8 reasons for the left to continue working within the Democratic party
No surprise, I’m deeply disappointed Bernie did not win the nomination. I’m also disappointed by the convention which in some ways overtly sidelined the left to appeal to “moderate Republicans”. Tacking to the center is a quite standard strategy when primaries are over. Hillary would not be the first or the last candidate to do it. Back in March, I said it may not be the best strategy for this cycle, since Trump jumps about all over the place on the ideological spectrum. I haven’t seen anything yet that changes my views on the matter.
Anyway, I’m going to make a case here to continue working within the Democratic party. You may not be ready to do it today. You may not be ready to do it in November. All I’m saying is you may want to think about it.
- The relative ease with which Bernie leap-frogged all other candidates to capture 43% of the primary vote is encouraging. It’s a sign that the Democratic primary voter is open to left-leaning policies and candidates. None of the centrist, center-right candidates sparked any interest and numerous others self-selected out of contention assuming Clinton would suck the air out fo the room. This happened even with Bernie’s numerous alleged “drawbacks” as a candidate (name recognition, socialism, shouting, etc. etc.)
- Bernie showed us the right candidate will not lack funds. A candidate who sparked the interest of ordinary voters managed to raise more money, faster than the single best fundraising operation cultivated over decades.
- Many within the Democratic party tried to sway the primary towards Clinton. Others worked to be fair. The thumb on the scale was not as bad as many of us feared it would be. Now it is true that establishment Democrats might have been caught off guard this time and they’ll do a better job of derailing a left-wing candidacy next time. But we can up our game as well.
- The demographics of the result favor the left. Younger voters leaned towards Bernie by large margins.
- It’s abundantly clear that the electorate understands the relation between politicians and campaign contributions. And they don’t like it. Politicians who rely on high-dollar fund-raising will start with a handicap in the Democratic party. It is so damaging, the Hillary campaign had to come up with various strategems to reduce their average donation amount.
- Income inequality is front and center among the Democratic electorate. We need to continue pressing Democratic politicians, but they have heard the message and know it demands a response.
- It is actually possible for a non-hawkish candidate to be a contender for the presidency. That implies state and legislative primary contests should be well within reach for a non-hawk to win.
- There is a lot of work to be done to move the Democratic party towards better fair trade, fair labor, and on climate change, environmental policies with teeth to them.
- Building a viable third party at the national level is a long-term task. Unless you think it can succeed quickly, we will need to ally with Democrats, perhaps expanding the model the Working Families Party does.
To be effective in any sort of collaboration, it’s important not to be bothered by the slurs so many have thrown about so freely this year. BernieBros, BoBsoWhite, Deadenders, or in kos’ words “trash”. There seems to be a new one each month. Just as racists seem to never tire of coming up with racist slurs, some Democrats revel in inventing new insults for the left. It’s a waste of time to get upset over them. Michelle Obama had a good line in her speech “When they go low, you go high”. We should follow that maxim.
We need to take honest and fair criticism seriously. This, for example, is a painful run down of fumbles made by the campaign while reaching out to black voters. Read it.
For left leaning candidates to be successful, they will need to present a constructive message. Much like Bernie did. A purely oppositional message is very unlikely to lead to victory. Protest candidates require the stars to align perfectly if they wish to win.
It should go without saying that none of this “be nice” and compromise stuff applies to activists and protestors. They have no such responsibilities, but focusing on the issues they care about. And on that score, the Democratic party seems far more interested in managing the minutiae of the convention pageantry than in listening to activists. Perhaps that’s understandable in an era of TV based politics, but it was a disappointment that Nina Turner wasn’t given the speaking slot she was promised.
Part of the stage management was an attempt to drown out the chants from the Bernie camp. Look, this is all part and parcel of politics. It’s fine that people wanted to chant and other people felt it necessary to chant over them. Good, they felt the urge to.
That said, most of the Bernie chants should have been completely unobjectionable.
No More War: Shouting over this one is the weirdest thing. Are we to gather the Democratic party is for war? And what’s up with the USA chant? I understand the convention was designed to appeal to Republicans, but not that long ago we were mocking them for their relentless faux-patriotism and war lust. What just happened here? Here’s an alternative strategy to tackle this chant. Have the speaker say: “To the people saying ‘no more war’ we agree with you, war should be last resort” would have been beautiful to hear from the podium.
Trying to drown out Love is Love and Black Lives Matter also doesn’t make much sense.
And it's ridiculous to shout over Stop the TPP. This is part of the platform and a policy position Hillary has adopted. Trying to have it shouted over just provides even more fodder to the rumors that Clinton plans to reverse course on this if elected.
I can kind of understand not wanting to hear Walk the Walk and Ban Fracking Now. Those are clear criticisms.
In the end I think it boils down to this. The senior politicians and their teams who run the convention are used to operating within organizations with strict hierarchies. That’s what they do most of the year, in the US legislature, state legislatures or the DNC and state parties. There are rules that govern decorum, format, interaction, sometimes written down, sometimes not. Few people who spend most of the year in that kind of environment are going to feel perfectly comfortable with an activist protesting them. That’s just human behavior and conditioning.
I don’t think there’s a lot of value in getting worked up over it. Just continue doing what you do, and know that some Democrats know and appreciate what you’re doing:
So if you agree that there's too much inequality in our economy, and too much money in our politics, we all need to be as vocal and as organized and as persistent as Bernie Sanders' supporters have been during this election.
We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done.
That's right, feel the Bern!
That’s Obama by the by.

Please don't act like the people at TOP
Subir is not a $hill troll.
They are now.
They are now.
No he wasn't a hillarybot, but
he seems to be doing their bidding. Why is he here all of a sudden? Certainly not because he missed our charming personalities and big smiles? If he is sincere about wanting to be here and is seeking conversation on this topic, I haven't heard it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
does have a comment and essay history...
...to suggest 'i'm like you' but likely just place holders to begin the persuasion campaign once Clinton nabbed the nomination.
Why wouldn't he would like to be a part of
this awesome group? Of course, I cant' presume to know anyone else's reasons for doing anything but I know I came here because the other place became unbearable. I'm glad I did because it's great to be amongst my people.
He's here like the others who are reaching out to us from dK.
Subir has some cred with us so is theoretically the best person to make this pitch. I can see why the Clintonistas would like him to make it. Why subir chooses to do so is something else. And it shows in the internal contradictions of his pitch and comments. It's not a well-reasoned argument, as much as it tries to appear to be with its "points." It's just a pitch like the others.
Why make that pitch, if it doesn't make sense and your well-informed readers will see right through that senselessness? I'd guess that there's something in it for him. A recommendation from or opening within some unnamed entity, or maybe a front-pager role at the GOS, if he can show any success. We all know it's something, that is being withheld from us in this pitch. In the end, it doesn't matter; no one is biting, and subir will go where he will. It's just sad to see it. One more revelation of this season.
That's a really elaborate theory
Quid pro quo is elaborate? Show me something simpler.
Sigh, thought i was done with
Sigh, thought i was done with these $hills. Dont let them wear you down. The revolution continues. Screw Hillary and the Democratic party. Btw, Obama was/is a fail.
I'll have to disagree on this one subir.
The Democratic party is beyond help right now. If we prop it up, it is enabling the addict. Time for a detox.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Hey, you left out a key word in your title, or else omitted
the best and most important reason.
The word you skipped is ONLY, as in "Work only within ... ." If that is the intent and purport, it is laughable and disputable for millions or reasons. Otherwise, however, Reason 9 --
9) As a side activity, an afterthought, why not continue to meddle in Democratic party affairs. At the local level they might, in any given election, have the most progressive candidate for some specific, so it only makes sense to throw such candidates a few bux, a vote or two and the like. When organizing something, it only makes sense to try to enlist the one or two actually progressive hard-core Dems, and any real progressives who are reluctant Dem hangers-on out of lesser-weevil gullibility.
Obviously, there is no harm in putting a little effort and funds into trying to corrupt the Democratic party, move it into the 19th or 20th century, socialize it and the like, because they might inadvertantly do some honest-to-Bob good if the left continues to push and try to trick them. Putting all of our eggs in that sorry-assed worn out corporatist basket, however is pretty stupid.
I have some history here, in this politics game. I participated in and helped organize tons of actions in the sixties, and the associated passel of "radical" activists accomplished many things one doesn't really think of attributing to us. Some tried to sell us on working from within, usually with respect to the Dem(onic) party, and those didn't really accomplish much of anything by comparison. Some who were of us, later decided to branch out and go work within.
We guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of political activity on the campuses of state run colleges and universities, stopped a war, stopped the draft, helped unionize various industries and businesses and helped Chavez & Huerta unionize agriculture. We helped push civil liberties and helped the civil rights movement a bit and helped get the ball rolling for things like equal access for the mobility impaired and on, and on and, on. Now, one of us who comes to mind decided to go make a career out of working within, so, how about you go ask Tom Fucking Hayden what he has accomplished outside of and independent of the movement he was once part of.
At any rate, the Dems can be allies, in the unlikely event that there is anything they would be consider being allied on. Individual Dems can work with the left and even be of the left, and lefties can aid and abet the Dems when they try to do good abnd try to corrupt them when they don't, but tieing one's wagon to that horse seems a bit silly. They have never really moved unless driven by massive protest and street actions, are aren't going to organize or participate in them themselves,, so they cannot be our sole hope, or even our primary instrument.
Thanks for bothering to read this, if you actually do so.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I did, and I think others should as well.
There's no single answer for everyone, in every location and every circumstance.
I disagree, if progressive candidates want my vote....
than they would be best served by not running with a conservative party.
They can join a REAL progressive party if they want my support.
I will do NOTHING to prop up this corrupt establishment anymore.
We need to make that (D) just as toxic to progressive candidates as the (R) currently is.
Because both are indeed the same... The only difference lies in which Oligarch's team you are supporting, the banking sector or the Energy/MIC sector (That last one has so much overlap though now that the distinction between the two is meaningless.)
I'm #NeverAgainADem
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
It is disappointing to see you stoop this low, subir
You appear to be a part of a concerted effort from at least one other site to spam us with pleas for unity using scare tactics and the old canard of voting for the lesser evil. You post and run which definitely indicates that you are not posting here in good faith. You posted an essay here yesterday and never even bothered to engage with the commenters. Stop posting and tell your fellow partners in the spamming of this site to stop now. We are NOT a Democratic party site, but we believe in real democracy, not the coronation of the most corrupt candidate to ever run for President.
There are a hell of a lot of us voters who refuse to continue the Democratic party's abusive relationship with the left. The Democratic party is no longer the party of the people and for the people. It is the party of the Clintons and the oligarchs. It is also the corrupt party that rigged the elections in favor of Hillary Clinton. Perhaps you and your fellow Clintonites need to read this essay which summarizes the report issued by Election Justice USA. Its findings are a scathing indictment of how the primaries were rigged to ensure Hillary Clinton got the nomination. This is not just about Bernie, it is more about justice and we cannot have justice when we turn a blind eye to the Clintons' corruption and the injustice they have wrought upon the elcetions in this country.
So hell no! I am not going to support the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton. Every person should vote his or her own conscience and my conscience would never allow me to vote for Clinton. Now please tell everyone who is part of this scheme of spamming this site with pleas to support Clinton to stop now!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
They just don't get it
This time it's different. We're not going to come crawling back. This primary season the Democratic party has lost a good chunk of its electorate, and a far bigger chunk of potential young recruits. It mortgaged its future for one more spin on the Wall Street wheel, and no matter the results in November the party has already lost.
The Empress has no clothes, and some of us are pointing and laughing. The crowd won't play along anymore. And it's only going to get worse for them.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Comment of the Week
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I did get around to the comments on yesterday's post
but late.
Speaking for myself, I write about what I'm thinking of at the moment. I was thinking about Trump and Thackeray the day before. I was thinking about the many paths that Bernie's run opened up yesterday.
You're free to assume whatever you want about "concerted effort from at least one other site to spam us". What got my attention is the word "spam". If you think the post has the quality of "spam", well I need to think about that.
Subir, you were one of my favorite posters at TOP and
I get that it's sad when a place you held dear doesn't feel right anymore. I, for one, I'm glad to see you posting here because because I enjoy your writing and the passion you had for Bernie. However, I think gulfgal98 said it best when she said, "we are not a Democratic Party site." My hope is that you'll come around to our point of view and join us.
Your post is not spam
And frankly, most of the comments on this thread remind me very much of DKOS.
If this is what we're going to turn into..... yet another ridiculous partisan web site just with a different focus then JtC should just rename it www.votegreen.com and be done with it. I'm pretty much done with the kool-aid and I don't care whether it's green, red or blue.
I'm beginning to sense that the truth of this community is exposing itself just as the truth of DKOS did. Are humans always going to be stuck in tribal identity bullshit?
(LOL, and this from a guy who disagreed with you point by point through your entire post. But it certainly was not spam.)
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
How do you know?
We know for a fact that Brock is paying bloggers to post pro Hillary stuff.
If subir has taken the Queen's coin to post paid political ads, and doesn't declare the payment, doesn't that count as spam?
And don't get me wrong, I don't mind him posting, but he needs to come clean if anyone is paying him to do so.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Well, let's define "spam"
In my mind, spam is unwelcome and uninvited advertising. I assume most people's definition is something similar. So brings us to the million dollar question for the community, "Is any discussion relating to the benefits of either the Democratic Party or Hillary Clinton an uninvited advertisement of unwelcome concepts?" The day that statement becomes true is the day this site has gone the way of GOS and I'll be somewhere else -- as will all other thinking visitors.
For me personally, I very much like to read arguments that fly directly in the face of my own thinking. I'm none too interested in a GOS-like echo chamber -- a thing I would find demeaning to participate in. The only thing I ask is that assertions are based on something identifiable as reality and arguments derived from those assertions form recognizable chains of logic.
I think he missed the key point but overall his arguments weren't the drivel I read on GOS and in fact his post spawned some interesting responses as it was rebutted. Value-add in my mind.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
You're avoiding the question:
I asked about blogger payola.
It had nothing to do with invited or uninvited, but whether it amounts to posting under false pretenses.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You're right, I missed that part.
Got a citation for that assertion?
I agree with your logic chain but it rests on a premise which I have no reason to believe given subir's posting history and clearly non-kool-aid drinking attitude.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Surely you understand that in English conditional statements starting with 'If' suggest a hypothetical?
But that doesn't mean we don't have suggestions of it. You are aware, I hope, that the Clinton campaign is on record as paying bloggers? As a popular poster at dKos, subir would seem a prime candidate to be headhunted for a job with the Brock outfit.
And considering he just all of a sudden shows up on the day of the coronation spouting canned pro-Hillary canards (along with a bunch of others who mysteriously show up around the same time), it at least deserve a question as to his motives.
So, on this very thread, I asked him straight out whether he was getting remnuneration. He has refused to answer, which wouldn't seem hard to do if he were not getting paid.
So if you feel like answering my question, feel free. But if you just want to obfuscate, I won't waste any more time fencing.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You're correct... again
To directly answer your question, I cannot prove the post isn't paid for. Then again, I never said it was. I said it wasn't "spam". YOU were the one who asserted in a Rush Limbaugh sort of way that subir is a paid blogger for camp Hill. Can you support that assertion or not?
That being said, you clearly want to win so knock yourself out. My fervent hope is that voices like yours do not shape this community. I see no particular value in another GOS even if it does have a more congenial bias.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
You have a nice night.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
This isn't about partisan or not
It is about a post coming up coincidentally right when we know people at GOS are talking about coming over here to convince us to switch. The post's arguments don't do it any favors (The general argument of "Hillary would have won even without the cheating" is something I have only heard so far from Hillbots and it's clear that the Democratic system is not going to be taken down from within unless their is a large external force; they have all the money and media. Bernie ran an unprecedented campaign against a horrible, corrupt candidate and the party answered by running massive election fraud and media manipulation. They will get better at this, but I don't think there's going to be a Bernie running for office every 4 years).
If someone wants to vote for Hillary here, that's fine. If someone wants to try and convince us, that's fine. Timing and argument structure is always critical and I can see why both of those raised red flags here.
"We are NOT a Democratic party site"
Well said, we are an international, non-political site. I'm a Canadian Green and I feel at home here.
I look forward to seeing this site revert to everyday things, after this US election is over.
To thine own self be true.
gg, I don't see subir doing what you say
he's doing in his post today.
I appreciate your taking the time to write this
However, and please forgive my bluntness, but this:
is patronizing, condescending bullshit. Check yourself.
And this:
is just terrible propaganda. It requires one to believe: a) that all we care about is lip service and b) that we believe certain folks when they say stuff.
Also, Bernie didn't seem to have a problem reaching out to younger black folks and other non-whites. Stop engaging in that smear. You discredit yourself (further).
Work with Democrats if you like. Change isn't happening through that party, and if you really cared about it you'd abandon them, because they have already abandoned you.
"just terrible propaganda"
The only saving grace from all this Brock inspired carpet bombing of any and all media is that most of the messaging is so cringingly inappropriate.
I think Hillary fucking with our internets is doing her way more harm than good.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Like we're going to take advice on income inequality from Obama
That's a good one.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Sure, it might have been lip service.
but it was important to hear.
The Fusion piece is very, very much worth reading. It's feedback from Bernie surrogates talking about campaign mechanics and and ways in which they feel the campaign could have done better. You can chose to be reflexively annoyed at it. I read it with an open mind and walked away thinking this is something a future candidate from the left needs to consider carefully.
If it's just lip service then it has no import.
And you're making some rather baseless assumptions about what I've read and the genesis of my reactions to it, while tossing out a casual insult implying closed-mindedness. Kindly stop.
Oh that is so incredibly not true
If it is just lip service then it has deep import. It tells you that they have no intention of dealing with this issue and will seek to lie and deceive in order to gain votes. I would call that very much "of import".
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
That's a great point! My mistake.
I agree. I've never done this before but I'm going out
right now and register as a Democrat. Then I'll go to the Democratic party office in the area and volunteer to get out the vote. I'm jacked. Thanks for this.
I'd say don't encourage 'em Big Al,
because they'll think you are serious and send us more of this crap.
But that was really funny.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Ya, guess you're right.
Like I tell my kids, don't feed the squirrels.
Squirrel? Did someone say Squirrel?? Where? Is it Russian???
Oh shit, sorry... I had a Clintonista moment there....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
the pod people got you...say it ain't so!!
Well, it was really the white pantsuit.
My essay this afternoon will expand on that.
Is that an essay in your expanse, or are you glad to see me? n/t
Your snark is so welcome
When they re-post it over at TOP, they are unlikely to see the humor, however.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Maybe that's the best way to deal with this:
Just all of us put on our best Hillbot snark and let them think their lame propaganda is actually working.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Wait Big Al, wait, we could enlist on the buddy plan,
like some did for VietNam!!!!! /s
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
That's exactly what I did d.o.
A friend and I got too drunk one night and decided to join the Navy together. Before we knew it we were riding submarines bareback yelling yippie, get me the fuck out of here!
I enjoyed this, Big Al, coming from you :)
Thanks for the laugh.
Tacking to the *center*? To the CENTER?????????
That's a tack to the HARD RIGHT, because the Pseudo-Democratic Party will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER move one picometer back from the far center right position they have dug themselves into.
That you don't understand this, shows that you don't understand anything and you don't have any advice worth listening to.
You're wasting your time with me: I am not a Democrat and have not been one since...well, some time before the 2000 Electoral Coup.
At this rate I not only will never be one again, I will not see many opportunities to
cooperatecollaborate with what has become the NeoFascist Party.There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hillary’s nomination is fraudulent to the extent that
there is evidence various Democratic primaries were conducted in a fraudulent manner.
Trump was at least honestly nominated, even though this went against his party’s wishes.
Fraudulently versus honestly — shouldn’t that figure in any decision about what to do?
Accepting fraud in the primary practically guarantees fraud in the general.
As with torture, war crimes, mass surveillance, execution without trial, etc. under Obama, ignoring or playing down an evil only normalizes it, making it easier and easier for the next bad actor to spin it as no big deal.
It’s a bad idea to vote to reward those who lie, cheat, and steal elections.
Knowing right from wrong, fairness from fraud, it’s a bad idea to reward fraud.
That is the true irony.
The Rethug party higher-ups were shitting their collective britches when Trump became a threat to get the nomination. But the RNC did not make one move to disenfranchise Rethug voters or otherwise cheat to deny the nod to Trump. They let their voters decide, for better or for worse. The party of Nixon played it straight as an arrow.
The Democratic party on the other hand, fixed the primaries for Hillary. Even when they weren't rigged he lost when he should have won. For instance, in my beloved West Virginia, Bernie won all 55 counties. Hils didn't carry one single county. But because of super delegates, Hillary had more votes from the WV delegation at the convention. Voter caging, switching voters' affiliation, not letting NPP voters request a Dem ballot in California unless they used "special language", and all of the other actions to give the nomination to the hand picked candidate was not in the Rethug party, but the Democratic.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Well sure but...
... let's be clear. Obviously more than 50% of Democrats don't care about things like fraud. They have no interest in prosecuting bankers. They have no interest in election fraud. Those are the actual "fraud" cases. Then we could count all the various lies and deceptions to which a Hillary supporter can only respond "politics ain't softball" -- branding themselves ethically bankrupt.
One of my major missions in life is to teach people why it matters if politicians lie and why it simply isn't good enough to say, "They all do it." I figure every time I win that battle I've got a convert to our cause.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
#DemExit is easy for me
Happy #DemExit Day! Its easy for me because I have "never, ever" been a registered Democrat. I am part of the largest group of voters in America, the Independents. Neither major party can win a national election without us. They need us more than we need them.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Stay outside ALL parties.
In my opinion, the best way to proceed is to form a coalition of all (or most) of our revolutionary racial, social and economic and environmental justice, religious and secular and anti-war groups and continue working together outside of any party structure to force positive and moral change from any and all candidates from any and all parties. Although, for example, we reject the Democratic and Republican Party, we can still make sure that if they continue representing white supremacy, xenophobia, corporate rule, fear and war that they will be met with massive protest and a vote based on moral principal, not party affiliation.
In my case I have been a member of the Bolivian "Movement to Socialism" (MAS) for a long time, since before it was a party with any representation in the Bolivia Legislature. In the USA, I would support Socialist Alternative and if the bases decide to support Jill Stein and Nina Turner for VP, or whoever, I would use that as a guideline.
And please, I wish critics of the essay would allow people to speak without acting like little mini-censors and ad hominem attacks. I was sick of that at TOP and I don't like it here any better. I think much better if I have opposing views and welcome them.
From the Light House.
I respectfully disagree.
First, capturing the 45% of the primary vote was not an easy task by any means. Bernie had the people's money and a populist movement behind him, and the party still managed to shut him down by rigging the system for their favored candidate. There is absolutely no way to elect a liberal nominee when the corruption is systemic and institutionalized.
You note that the thumb on the scale was "not as bad" as we thought. I disagree, in that it's not confirmed to be as bad as we thought yet. There was clear collusion between the Clinton camp, the DNC, and the media, and I wouldn't be surprised if the most damning emails that confirm blatant election fraud have yet to be released by Wikileaks.
Yes, people are absolutely against the influence of money in politics and income inequality, however, we know that the actions of our politicians, especially the Democrats, do not match their rhetoric. They give us flowery speeches and platitudes about fixing the system, but they never will, primarily because they benefit from keeping things the way they are. I find the argument that Hillary will try to overturn Citizens United to be one of the most laughable assertions made in the entire primary, particularly since no one has benefited as much from dirty corporate money than she has. That's like asking a junkie to pass legislation outlawing meth. It ain't gonna happen.
Additionally, one of the areas where I disagreed with Bernie was his foreign policy. He was too hawkish for my tastes, and I disagree that an actual peace candidate can be viable within the party. Bernie's foreign policy was not pacifist, rather he was simply more sensible about the use of military force than Hillary and he was not a blatant warhawk. Simply put, it was not one of his strongest selling points.
Finally, I will say what I've noted time and time again. Even if your goal is to retake the Democratic Party, how will you achieve that by voting for Hillary in November, thereby strengthening the establishment and enhancing Clintonian control over the entire party structure? If you think that things are bad internally now, you haven't seen anything yet. In my view, the only way that you can even hope to wrest control away from the Third Way Dems is with an inside-outside strategy that focuses on creating a viable alternative on the left. If you want to take back the party, the Democrats need to lose. Badly. They need to see that what they are doing does not work and that people will not vote for neoliberalism no matter how they dress it up. They need to suffer crushing defeats over and over until the message is driven home. That is the only way that folks like Bernie will get an opening to retake control of the party from the inside; it needs to be significantly weakened. And in my view, the only way to ensure that that happens is to work on building up a third party.
As for the censorship at the convention, the problem is that the party bigwigs really don't respect us. They don't think they need us. They don't understand that their methods have only made people angrier. They, like Hillary, don't seem to understand that we don't respect the process because it is rigged to disenfranchise us. They don't understand that many of us see Hillary as an illegitimate nominee. They don't understand that we don't respect the rules of decorum that are designed to make us shut up and sit there like good little muppets. They don't understand that if they keep shutting down peaceful protest, they will have a full-scale revolt on their hands.
well said
in regards to pacifists, just look at the convention. Military, rah-rah!!! Kill ISIS, kills the terrorists! USA USA! There is absolutely no room for arguments that the massive budget drain for all these engagements all over the world (and at home) is perhaps not a good thing. No discussion of the merits of the US being entangled in a multitude of conflicts, often long term and at a very high price. No discussion of how you can justify this country spending more than the next 7 countries on the list combined. No discussion of where ISIS came from, the only thing you hear is that it must be destroyed. Every bomb that is dropped means your taxes go to fund the next one. The ISIS bombing campaign alone can be added up $6 billion, at the rate of $480,000/hour! No other country in the world has to deal with such a burden. If you bomb them to death, will it just be over like that? The supply will never run out as long as the conditions are not changed, in the middle east and beyond.
This is a huge industry with undue influence, they basically get what they ask for. It has to stop. If this were any other country it would be called insane, I guess the U.S. is exceptional after all...
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
There's no funds for public education but there's always more
for the mercenaries; the military and the military welfare program; weapons manufacturers; and the 16 intelligence agencies.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Just to be clear, this isn't a plea to vote for HRC
Whom you vote for is your business.
It's me musing on the road forward for some of us.
I appreciate all your points and there are good reasons for staking out the path you outline.
Those who make peaceful
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable~JFK
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Apparently you have earned some cred with your Bernie support over at TOP, cause the dickfor who posted this sort of "come here puppy so I can kick your ass again" stuff, unposted in less than 2 hours yesterday. It appears that you are being treated with much more respect , but receiving the same message. We, as a group seem to have a common mindset when it comes to "INTEGRITY,HONOR, CHARACTER". That is why we so strongly support Bernie...he has integrity, he is honest, he shows a tremendous strength of character, he shows compassion for his fellow men and women, and those like them around the world.He acts HONORABLY...something that is completely missing from the leadership of the Democratic "machine", the pre-ordained nominee...i.e. "Her", the big money donors, and the candidates that are willing to suck hind teat to get a trickle of that blood money. I'm sure you would like a definition of these terms to help you understand, but it is a better learning tool to research the meaning, undertake the actions, live the behavior that is the nature and substance inherent to those characteristics.
Maybe if you show that you value respect, integrity, character, and show knowledge of what is "honor", you will find followers ; not only here, but all along your walk in life.
I'm a Bernie Supporter, and I will not vote for, or encourage anyone else to vote for HRC, or Trump....and you know what? We Aren't Going Away
One concern I have is that candidates like
Bernie don't come along every election cycle. That is true, and it's about integrity, honor, character and the electorate recognizing those in you.
And this is why I'm done with the Dems probably forever.
Candidates like Bernie, who for all his human flaws is a statesman and a public servant with integrity and a reputation for saying exactly what he means, not only don't come along every election cycle, he's the first in my 45 years.
The Democratic party was given a gift, a chance to win the younger generation and grow their party. They threw it away for a criminal. We won't get another Bernie anytime soon and I hope to see the Democratic party die a fiery death. They are short-sighted, greedy and corrupt.
Excellent comment, Haikukitty!
Particularly this:
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Are you serious?
They made sure to lock virtually the entire establishment behind them, Congress, Governors, even state office holders. Then they rolled out the 'cranky old man' campaign against Sanders directly crafting stories and channeling them to the corrupt media, with all the nastiness added as evidenced by the emails (Nevada, religion, etc). They refused to allow for timely debates when people could actually watch. When even that was not enough they manipulated the primaries, from Bill's electioneering to making sure non-party members and new voters have a terrible time getting their vote recorded. And of course they happily took the oligarchy's money, even changing the rules to grab yet more of it!
This party CANNOT be reformed. It needs to be defeated. That is the democratic way, after all. If Bernie can muster up a groundswell of support as evidenced over the length of a few months, you can certainly built a robust national party over 4 years! Of course the system will fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo, but ultimately, if enough people are pissed off, it's a fight that can be won. If you just demur and cast yet another vote for the lesser evil you are only delaying the inevitable while making things worse for the country.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
Seriously, did you expect any less?
What you've described is BaU. I feared it could be much worse.
Business as Usual in a party you are trying to convince us to
stay with. No thanks. I don't want to be affiliated with any organization where cheating, corruption, voter suppression and the use of big media to thwart democracy is business as usual.
You left out the fact that they also branded Progressive Sanders
voters either in a dismissive fashion, ala all the, "Ponies, Unicorns & Pixie dust" bullshit.
Or by insulting our intellegence and trying to label us all as, "uninformed idealists living in Momma's basement" or "Mysognistic Bernie Bro's", "Petulant Children" or worse.
Then they attacked us with baseless, fraudulent claims of being violent.
Stripped many of us (Including my wife) of their ability to vote in the primary through party switching.
Disenfranchised many more with whiteout and shredder trucks.
And repeatedly branding us as nutty "CT" types. (While ignoring the fact that more and more evidence rises every day to support these "Theory's" validity.
Nope, sorry. I ain't buying any more of the B.S. they have to sell.
I'm Sicilian, we have a long standing tradition of not letting those that screw us get away with it.
While I am not advocating putting Clinton in a box, I am advocating to NEVER AGAIN support a party that went so far out of it's way to screw so many of us out of so much.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
All that. I am indeed not sure what else they could have done other than somehow disqualify Sanders from even running for the nomination.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
The relative ease with which
It's a sign that we need a new party that promotes left-leaning policies and candidates.
Thus removing a major obstacle to running third party.
Those others should be provided with an alternate party to be a part of - one that more closely represents their values.
Which makes this an excellent time to start a third party.
So they should favor a hypothetical third party that consciously refuses Wall Street's money.
Actually, if you vote for or support them, it will prove that our message demands NO response.
It is a long term task. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that it cannot be a vehicle for the change we seek; indeed, it has proven to be a wholly unconscionable choice. To continue supporting Democrats, even for a day, is to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the people. And every day we support the Democratic Party is another day that we withhold that support from a third party, while every day we rebuke and reject the Democratic Party is a day that creates space for the party that is to replace it.
You think you have given us 8 reasons for the left to continue working within the Democratic Party. I say you have given the left 8 reasons why it is time to utterly destroy the Democratic Party.
Hear, hear! n/t
Yes, that is a perfectly reasonable way to look at it.
Excellent and calmly reasoned response. I applaud you and it.
I wish I wasn't so rabid at the moment, maybe I could have written something half as pretty, lol!
However, I have no intention of letting go my rage at the DNC for what they have done, did, and will do in the future.
I am trying, really really hard, to use it as fuel for my fire without letting it consume me.
It's a difficult line to walk, and one that is easy to slip to one side or the other while walking on, the important thing, at least for me, is to try to stay on the path to the best of my ability.
Having people like you and my other C99P Peeps around to help keep my perspective is more useful towards that then you can probably know.
And for that, I thank you all.
You are collectively the magnetic North for when I need to check my moral compass.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
... got your back, Alpha --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
There's no need for rage so
There's no need for rage so long as you have clarity of purpose.
I voted for Stein in 2012 because by then I saw what Obama really was. I came back to the Democratic Party this year because it was Bernie Fucking Sanders - but we saw how that turned out, with the greatest grassroots Presidential campaign in history cut down by cheating and the corporate media, and its candidate kissing Hillary's ass and selling her bullshit. This year removed all doubt that the Democratic Party is beyond redemption and must be destroyed, even if it means Republicans win some terms in the process.
I am glad to see you posting here, subir
Although I see your ideas are not being well-received by some at the moment.
At the risk of being tarred with the same brush that's being used on you, I'll share my perspective.
Imo, the fervent 'Fie on both your houses' position so evident these days carries the risk of pushing the Left back out into the wilderness where it will splinter into its historic unmanageable factions, leading to loss of power among its uncoordinated components. In other words, I fear a replay of what happened after the 1968 Dem convention -- a dissipation of the power that has been brought together by the Bernie Phenomenon.
I see in this post's comments -- and often, here and at other 'Feel the Bern'-type sites -- an adamant and aggrieved 'Either/Or' rejection of the existing political environment. Although these are understandable emotions for the moment, these emotions do not, imo, provide a firm foundation on which to build a different structure for political power.
The brilliance of Bernie's agenda -- and the basis for his wide appeal -- was in his agenda of clearly spelled-out steps (including bills already prepared for Congress) that would lead to specific structural changes that would offer *immediate improvement* in the lives of regular Americans. For example, the combination of 'Robin Hood taxes' that would impose tiny transaction taxes on Wall Street along with plans to use that revenue to fund improvements in people's access to health care and education was just one of the many ways in which Bernie hoped to create meaningful change while working completely *within* the system. Using the organizing tools developed by his campaign, and the human connections developed within it, Bernie also still hopes to generate a new generation of politicians who will embody the broad political change we hope to see.
Bernie's approach seems to me to be 'Both/And' instead of 'Either/Or'. I see more potential for positive political movement in the 'Both/And' model than in the 'Either/Or'.
For me, that 'Both/And' model might include a combination of supporting groups like Brand New Congress AND supporting the Mahakali Overdrive's still-developing model of creating Coalitions of the Left, bringing together already-established activist groups to hammer out a political consensus.
The 'Both/And' model (which includes Bernie's plans as they stand now) will of necessity require that there are some people who work 'on the inside'. To me, subir's post addresses the possibility of working in that zone.
I think that the inclusion of voices like subir's adds and important dimension to the quality of political discourse here at c99.
Although these are
We're not at that stage yet. We're still at the stage where a large number of confused, idealistic lefties think that they can win by crawling into bed with someone who is currently acting directly against us, and those lefties need to either be convinced of their mistake, or eliminated from the movement.
If only there was some party that would sincerely promote and seek to implement those policies! Because the Democratic Party ain't it.
Mahakali Overdrive is a petty tyrant who deals in bullying, censorship, and cronyism. If she's creating any kind of coalition, you can be sure that her object is to expand her personal influence by seeing herself installed as part of its ruling body, and her friends and admirers as all the other parts. Watch that snake carefully.
No, I really disagree. I think she is one of our most valuable assets--A great wartime general. She limited distractions and maintained a narrow focus until the end of the primaries. In early March, she was just as confused as the rest of us and still got KFS going quickly to fight back. KFS was geared more toward day to day action (phone banking, pressuring delegates, etc...). A link to c99% has always appeared in the right column and she encouraged people to bring there more wonky discussions here. Discussion of Trump, for example, wasn't permitted, but you could follow the link to c99% and have that discussion with most of the same people. I see this community as the overlapping membership of several groups, each geared toward slightly different things. When working against the clock, it's desirable to narrow focus on a specific task. We should always have something capable of doing that and I think Mahakali Overdrive is fucking amazing.
Now is the time to take a step back and understand where we are in the context of what has happened. She is doing that too.
It takes a certain mindset
It takes a certain mindset and ambition to position yourself as a leader in a bully mob, but that's not the kind of ambition we need to encourage.
As for what she did for KfS, creating a subreddit is easy as pie (easier, even... stupid crust!) and she wasn't the one who put in the bulk of the work - she had mods, volunteers, etc. for that.
Talk of 'eliminating people' is pretty extreme
language to be using, Cloudbaby. Very far to the 'Either/Or' side of the continuum, and imo verging on the kind of ideation that can lead to Stalinist purges with real-world 'elimination' of actual human beings.
You then engage in some pretty severe slander (or libel, since it's written) of Mahakali Overdrive (and I do mean slander/libel in its legal 'defamation of character' meaning.) I take it she is one of the people you think should be 'eliminated from the movement'?
But then again, I guess you'd want Bernie 'eliminated' too, for 'crawling into bed'.
Having read your 'Men's Rights Movement' rants a week or so ago, I don't feel any need to respect your opinions in other areas.
Now this is over the top hyperbole cronewit
I would like to see the Democratic party eliminated, gone daddy gone never to return. It is That doesn't lead to Stalinist purges. Enough with these bs. talking points straight out of the Democratic fear play book. So those of us who refuse to work inside the Democratic Party and do not intent to vote for Democrat's are now dangerous extremeist 'ideological purists'. Where have I heard that over and over. Also claiming that people who want to eliminate the Democratic party will lead us to a Stalinistic state. Bernie made his bed but that doesn't mean I'm getting in it. the Dems. made it quite clear that they are the ones who want the left purged from the party.
As for Bernie he sheep dogged the left right into the vela pens outside.. He threw his lot in with the anti-democratic criminals who own and run the party the world and the universe. I hope it doesn't work. It shouldn't work. Bernie is a pol not a freaking Moses. MO is nobody I have to respect nor is Sanders. She lost my respect at dkos when she joined DEO's flying Monkey brigade. Sanders lost mine when he endorsed The Mad Bomber who is everything he supposedly was fighting against. I don't love or hate any pol.
Talk about libeling people look what they did to NYCeve and Slinkerwink and anyone who dared to speak out against what Obama's administration was doing. I happen to agree about MO even though I have occasionally found her on my side of some issues. Yes she talks the socialist talk but she has an authoritarian streak and I have having been on the receiving end of her hypocritical PC many times. Your PC is not mine and this site is not partisan and not about supporting any pol.
Having read your post's here that reek of censorship and concern I am not obliged to take anything you say seriously. See how that works? In case you haven't noticed the left is coalescing and coming together in solidarity outside the gates of the anti-democratic RW Democratic party. Politics are not static and the Dems are going go the way of the dodo and become extinct. It is the party where all real democratic liberal, progressive movements go to die.
Thank you for forewarning me, shaz
that you were going to write "over the top hyperbole".
The comment of mine that you replied to was addressed to Cloudbaby and his extremist language.
I've never found your comments to make much sense, shaz, so I generally ignore them.
extremist language?
I guess extremism is in the eye of the beholder. Me I think Your reply was extremely over the top. I know you were replying to Cloudbaby. You pulled the old trick of projecting reflecting your brand of double speak on his language to make your point and case for moderation and incrementalism of working inside a basically fascistic duopoly. Like Killary or Kane are not extremist's in language or in policy. You certainly didn't ignore Cloudbaby's comment. Why not? He libeled MO? lol.
I too usually ignore your comments when they stray into the dkos territory of PC concern trolling. As I said this is not a partisan site. I have had enough of guilt tripping and identity politics. I came here long before Bernie ran as Democrat. I have not been a Democrat since 2012. I will never vote out of fear again. I will never vote for a lesser evil because that is bs. Sure I tend to be a hot head but here I've not had deal with self censoring or the self righteous thought police who use identity politics to shame and blame those of us who see clearly what's going on.
I certainly will ignore you completely in the future. What's with this onslaught of pumping partisanship and unity from the inside ? Like I said there are plenty of people willing to take this farce of a democracy on from the outside. So I guess we agree to disagree as you make no sense to me. Your mission to rope people into believing this party is redeemable or as Bernie says 'revitalize' the Democratic party is just another empty pocket full of hope.
I prefer
a red wine vinagrette with my word salads, shaz.
I'm partail to white and dry.
Talk of 'eliminating people'
I said "eliminated from the movement" - as you know perfectly well. I see you're not above taking people's words out of context to make strawmen out of them. "Stalinist purges", lol!
It's not libel if it's true.
Like snakes from grass.
Bernie marched himself out of the movement when he endorsed Hillary.
Ah, the classic ad hom.
I find that one's stance toward the MRM is pretty indicative of whether they're a principled progressive or principally a partisan poseur. The former considers it on its merits; the latter, on its prestige.
I agree with your overall point.
There are a lot of calls to burn down the system and for exclusion. That's worse than a bad idea. It takes no effort to tear down and abandon but it's far harder to build. It's impossible to build when you reject necessary tools and materials. We will better serve our cause if we reject destroy and exclude.
I agree that part of subir's message is positive but it remains that I see his purpose is unity when there can be none around HRC.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Burn it down for exclusion? Gimmie a break.
I wouldn't worry too much about this....
We have something now that wasn't available then.
Now, we have the ability to distribute massive amounts of information to millions, coordinate nationwide actions, and communicate amongst the various factions, and all practically for free.
In '68 we would need an army of people in a warehouse full of Mimeographs and thousands of dollars in postage and supplies to disseminate the same amount of information that we can here in about an hour, with instant delivery and while only having a few dedicated people to man the ship (Hat Tip to JTC, Joe & the rest of the crew.) In '68 we would get the info that wasn't provided by the Corporate Media in a week or two at best.
Now? We have it in minutes, frequently in real time with no delay at all.
Can you imagine how different the results would have been in the '60's if we would have access to the tools that the youth have today?
I don't see this movement going away.
In '68 the protests were primarily about the war and social justice, but those protesters knew that there was an excellent chance that even if they did give up the fight that the war would eventually end and they could instead dedicate their time to moving forward on building a life and career as there were still good paying jobs to be had even for those without a college education that would grant them access to the middle class lifestyle.
The youth of today that will be powering the movement are under well aware that that is not the case for them, they have virtually NOTHING to look forward to if there isn't dramatic change except for more exploitation, more poverty, more war and a more and more uninhabitable planet and they are incredibly well aware of this fact.
For them, giving up would indeed be tantamount to slow suicide, because there are no jobs waiting for those that give up the fight, no hope of paying off their massive debt (if they were even "Lucky" enough to go to college in the first place) and no hope of seeing any change in the future from either existing party and are well aware that they will be the first generation in America to have a worse financial future or lifespan than their parents.
Both parties shot themselves in the foot this cycle, the Dems by showing that they are not at all democratic OR progressive and the Republicans by showing that they really are little more than a fringe right wing party.
Clinton was right, they have no where to go, so many of them are determined to build themselves a home, because while they may have nowhere to go, they have been told soundly that they are not welcome in the DNC.
I am willing to wager that by this time next year DNC membership drops below the 26% mark. (And hopefully much lower.)
There has never been a more viable time to start forming either a viable 3rd party.
The Democrats can continue on their path of re-branding itself as, "Republicans! Now with less Racism!" and openly become the right wing party they obviously want to be and the Progressive Left can "Occupy" the big chunk of the voter block that has been left without representation.
Sorry, I meant this to be just a short little comment and it's turning into a full on rant so I will just tap out here, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I agree with you, Alphalop re: how today's
technology and social conditions differ from 1968. And these differences do make me much more hopeful that a long-term change might be possible.
But the dynamic I called 'Either/Or' is on vivid display now, as it was then. In this thread we have a comment calling for 'eliminating people from the movement' if they can't find the correct version of groupthink. I find this extremely troubling. We do not need to be turning the knives on each other. This will not help us build a better future.
I appreciate what you wrote; no need to apologize.