"Political Correctness Run Amok!!!!111!" (Forgive me, this may be a long one)
The title here refers to people complaining about the state of many forms of media and entertainment today from Television to Video Games and Music to, yes, even Professional Wrestling. These cries of Political Correctness and 'SJW Censorship' have ruined everything according to some. There's just one problem with that: What many of these folks decry as Political Correctness Run Amok is simply a media response to changing and growing demographics.
And sometimes, these changes happen due to tragedy, market fallout, and other disasters that force the changes that are necessary. In other cases, it's simply because new demographic markets have opened up. These kinds of things aren't new. Every medium and form of entertainment has gone through it and will continue to do so long after we're dead and buried.
For instance, many TV shows, movies and even video games now feature prominent gay characters and couples as serious characters where not so long ago they were just the butt of jokes. Hell, even Star Trek: Beyond followed that trend by pairing Sulu with a boyfriend who was helping him with raising his daughter, Demora.
Whether or not this is a reference to the original Sulu, George Takei, coming out of the closet a decade earlier, I'm not sure. Still, it shook things up a bit, but Star Trek was always known for its inclusion of characters from many walks of life and challenging and embracing the human spirit, something many old-school Trekkers and Trekkies felt was lacking in the reboot, myself included. (May Anton Yelchin, AKA Chekov in the reboot, find peace.)
The same is true with minority and female roles in TV and movies. As the 70s, 80s and 90s rolled around, we saw shows with casts that were mostly people of color and for most of us this wasn't really a problem. We still laughed and cried along with them as they played their roles. That didn't mean there weren't stereotypes portrayed among these, though. Anybody remember Urkel, the stereotypical brilliant but awkward and klutzy nerd always trying to win Laura's heart in Family Matters? Or Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air with his dance that Alfonso Ribeiro ended up doing in Dancing With the Stars? Or Arsenio Hall? In Living Color? Diff'rent Strokes?
In any case, it wasn't just the fact that these shows had minority casts that mattered. If anything it was beside the point. Many of these shows and movies dealt with issues facing people of color the way any other show would: with humor, drama, intensity and so on. Still, that didn't stop people from opposite ends of the equation from whining about political correctness or, if someone wasn't into a show or movie with minority or female leads, even for understandable reasons, racism or sexism. That didn't mean there wasn't racist or sexist backlash in response to these, though.
In fact, we saw exactly this kind of backlash with the production and release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. People were pissed about a black man and a white woman getting the lead roles, and it showed all over the internet, some bloggers even went so far as to make response videos titled 'SJW Wars: The Stupidity Awakens' or worse, come up with stupid shit about (Spoiler Warning) Han Solo's death signifying the death of masculinity, all in reaction to what, until somewhat recently, most of us didn't really think about.
On the other side, there was the new Ghostbusters reboot. James Rolfe, AKA the Angry Video Game Nerd made a video explaining why he refused to go and see the movie. His reasoning was that the reboot had virtually no ties to the original in any way, other than a couple of the original stars making a very brief cameo. For this, he was crucified as both sexist and racist, and that's just silly considering I saw no hints of sexism or racism in his explanation or reasoning.
There were others who did indeed refuse to see the movie precisely racist and sexist reasons and the people saying so in their blogs made no effort to hide it, but because Rolfe has a long history and a large following to go with it, that made him a bigger target. That being said, I don't have any way of knowing whether or not the new Ghostbusters deserved all the negativity it's received considering I've never seen it.
I'll continue with this a bit more in Video Games, Professional Wrestling and Music later because I don't want this to get too long. But it's safe to say these sorts of things have a long and tumultuous history and it's one I think younger folks should try and understand before succumbing to rage regarding 'Political Correctness' or 'SJW Bullshit'.
Until next time,

Can't say I've seen people complaining about these things
being political correctness run amok, but then I mostly read in places where people don't complain much about political correctness.
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Youtube is infamous for it.
Go to any comment section of an old tv clip from...say, Beavis and Butt-Head (That show had all sorts of controversy tied to it), and you'll see comments like 'Those were the days. Now we have to deal with a PC dictatorship.' Considering how many controversies have come and gone, I'd say most forms of humor and expression have remained mostly intact given the changes in demographics, presentation, ratings etc.
Still, that won't stop some people from crying about it. And worse, that won't stop some folks from exploiting it if it means they can get donations on Patreon and PayPal. It's partly why I decided to delete my account. It wasn't worth trying to inform people who don't really give a damn about such things or why changes happen in the first place.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh, well, I started viewing YouTube regularly after I
discovered The Young Turks, and I quickly learned to NEVER read YouTube comment sections!! I don't even scroll down. It's guaranteed to raise my BP.
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The Youtube Comments section is highbrow debate when you
compare it to the "Discussions" at TOP.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I go there less and less, too. I'm a weaner, not
a cold turkeyer. On the one hand, I don't want to be chased out by bullies. OTOH, life is too short to put up with unpleasantness.
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the perception of political correctness
being out of control is one of the main reasons why Trump is so popular. And they're not entirely wrong. The SJW crowd is an overwhelmingly vocal minority of people who may have good intentions, but care not about the feelings of others, nor the reality of others' situations. Like a dentist who removes all your teeth to keep you safe from cavities.
And they are such a vocal minority that there's a perception that they reflect a majority of people. The reboot of the ghostbusters movie is a prime example. Anybody who didn't approve of the movie based on the trailers alone was labelled a sexist and/or racist (like hillbots declarations of what Sanders supporters were). And that created a false perception that people who didn't like what the trailer portrayed the movie to be were foaming at the mouth enraged at the idea that women were going to be ghostbusters, and MSM sources picked that idea up and ran with it.
I find the SJW crowd to be as good an ally to progressives as Syrian rebels are to the US.
they're just trying to save you from yourself, dontcha know.
I still think they should be called something other than SJW,
since often social justice is the last thing on their minds. What was it another commenter called them? Injustice collectors? Something like that. A more accurate description, IMO.
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The name has stuck
whether we like it or not. We can't change it any easier than the KKK can change their racist label. And the problem is that the label is accurate to a degree. They fight for their notion of social justice.
If anything is going to change people's perception of what an SJW is, it's going to have to take the time that liberal and socialist took.
Agreed, the SJW/PC thing is one of the biggest hurdles I
encounter when trying to sway rational republicans over to the progressive side.
Even when they admit that they agree with a huge portion of the platform, they still don't want to come aboard because they don't want to have to worry about everything they say potentially being twisted from their intent and used against them.
To be honest, it also probably delayed me from leaving the Republican party by several years.
Now, I just don't give a shit. If some drops that stuff on me anymore I don't fall into the trap of trying to defend myself, I just say either, "So?" or "and your point is?".
It's a shitty tactic to stifle debate but was quite successful for so long because people didn't want others to think they were whatever "-ist" they were being accused of.
However, much like "Fear" mantra to sway people to settle for the Lessor Evil, it has been so overused that it has lost much of it's power.
More and more people I fear are going to develop the, "Well, if I am gonna be accused of it anyway..." mentality and just run out of fucks to give which will provide way too much shelter for those that are actually racist, misogynist, etc.
When you call everyone something, even those that are not that thing, it undermines the credibility when you actually do encounter a legitimate racist, etc. and nobody will believe you when there really is something there.
It's the "Crying Wolf" parable in action...
If we are going to build a new party we need to avoid falling into that trap as well as not get burdened down on the 2 major wedge issues that both parties have been using to keep us at each others throats for decade after decade. There are enough other major issues that we can focus on that will actually get support from both sides, and hopefully once we get some stuff accomplished and build trust we can actually work together to address those wedges too.
But that's just my opinion, and since I smoke a lot of pot you should probably factor that into the equation and take my opinion with a grain of salt...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Don't some of the most creative minds
belong to heavy pot smokers?
I do see some of the "I'm going to be called it anyway" mentality, and some of those people I applaud for caring more about being factual than what other people call them. Hopefully whatever party we build or change is able to reflect the factual aspect, even when the facts may be uncomfortable.
Excellent comment (and not just for the potential compliment. :)
I do have hope that TPTB have so overplayed their manipulative hand that more and more people will wake up and realize that our differences are actually quite small compared to our agreements and that we can eventually unite to work on those agreeable issues at least.
That is what scares them, not that this (D) or that (R) will win, but that they will lose control of the duopoly that has so capably served the 1% for so long as we wake up to the fact that we have a shitload more in common than most currently realize on both sides and that we are indeed being grossly manipulated by divisive propaganda.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Internet has helped with that
which is why we have to constantly remain vigilant at attempts to make the internet an entity controlled by anybody other than we the people.
Indeed, and the attacks on net neutrality show that it is
already something they are well aware of.
Lets just wait for them to tie terrorism and the internet together to prevent free access. The Department of Cyber-Defense will be the next institution they roll out most likely after some "Terrorist" takes out a power grid and kills a bunch of people.
Sure, it sounds like CT, and in all actuality is, but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get ya.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I think HRC's already calling for that`
Remember when she was talking about the San Bernadino terror attack?
Using tech experts to deny terrorists online space. Sounds like a plan to create that Department of Cyber-Defense is already in the works for her, doesn't it? I'm curious if "denying them online space" includes covering up any internet articles involving our bombs somehow leveling hospitals and weddings.
Actually saw that movie with my kids today.
My one big Splurge on them. (Ghostbusters)
They liked it a lot. As did I. And this is from somebody who absolutely HATED the trailer and thought the movie looked like garbage because of it. (So much of the sense of timing and foreshadowing which the movie did VERY well was just ruined by the trailer. Comedy is all in the timing, and a subtle joke can be RUINED by cutting to the punchline)
However, I do think the media inflamed a lot of the controversy by playing up the minority of sexist assholes on twitter. Fastest way to get attention and bandwidth from the media appears to be to have completely retrogressive and negative opinions which in no way reflect valid criticism. That way the MSM can dismiss ALL criticism as being retrogressive and whatever -ist they want to hype while ignoring legitimate concerns.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The MSM screws up everything, though. That's their MO.
They wouldn't get nearly as much in terms of ratings and viewers if they tried to engage them in real, actual discussion. That's a big reason I don't watch televised debates, or a lot of TV, actually.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Killed my Tv years ago.
Actually 2 things in the movie theater DID piss me off badly.
1. The anti-marijuana ad they played TWICE during the previews. (No other ad was played more than once, but this PSA which concentrated on supposed teens smoking pot was on repeat. It was insulting to those of us who use it medically, and contained ZERO facts.)
2. The trailer for "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" which was nothing but a paint by numbers crap novel, and annoyed the hell out of me. The Iraq war scenes which made it look glamorous and exotic were rage inducing, and the whole idea of the the story is in no way indicative of the way the pentagon ACTUALLY treats soldiers involved in combat action. Whoever wrote it had a imagination cribbed from WW2 propaganda movies.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't do PC
I still love Archy Bunker.He held the mirror up to those intolerant hypocrits.
Killing Han Solo was WRONG!!! I will never forgive them
" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "
I heard that was Harrison Ford's request
so he wouldn't be dragged into any more sequels. He's so over that role, and has gone on to so many other things. I'm not even sure how they talked him into this one, unless they let a lot of money do their talking for them.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Actually, Harrison Ford was making those noises before the third
movie. It seemed to me that he was very patient with the franchise about getting his character killed off. -And I thought that his original reason was nicely writ large in the recent movie. Back then, he had claimed he had no place left to go with that character. -and then here that character was, still up to the same level of questionable dealings as before, only with gray hair and wrinkles. Neat, I thought. Plus getting killed off by the same unwavering lack of judgment.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
You're correct.
Ford had been trying to get Han Solo killed since Empire Strikes Back, so his death in TFA wasn't a huge surprise for many. The weird thing is that it sounds like he's going to be a part of Episode VIII somehow, probably in a flashback of some kind, so even though Ford's character is dead, he's still going to be showing up in the movies in some fashion.
For the most part, I agree with you.
There absolutely is racism and sexism in many parts of the entertainment industry. The majority of the genres and mediums that we enjoy today were founded at a time when the standards for representation were very different, and that's a history that should be illuminated and critiqued. Often, it's difficult for a medium to escape its roots, even when it is explicitly trying to do so and its producers are deliberately self-aware of what they are making. Demographics are changing, and of course media will change with it. However, I do think that one major issue, as you've gestured toward in your essay, is that substantive critique of a media product is often deflected as an expression of racism/sexism, etc, which, I feel, is where the SJW label originates from. Claiming political correctness has become shorthand for saying that one is "crying wolf" and trying to detract from legitimate criticism, as such accusations are usually trying to undermine the status of the critics by labeling them as racists, sexists, or homophobes.
While some of the critics certainly are all of those things, there are often legitimate reasons why people dislike radical changes to established properties. You mentioned the Ghostbusters reboot. It is certainly true that a minority of individuals objected to the film based on the all-female cast. There is no doubt about that. However, the vast majority of the outcry derived from the fact that the film just looked bad and many fans saw it as disrespecting the legacy of the original films, which are beloved among a huge community of people. It was more slapstick than science fiction comedy, and had almost no ties to the original. I can guarantee that if there was even an attempt to directly link it to the originals, either by incorporating Annie Potts' character Janine Melnitz as a leader of the group or having it be more of a "legacy" film where at least one of the characters was the daughter of one of the original Ghostbusters, the movie would have gotten a lot more credit from fans. Instead, the majority of critics were told by everyone, even the director Paul Feig, that they were sexist because they preferred the original films to the reboot.
Additionally, I think that the other area where critics have a strong argument is with regard to retcons, particularly in comic books and related media. In the last few years, there have been numerous instances where existing characters with long established histories, dating back up to 70 years, have either had their origins completely changed or been erased from history altogether in favor of newer race/gender swapped versions of themselves. The most glaring example of that was when DC's post-Crisis Flash, Wally West, was completely removed from existence when the publisher rebooted their universe with the New 52, and was instead replaced by a younger, black version of the character with the exact same name. The two literally had nothing in common except for their name, and the latter could have been a completely different character had he not been called Wally West. Keep in mind that Wally had been around for 50+ years, starting as Kid Flash and earning his way up to the Flash legacy, so he was a character that most readers knew and cared about. To have him nonchalantly replaced with a completely different character simply because DC wanted to appear more "diverse" (which they still are not), was an insult to loyal fans and readers that have spent decades buying their comics. Recently, DC finally relented and brought the original character back alongside the new version, after years of criticism. It's on par with what Marvel recently did with Captain America, where they revealed that he was a sleeper agent for Hydra since his inception. It's an insulting product of a tone deaf editorial mandate that has little to do with race, gender, or sexuality, yet people try to use those things as argumentative tools to shut down criticism. That only fuels and gives traction to the Right's charge that political correctness has run amok.
Additionally, I think it's incredibly easy to blame the consumers of media for the critical response to these changes, but a lot of it is also on the production end. The problem is threefold: 1) There is a lack of diversity behind-the-scenes in the entertainment industry, and no amount of corrective representation in media will change that, 2) There is a lack of institutional support for new kinds of products that challenge existing conventions, and 3) Corporations are unwilling to take the necessary losses that are required in the short term to build up new IPs. In other words, a lot of it boils down to money and access. The entire industry exists to make money, and anything that fails to achieve that goal is seen as expendable. There is no incentive to hire more people of color to make films or star in movies because their market research shows that it hurts their bottom line (the Ridley Scott "Exodus" excuse). Creating new IPs is risky, so it's easier to reboot and introduce something brand new that way, instead of trying to build it from the ground up. If something bombs or isn't an immediate success, there is almost no patience to continue, no matter how critically acclaimed it is, because the bottom line is what matters most. We see that over and over in multiple industries, from film to comics to video games, and a lot of the criticism from fans is aimed at the results of these three things.
Just my two cents. Apologies for the lengthy response.
That's why I do my best to avoid the controversy now.
People are always going to say or do stupid things with regards to media and forms of entertainment in general. After the clusterfuck that called itself gamergate or notyourshield, I just stopped giving a shit. Then again when it comes to gamer culture I don't have a whole lot of respect for most of it anyway. And I'm not just talking about childish name calling either. People have been SWAT'ed, their IPs have been hacked, DDOS'ed, they've had docs dropped so others can do the same and so on in addition to the insane harassment they might get just because they won an online match or something. In fact, with regards to harassment, that's a huge reason why many female players have male avatars.
I'm not sure how we could possibly change this, but something's gotta give.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.