The Election and Folks With Disabilities: A Special Open Thread

Other people here have already written similar sentiments in regards to how Hillary's supporters keep trying to guilt us into stopping the Trumpenstein monster the Clintons and their allies in the media built to give her something she could beat to begin with, but I feel the need to take it a few steps further.

Some idiot on youtube likened those of us who refuse to be guilt tripped into voting for Hillary to 'pissing in the pool' or 'crashing the party'. Oh, and of course, 'SJW Utopia' for good measure.

An awful lot of us are centrists and we don't want to go to the mythical SJW Utopia that Sanders and his fans wanted to take us. Then, you have the 20 or 25% ofthem who were just crashing the party to piss in the pool, and who said that they would vote for Trump even if Sanders was nominated.

There's just one problem with this though. With regards to the Democratic Party, the Clintons and their lackeys and corporate donors have spent DECADES pissing in the pool with the Republicans and now the pool is nearly nothing but piss. Any attempts to clean and overhaul said proverbial pool have been met with resistance from virtually everyone because too many are too comfortable with the piss.

With regard as to why I refuse to vote for Clinton or the Tribble with a walking piece of shit coming out of its ass, the reason is simple: I can't afford either one of them. My whole fuckin' generation can't. And people with disabilities, myself and my wife included? Please, we can't afford to be at the mercy of people who get off on taking food from the mouths of the infirm or children. I won't abide that nonsense.

Besides, even if Hillary does win the presidency, we're still screwed. Social Security will still be cut. Medicare, SNAP and Medicaid will be too. Oh, but LOOKOVERTHEREDRUMPF!!!!111!!!1 they say. He'll do much worse, they say. Well, it can't be much worse than what Clinton Democrats have done for the last 25 years with regards to Social Security, Medicare and so on.

So like I said above, I'll make the choice between Billary and their Trumpenstein monster when I can afford to do so. And no doubt Hell will freeze over before that happens. Until then, I'll just vote for Jill Stein. The Democratic and Republican Parties can just swim in the piss.

See ya around,


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elenacarlena's picture

and vote for Her Heinous as minimally better than Trump. I will not lodge a protest vote only to find we have elected Mr. Tribblehead.

However, if the polls indicate that Jill has a good chance of winning, I will take a chance and vote for her instead. And I hope she conducts her own polls so she doesn't give the media a chance to fake the results.

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bondibox's picture

Also on Medicare disability and SSI at age 49. Surely I ought to be frightened of Trump. Well, yeah, but no more than I am frightened of the wolves at the door, a.k.a. Congress and the whole Republican architecture.

But that doesn't mean I'm in love with the Democrats and their death by 1,000 adjustments and recalculations. We've all heard how the Republicans will never allow a truly progressive agenda to pass because they know it would be the end of them, but the Democrats know the same thing. If people see the difference between a progressive liberal democrat and a blue dog third way democrat it would be curtains for the corporate lackeys.

I'm kind of lucky in that my family is able to give me a place to sleep, and so I know a lot of people in my situation have a much lower quality of life. People I respect, like Noam Chomsky, tell me that it's immoral to allow Trump to become president; it would have real impact on real people.

Well, Noam admitted there was one scenario where his argument loses water, in the case where Hillary is worse than Trump. The media has convinced us this is a preposterous notion and to dismiss it out of hand. But with Clinton we know the TPP is a guarantee. Trump says he's adamantly against it which means he's 50-50 depending on whose cornflakes he feels like pissing in. So there's a chance with Trump there will be no TPP. I think the potential extent of the carnage from the TPP far outweighs the fallout from Medicare and SS cuts. And the human toll won't necessarily be overseas.

With Clinton we also know that we will be getting "safe and responsible" fracking. When you combine these two programs and consider the possible outcomes, the devastation that we could see here on American soil is frightening. Yes, Medicaid cuts will cost lives. But so does poisoned groundwater and islands of indenture like the Marianas.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”


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