
A Primary In Review: Was the Democratic Primary Rigged?

Throughout the Democratic primary, many raised doubts as to the impartiality of the process. These doubts stemmed primarily from grievances regarding systemic issues like superdelegates and closed primaries as well as concerns surrounding the Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who had co-chaired Clinton’s primary run in 2008. The media’s seemingly slanted coverage only added to suspicions.

8 reasons for the left to continue working within the Democratic party

No surprise, I’m deeply disappointed Bernie did not win the nomination. I’m also disappointed by the convention which in some ways overtly sidelined the left to appeal to “moderate Republicans”. Tacking to the center is a quite standard strategy when primaries are over. Hillary would not be the first or the last candidate to do it. Back in March, I said it may not be the best strategy for this cycle, since Trump jumps about all over the place on the ideological spectrum. I haven’t seen anything yet that changes my views on the matter.

Reminder: Final Primary FED Fundraising Deadline Tonight


Just in case you haven't gotten the email reminder from Bernie, due to Hillary and the DNC rigging all the spam filters to auto-junk Bernie emails.

Tonight is the end of the month; last chance to donate to Bernie during the primary!

1) Send a clear signal that We Are All Still Bernin
2) Ensure Bernie has the money on hand to win CA and the other soon to vote state

Ridiculous to Sublime : the 2016 Dead-End Primary

I had intended to write a piece about my impressions of this year's Primaries, some possible scenarios leading to various outcomes, and posit some questions as to why we have (or have not) seen certain moves by certain camps. I can still go there; but most of this has now been tsunami'd by the events of this past week, most notably the Nevada DemConv; furthermore the news that networks will no longer be hiring Exit Pollsters for the remaining Primaries.

I'm Back! Alpha's Primary watchers live blog for W.V. & Nebraska

Hi guys!

Sorry I missed the last one, with family in town I haven't had a second to do anything but clean and entertain, lol!

I sent them all off to Disney Land as present for my wife's graduatio, for a few days of a quite house for me, and of course, to allow me to able to hang with my C99P Peeps for tonight's primary. Smile

Maine Democratic Party Changes rules Re: Super-delegates

During Maine's Democratic Party Convention an amendment was submitted to the rules that would change the way super delegate votes are distributed.

The new rule, which passed to by a voice vote and chants of Bernie!Bernie! also included a call for other states to do the same in the conventions that follow.

This could be a BIG DEAL...

Democratic State Party Arse holes

At first, I could see human error coming into play. The second time, er, I still was not convinced. I just distrust CT after being burned by one some years ago. But after then 3d, 4th, 5th, etc., example, you have to set aside any uncertainty and realize just how rigged the game has become.
