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Good morning all.
Still harvesting tomatoes, corn, and zucchini. But the green beans are done. Out of a 30 ft. patch ( 15 ft. bush and 15 ft. pole) we have a stuffed freezer and happy neighbors.
Waiting for the corn to finish so I can shred/chip the stalks and work them into the new compost pile.

The Weekly Watch

Welcome to the Fall!

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The equinox occurred this morning at 7:44 AM CT, marking the transition to Autumn. The Wheel of the Year keeps turning, bringing ... Mabon, celebrated on the autumn equinox, marks a moment of perfect equilibrium in the year, with day and night of equal length. Occurring in September, it signifies the second harvest, a time when the abundance of summer begins to wane and preparations for the coming winter months get underway. Perhaps this fall will see the fall of Ukraine and NATO, the fall of Israel, the fall of the hegemon and it's dollar, the fall of Kamala and the demoncrats? We'll stay tuned and watch the unfolding of the season.

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Album of the Week 9-21-24

Afternoon folks!

It's a good week, we've got a great compilation of Guitar Slim tunes and another compilation of Texas blues with names that Evening Blues readers should recognize amongst them. After that we've got an album of hippie music from the Holy Modal Rounders, an album of soul music from the Staple Singers, an album from a famous unknown guitar player Amos Garrett and we finish up with an album from Richard Thompson.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!
