More Emails from Aisha Dew blaming Rev. Barber, and My Plea for Help From You
Found the following email exchanges from Aisha Dew to Linda Watson on DFQ2 blog. They are consistent with the mass email sent out on February 11th by Aisha Dew to 12 staffers and volunteers. Here is the screenshot of them (sorry of the quality is poor):
Now these come from a blog that blames Linda Watson for the whole mess between Bernie and Rev. Barber. However, each of them is consistent with what we know so far. So I decided to go back and check the emails that were sent to me by other volunteers. Guess what? Linda Watson was not the only one who received them. Important staffers and volunteers received them as well. Since I was sent a .pdf file, I've copied them to a word format to make it easier to post here and protect the identity of the people in the email exchanges on Feb. 11th. Here they are.
Aisha Dew
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 8:31 AM
To: Altriese Price-Bryant [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]Hello All:
Please take down all HK on J events from social media. Rev. Barber does not want us to attend the event. He asked us to take the event down off of all social media.
We are still going to do something.
Stay tuned!!
Wilmington For Bernie
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 8:50 AMTo: Aisha Dew
Cc: [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]How the heck does this happen? We have people signed up in buses that would have
made other arrangements. Who was responsible for clearing this with him?[Name deleted]
Aisha Dew
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 9:04 AM
To: Wilmington For Bernie
Cc: [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]It was cleared with him. He changed his mind.
Linda Watson [email deleted] Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 9:16 AM
To: Aisha Dew
Cc: [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]I'm breathless with shock. On a practical note, for the most part, you can't take things down from social media. I can send out a cancellation tweets, but need some help with the wording. I'll also need to comment on other people's posts.
We need to avoid a firestorm here.How about: "Because the #MoralMarch being a non-partisan event, Bernie Sanders supporters will not march as a group. We continue to support the issues of HKonJ and hope you will march with other groups."
Or: "Important update: Bernie supporters have been asked to not march as a group. Still support the agenda. Please march with other groups you are part of. #MoralMarch."
Also: "Instead of participating in the Moral March, we encourage Bernie supporters to
take friends and family to see Michael Moore's new film Where to Invade Next."Please read the plea from Michael Moore about his new film coming out this weekend.
People who see it will want to vote for Bernie. It's a great voter registration and
outreach opportunity. We did this in Raleigh for his Fahrenhiet 911.Linda Watson
Bernie Sanders voter registration volunteer Facebook Vote for Bernie NC Twitter
@VoteBernieNC* * *
Aisha Dew
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 9:17 AM
To: Wilmington For Bernie
Cc: [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]National took down the website events. They threaten to go to the media if events
were still up after 10am.Let me clear, the buses will roll!
We may have slightly different plan. Stay tuned.
* * *
Wilmington For Bernie
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 9:52 AMTo: Aisha Dew
Cc: [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]This is such a screw up, now you can't event edit or notify people who signed up on
Bernie My guess is this is the work of one Deborah Maxwell Hicks and if
I'm pointing fingers at the wrong person so be it. She is the President of the
Wilmington Chapter and has fought our Bernie group every step of the way. Of course
she's a big advocate for Hillary.* * *
Wilmington For Bernie
Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 10:16 PM
To: Altriese Price-Bryant [Other recipients deleted to protect their identity]Why is Hillary still advertising her event
My bad for not being more thorough before now.
Several points to make. One, this was a disaster of epic proportions. There is a long stream of emails back and forth between the various field offices and the NC headquarters that I did not post where you can see the volunteers and field staff trying to rearrange everything at the last minute and get volunteers who were planning on marching at Rev. Barber's event to come anyway and canvas in Raleigh instead, which was Aisha's proposal.
The main question I have is why did no one, and especially Aisha Dew, reach out to Rev. Barber or his staff to clarify the situation? Why did there have to be a last minute change to a new plan to canvas? Many of the volunteers still wanted to march with Barber. It seems a simple phone call from Aisha Dew would have cleared all this up.
Now for some begging. I have leads, but am having trouble following them up because I need to speak to people in Bernie's national campaign staff to get their side of the story. I especially want to clear up the "some imposter called the Bernie campaign posing as Rev. Barber" accusation. I am also interested in the vetting process for Aisha Dew, but my main focus has shifted to what happened on the morning of February 11th to cause Aisha Dew to send the email cancelling the Sander's campaign's involvement in Rev. Barber's march on February 13th.
I also would dearly like to speak to someone representing Rev. Barber to get his side of this. Did he know Aisha Dew? Did she contact him or anyone on his staff about this snafu? Did Bernie's national campaign staff contact Rev. Barber about this story? Someone did a good job of throwing Bernie's North Carolina campaign into chaos and souring its relationship, not only with Rev. Barber, but also with many African American voters in North Carolina. I want to know who was responsible. That seems to me to be the main issue at this point.
So, if anyone has contact info or can help me get in touch with people who will address these questions, either with (1) Bernie's national campaign staff, or with (2) Rev. Barber and the NAACP/HKonJ coalition, please send me a private message or email me at stevendbt at yahoo dot com. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It just smells, period.
Nobody made a definitive statement at the time, and it seems that certain folks want this buried as far down the memory hole as possible.
Claims of incompetence just make me more certain that this was deliberate, because nobody's accidentally incompetent in only ONE consistent direction.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Smells real bad
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thank you for your diligent work on this! That bit in the last message about how they "threatened to go to the media" bit sounds very...curious. And that can be easily followed up on.
North & South Carolina???
How many Clinton people were running the Sanders campaign down south? Two is more than a coincidence.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It's beginning to look like they were all over the place
and still are (AZ looks to be a total goat-roping). Man, this stinks so many ways I've lost count.
odd background
Google Harris. He's got several webpages on MySpace. The one for his church, which is called "VII" says he is
He also has a MySpace page for his music business.
He is referenced on vaious Dem Party websites in Texas, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. As late as August, 2015 he was in PA, as Outreach Director of the PA Dem Party. Their announcement of upcoming workshops on delegate selection:
I found a PA Dem Party press release archived on a compiler site
The press release says of Harris:
Harris seems to have some connections to DNC types of Democrats, but then takes a job with Bernie, and posts on Twitter that he's for Hillary the same day as the primary...This whole episode is so odd, and seems like it could take a damn long time to sort out. Going in to the Wisconsin primary leaves little time to mess around with this quagmire. And yet, if the allegations of moles are true, that could really screw Bernie in Wisconsin, so it is important that some time be spent on trying to figure it out. Thanks Steven D for trying to untangle this mess.
Shaylors Provence
Steven D, check your pms (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Gee, just think if we had a real LEADER at the DNC
instead of a compromised, lying, cheating, ass-covering scumbag, we'd have a trustworthy path to resolution.
Here's where you can see how far up the chain the damned deck is stacked. If this keeps up, and I'm Sanders, and I get anything over 33 percent of the delegates, fuck 'em all, I'm going indie. This is bullshit. He can go back on his word about "supporting the Democrat" and that won't bother me, because it becomes more and more obvious that there's some serious, high-level chicanery FROM THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY going on with this.
And yeah, I'll never believe this is GOP tricks. They have no real good reason--if they did, they'd be helping Sanders, not Clinton.
I really hope he does go indie
And if not, that we can all mobilize one kick-ass, unstoppable write-in campaign that puts him in the White House.
Bernie Sanders, because Fuck this Shit.
Because we vote for Electoral College delegates
in the general, and not really for the candidate, we'd have to make sure this would work. I don't know how to ensure the delegates would really vote for Bernie, nor even if that is possible if such delegates are not part of a national party. Hopefully people here may know. I have not found anything definitive in the very cursory online searching I've done so far.
Totally agree that if he runs as an indie, he could have a landslide such as never seen before, even greater than FDR. Because as you say, fuck this shit. People have really had it.
Shaylors Provence
PS Great work Steven...
thank you for doing this, it's awesome legwork. I'll help if I can (not sure if I can, I'll check in when I get home again)
This video has Nico's
claim that he spoke with the deputy field director of the national campaign, Christopher Smith. Smith also hired and vetted Aisha Dew.
Have you tried reaching Rev Barber? I'm willing to give it a try. What I do know, is that Rev Barber is extremely intelligent, and a very good man. I can't even imagine he did this to the Sanders campaign.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
We've been in touch. I heard this from him yesterday before he put out the video. Have a call into Chris Smith, the person he spoke with. Left voicemail. No reply a yet.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I have a name for you
Never mind - check your pm.
How to contact? Do we have PM?Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Despicable if this bears out.
And was this incident at DK related - ? A post with wrong information discouraging epeple from participating in the march and that stayed up for days before being pulled. And oddly enough, I can't now find it in google cache.
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
It was embarrassing
I was with randallt, Lamont Cranston and a few others holding DKos banner and signs in support of the march when Rev Barber railed against DKos for its lies.
(OT) Good to see you, Gordon!
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
Thanks for the welcome, JoF.
I find this place much friendlier and more informative that that other site.
Lots of good company here :)
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
RE: A post with wrong info: maybe it's in the Wayback Machine*/
Beyond my ken, sad to say.
Here's the url for the deleted post: The date and title are in the url, perhaps that is enough for someone to go on.
It just seems very odd that the post isn't in google cache since it was up for hours if I recall correctly.
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
That one was harder to find, but I got it.
From Justice Wire.
NC NAACP asks Bernie supporters not to come to huge HKonJ march. Hilary's are still coming.
It does not have the author listed, but it does have the entire diary.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
In the link JoF posted
There are references to the author as a strong advocate against GMOs.
It's tickling my brain -- I remember reading some of her diaries and comments -- but I just can't quite access her name.
Anyone else?
I can probably find it....
if I try.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Ah, yes...
the author was Cook for Good, who was Bojo'd,and if you read Donkeytale's post over at DFQ2, you'll see was probably nothing but an agent provocateur all along. Fun times.
her? comments also remain....
comments to deleted dairy
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Yes, that's her.
Excellent sleuthing. I hope it helps Steven.
BTW, I adore your sig line!
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Cook Something? n/t
It gets on my nerves, and you know how I am about my nerves...
I missed that whole diary, but even that short comment string is elucidating.
Thank you, Steven, for following up. This needs to be sorted, fast.
Sanders Campaign
Think you've done a fantasic job of getting all this information together.
Now time for the Sanders campaign to take action, and show they are an organization which will not allow this behavior by anyone of their staff, paid or volunteer.
Also, would expect Tom H, or Ed Schultz would follow up on this. Don't think there is much more to be achieved from the back & forth going on now.
Been trying to get Young Turks interested
Maybe I'll shoot an email to Hartman and Ed Schultz. Thanks.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Contact the most senior Campaign staff in your state
Don't imagine you'd get thru calling headquarters - but this is a CAMPAIGN STAFF issue, not something which can be handled by volunteers - will only really muddy the waters
B4 contacting media - PLEASE PLEASE get it to the CAMPAIGN. Any media attention first could damage the campaign, depending on how it's spun by those who hear it.
Just imagine - David Brock saying "they say we cheated."
Have made calls to campaign
No answer.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I agree. The campaign must learn from this,
take action and move on. As of now, the campaign can't waste any resources on it. I also agree that either a noted figure like Thom H, Big Eddie or even Cenk could easily get on this one. If not, I honestly think that an enterprising reporter, even non-trad, could really make some hay with this if she or she had the time to put in it. North Carolina is over, but there must be a local or two who got fairly high up the chain but didn't move on with the campaign with knowledge about this. Somebody might know something and be willing to talk about it.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Steven, you might try VT Digger.
Jasper Craven
Office: 802.225.6721
Mobile: 802.274.0365
Twitter: @jasper_craven
Jasper Craven is VTDigger’s political reporter.
Small time, but I bet he'd be interested and then maybe it would be picked up more widely.
You got all this from Donk?
We'll I'll be damned. I had no idea he was still holding down the fort over there.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Got the original screenshots
Then looked through the emails I'd been sent by others. Been so busy chasing my tail, I hadn't had time to do a proper document search. I need an asst. lol.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Poison the well
It seems HRC. surrogates worked hard to poison the well for Bernie with respect to black voters.
Pretty much as whisper campaigns have done in the past only more overt.
I want a Pony!
Not everyone is buying it
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I have to say
that after listening to this, I do believe that Niko House is telling what he believes to be the truth. And I believe that what he is saying may be very close to the truth.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I see this is an act of desperation
which is a sign of weakness in her campaign.
Maybe she needed one big boost in a southern state before the voting moved westward. Crooked or otherwise.
I don't think this modus operandi can work in more enlightened areas of the country, and this can be more easily exposed now that a pattern is being recognized.
Deception, duplicity and subterfuge now ought to be a hallmark of her future administration if elected. New Yorkers aren't all like that, she picked up some bad habits sometime before that.
Bernie made a believer out of me. In any case, this will not win any trust and support from me, she really lost me way back when as a NY Senator she voted for the Iraq war.
Getting more and more info
that NC was the norm, not an outlier.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Hot Potato? Not Potatoe?
This seems investigation-worthy and yet it seems only this small circle thinks so. I assume Steven that those you've contacted in the media would read your posts and bloggy material. And yet they are silent. Maybe Aisha will show up tomorrow or the next day on media. I'd hate to think that this could be dismissed off-hand as CT, say in the TYT meeting rooms.
In the meantime, good work and keep your eyes open, be careful.
Bernie is a win-win.
Great work. I have so much
Great work. I have so much respect for your perseverance and calm reasonable approach.
Why don't you believe that someone contacted them
pretending to be Rev. Barber, who was not in fact Rev. Barber? That sounded like a logical explanation to me - and means the Bernie people are good people, and also Rev. Barber is good people. It does make it nearly impossible to track down the culprit, I realize, unless he brags and someone turns him in.
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Minor point but I believe
Minor point but I believe Deborah Maxwell Hicks is a typo: Hicks should be Dicks. Don't know if it was a copying accident or the pdf had it spelled that way originally.