What one single photo might prove
Several communitarians have published photos or other visual material with request for captions. Fun and cross-cultivating. Ah, intellectual pollination. I love c99 (as some suspect) because so many of MoFo's are fucking knowledgeable--often;
and quite well-educated (which does not refer to their opinions but reflects well upon a fund of knowledge backed by a fund of intelligence, admixed with humor (including the blackest).
The following essay is based upon techniques of sheer conjecture to outright plagiarism. I welcome all comments.
Here Is The Photo
What we see, aside from the overcast skies of Washington DC, we see the tip of the Washington Monument (one well-deserved; a hero for the ages, slaves and all). We also see a B2 Stealth Bomber accompanied by two jets (?F-16's)
Now consider where this little spectacle of a billion dollar weapon of mass-destruction is occurring. Over the most protected air space in the world. You think the local FAA facility to could organize that at by itself?
Add to the mix how flight plans had to altered for the entire East Coast. Reflect that not only civilian traffic was affected, so was military traffic. How many airports? How many flight control agents? All on the same page.
The juice
Who's got it? The picture tells the story, everyone.
Billion dollar bomber
Washington Mall fly over
Airports affected along East Coast
Flight plans, large and small, changed.
Who's got the juice?
Look at the picture, communitarians.
I pause for your reactions.
Continuing, how many Clowns (that's Q-talk, folks, for CIA agents) are there--world-wide? How much heavy weaponry do they control? A lot, most likely intermediate range missiles but likely no nukes. Throw in the entire FBI too with their arsenal. Think about this in military terms--because this is war. Don't think so? Anybody who doesn't realize there is a deep war, naturally involving the Deep State (not quite synonymous with Clinton-Obama holdovers, which they mostly are), is inattentive to the obvious schism within the American power structure. Trump has fractured American politics. Like a long bone which has been broken in a spiral, the fragments are difficult to re-unite, often requiring surgery because of repetitive mal-alignment.
The Dems seem unable to comprehend what to do about this fracture, one which will predictably be unsuccessful without undergoing surgery. One Dem stands above the rest, with perhaps 1 or 2 equals, showing the raw face of courage. Don't think TG hasn't seen the worst and the best of humanity. Who can you look straight in the face and feel that looking back at you is a person of substance? Not naming names here.
Please forgive the above political advert, which is sponsored solely by the Associated Arts Council of Alligator University.
Back to , er, er, serious business.
Talking About Talk
There are several different methods through which opposing factions communicate. Some are subtle, some are deadly. The Deep State (DS) communicates to Trump via many avenues, including those may not have considered ourselves. That communication between Trump and DS also occurs in all environments.
The best, direct, even if apocryphal, communication between Trump and the DS occurs is not only Twitter. That's so obvious to anyone knowing the Prez's penchant for Twitterizing. But--here it comes--brace yourself--ready--Q. I shall repeat once for emphasis: Q.
If anybody thinks Q doesn't have direct contact with POTUS, they are denying reality just as much as climate change deniers. I am not going to go over the many "Q proofs". For those who care, go to qanon.pub.
Here's the message as this faithful acolyte, sitting at the foot of greatness, the Mighty Q, wishes to impart.
That should be related and then allowed to resonate within the brains of all who observe.
Please do not conclude that because of this Trump will declare martial law. Seriously, only Democrats believe that and would do it.
The recent revelation of the shenanigans of the noted Maxwell family being Mossad - sex traffickers - blackmailers - business fraudster, etc., "Sir" Robert Maxwell deceased in about 1991 found floating behind (that's called astern, ya landlubbers) his yacht. Not unexpectedly, the name of the yacht was Lady Ghislaine. Sir Robert allegedly had become incensed that he wasn't being appreciated financially sufficiently by his major employer, Mossad. The story I read said the extortion amount wished for was more than 400 million pounds. This is called Chutzpah. It is also called stupid. Three days after delivering the alleged extorting letter to Mossad, one or three of the boys gave Sir Robert a high-diving lesson from the stern.
At this point, I feel like one of the writers here who produces prodigious and complete examinations of the subject du jour. This writer also slips into digressions as gracefully as a bee slips in between flowers.
Push comes to shove, and it might, Donny has all the muscle in the world backed by all the military intelligence of the U.S. DS, be warned: push on 45 and he'll bark. Push harder, he'll squash you like ants.
With all this military power, think you never-Trumpers, can any sane person really think they can prevent Trump from wrecking vengeance on those who not only have abused him but attack his family or his ego?
Scoffers there may be, but face this fact: love him or hate him, Trump is reshaping the entire world.

reshaping the entire world
A reading from the book of the Prophet Mike Diva:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Clandestine organized mass action by masked Antifa will stop him
We’ll be saved by Birth of a Nation, KKK type vigilantism from the Left! </snark>
But seriously . . . people in Hawaii of my parents’ and grandparents’ generation lived through martial law. It’s not so bad if, as a “local,” you do what you’re told.
Counterculture publisher, author, and radical activist Paul Krassner has passed on.
RIP Paul Krassner
We seem to have a number of people in common. I knew Paul during a time when I was deliberately not political. I avoided all news and media in general. I think of it as a blissful period. I met him through my publishing friends, but I had a Bay Area friend who knew him well. She periodically hosted a salon she called "The Conspiracy Club." We both knew I was out-of-the-loop on such matters, but on one occasion I accepted her invitation to attend. Paul was one of the few people that I knew at the gathering, and I was happy to see him. Now I wish I recalled who the other guests were. The excited discussions went right over my head. I remember fragments like the Kennedy assassination. And I remember my internal eyerollism over such an old topic. I knew Paul better from book conventions, where we would pal around to various exhibits and events. He was very smart and funny and knew a lot of people. He was always passing out colorful flyers and pamphlets he carried in his backpack. An activist to the bone.
[edit = typo]
The Military Brass & More Morally Upstanding Deep State Maniacs
might really want to be with Drumpf, especially if this Epstein/Control Files on Pedophilia (and worse) run up the chain of command like it's suggested and it looks like it does.
And it's not just because he's a maverick. He might be easy to control, institutionally speaking. He's got zero backing from the public Establishment. It should have been obvious that he had military juice, as none of the other US Institutions supported him.
I've been loosely following Q for some time now, fully understanding that it's a psyop, and Drumpf's military support does look legit. It might just stem from the fucked up nature of child trafficking and worse as global hegemony.
Can you imagine knowing this was going on at the top level and not being able to do anything about it? How about watching people rise up the ranks that do unspeakable things to children?
I'm not saying this is what's happening, I'm just suggesting that it's a decent rationale for military institutional support, which I believe he has.
It's similar to mentioning that,"Here lies Joe Schmo, the pedo." as your epitaph certainly is a good way to keep a secret to the grave for all those conspiracies that are "impossible" to keep quiet.
It makes Benedict Arnold seem like a good guy.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The battle of the anti-pedophiles vs the pedophiles
This is the Storm, which was preceded, expectedly by the Calm. Beware, Drumpf's God is a Vengeful God. No Mercy will be shown the sinners.
I Prefer This
Globalist cannibal pedos vs nativist fascist jingoes. What a great choice, eh?
It's the only reason I'm staying up on Q. Too much signal coming out of there to completely ignore it, and the set up is for civil war. It's been quite easy to read the hidden war between the lines coming out of the corporate sponsored talking heads and dead print journos.
I want to be aware of the full scope of light v dark. And like any human reality, there is a LOT of grey in there. I'm a bit leerie of throwing my weight on either side, as I'm pretty sure they're both losers, particularly in the immediate future.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I have not picked a side which I hope wins
Me Too. Holy Shit! Apparently G Maxwell is Attached to NASA as
well. This shit is deep, DEEP, and highly offensive to human dignity.
I don't know that I can trust the nativist fascist jingoes to not start to stomp as they get over on the cannibal pedo crowd. Like having a wealthy creepy uncle visit who does ugly stuff vs a crazy nativist gun toter.
I say no to both. I am watching though. Keeping my eyes on that swirling Yin and Yang, and making sure to see, and note, the whole as well as the black and white.
Dualism is not binary. It's at least 3 and more often than not, 4. Black, white, the line that separates them, and the whole. Seeing the whole thing as made up of light and dark is necessary to have situational awareness and acceptance of reality. Where the line is drawn between the two? That is our agency. We get to draw that line.
I'm not prepared to draw my line now, but I am watching that shit spin and trying to keep my eye on the whole.
Hopefully that makes sense. heh. We're talking about insane shit right here.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
If you want to get into the weeds
...of the political-pedophile rings that are operating in the UK and the US at the highest levels of government, Aangrifan has been spilling the beans and naming names on a daily basis for many years. Only recently, however, has it all been given some credence and relevance. It's all there, in the archives, along with interviews, photographs and profiles. The search function is pretty good. Try it out on Maxwell or other names you may know.
The blog that preceded it goes back to 2004. Aangirfan I.
As always, the truth is slippery.
I Don't Think I Can... It's Sooo Ugly. Too Much.
I've been there before, I think.
I stepped into Q during a particularly Podesta-y moment, right after the Q plane hijacking and crash at SEATAC. I saw the Podesta art a long time ago, and the shit that was flying on the board on 8chan was unfucking believable - the vanderbilt pool, trafficking lines, multiple pedo islands... complete insanity - and quite compelling - too much coincidence, correlation, collaboration, and weirdness to dispel.
Q was proven to not be a larp at that time for me. It was obviously psyops after that point.
I think it changed me as a human being, too. Kind of like a death of hope, or the realization that hope is not germane to this situation. Very strange... Thankfully I was emotionally a spiritually prepared for it, a happenstance from the book I was writing at the time.
Film and entertainment have become difficult to consume now as well. It's insane to think about how the business works and what the business is doing with storytelling and symbolism to manipulate and habituate the population.
Thanks for the link, but I don't think I'm gonna be following it.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I understand.
I am very self-protective about certain types of information that are damaging to me. 8chan is very hard to take, but useful for hacking investigations. The links I posted I don't consider prurient. I see them as collections of coincidences. The blog also opens windows into current politics a great deal, like the Democratic Primaries. However, I could be insensitive to what might be horrifying to another. Caution is good here.
I Think I May Have Been Alright If I Didn't See the Thread So
clearly and viscerally. The visuals provided and the scope and breadth of the depravity took me completely by surprise.
I don't watch cop shooting videos either. I prefer to read the report. You can't unring that bell.
Let's just say on that thread that day, I got many videos worth of input - an edit that I created with the algorithm in my head, and I had the storyboard and timeline right in front of me.
It was NOT OK. Happy it happened, I think, but NOT OK.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Not from where I'm sitting:
Obama didn't have complete control of the military.
The military has complete control of the military.
There are factions inside the military, as well.
It's (a) Complex
MIC. Eisenhower coined the term way back in the 1950s or at least popularized it.
Same as "the deep state"?
I've come to prefer the term "Global Security State." I think Tom Dispatch Englehardt coined that one and focused on it in his book "Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single Superpower World"
And this, too, to consider via Wikipedia: "The concept of a military–industrial complex has been expanded to include the entertainment and creative industries. For an example in practice, Matthew Brummer describes Japan's Manga Military and how the Ministry of Defense uses popular culture and the "moe" that it engenders to shape domestic and international perceptions.
What's a "moe"? A Japanese word -- refers to feelings of strong affection mainly towards characters (usually female) in anime, manga, video games, and other media.
@Pluto's Republic Judging by the events in
Your argument about Trump's early Syrian bombings
In April, 2017, Trump committed a very grave war crime.
It goes against long established international law, and defiles every treaty the US has authored and signed at the UN. No State Leader in their right mind would have done this crime. What's more, recent evidence from the false flag that supposedly triggered this crime, proves that the action was malicious and deliberate. This crime will one day be prosecuted.
I personally refer to that day as the April Fool's Day Coup. My assumption is that Trump was tricked into committing this egregious crime because he is ignorant of circumstances and what it means. I'm confident that he knows now what he did. I notice that it is never ever mentioned anywhere, but it hangs over him like a sword. From that point forward, he no longer is in control of this nation's military actions. A coup government is in place. The US government has covert military actions taking place in over 100 countries at this time. This is not being directed by this US President.He gets the news like the rest of us. If it's not reported then he doesn't know.
What the photo proves
It proves that Amerika knows how to waste money on bullshit while Americans are homeless, starving, and/or dying from lack of healthcare.
Yes, Jen, you are correct
is no deep state, there is no Q, the Quackers have been wrong more often than Harold Camping and the ‘62 Mets combined, the president always controls the military (Article II, Section 2), only a Thanaton would sprout a woody about death-planes blatting over the National Mall, boasting about The Klansman’s ability to squash people like ants is what Orwell in 1984 termed sickfuckthink, and the Black Death reshaped the entire world too, but nobody had an ecstasy about it.
There is no dark side of the moon
Q has not predicted when the Trumpian Rapture will occur. But it is coming.
Such a round-up will prove the existence of the band named Q. But, I will await the coming of the cleaning of the Temple, also known as the Augean Stables of government.
Seeing colors in a black and white world
is a bit creepy, but illuminating. The machine is starting to squeak. In spite of the oil.
fugem in the vitriol
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare