employee knows (should know) that everything you do as a Government Employee IS, and one day will (presumptive) become 'a permanent' Public Record. That is what the National Archives is all about. This is because you are working on the public's dime, so the public "has a right to know" what you are actually doing. In theory anyways ... that is what the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is supposed to be all about -- the public's "right to know" ... holding our Government "accountable", ... Sunshine is the best disinfectant, etc. etc.

Uh oh. Hillary just got slammed by State

Top page - Hillary did not have permisso, did not seek permisso, and would not have ever received permisso to use a private mail server.

I do believe the end is neigh for her campaign.

She just doesn't know it.

On edit. I have jury service today. The wee fee is spotty, and did not see the errors of my ways or means (or spelling) until now.