
What one single photo might prove

Several communitarians have published photos or other visual material with request for captions. Fun and cross-cultivating. Ah, intellectual pollination. I love c99 (as some suspect) because so many of MoFo's are fucking knowledgeable--often;
and quite well-educated (which does not refer to their opinions but reflects well upon a fund of knowledge backed by a fund of intelligence, admixed with humor (including the blackest).

Between the Lines: The New Praetorians.

I intended to do this only once a week, but today I'm feeling that I must do something. Peace is not a goal that can be relegated to the back burner, and while my gifts do not lie in inspiration or opposition, I can at least provide intelligence to bolster those at the front line.

Between The Lines: US Army Prepping for Permanant War

Good Monday Morning, and welcome to my first official edition of "Between The Lines" which is where I take a look at the propaganda coming out of the US Military and determine what the most likely orders they've been given are.

First out of the chute, a little human interest story about Hats:

Manning to be released on Wednesday

Chelsea Manning is scheduled to be released from the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth on Wednesday.

Pvt. Manning will remain on unpaid active duty pending her final appellate review. As such, she will continue to receive health care and have access to commissaries and military exchanges.

War is Peace, Austerity for the Serfs - Time for Revolution


Trump, the 26% President, signed another executive order for a “great rebuilding of the Armed Forces”. The order calls for Mad Dog Mattis, his war secretary, to review readiness relative to taking on ISIS and "near-peer competitors", and submit a plan within 60 days on how to improve overall readiness by FY 2019.
