The Evening Blues - 5-12-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features The Godfather of Soul James Brown. Enjoy!
James Brown - Get up offa that thing
"What bliss will fill the ransomed souls,
When they in glory dwell,
To see the sinner as he rolls,
In quenchless flames of hell."-- Isaac Watts
News and Opinion
At LA airport's new private terminal, the rich can watch normal people suffer
The guiltiest pleasure at Los Angeles international airport’s (LAX) new private terminal for the mega-rich is not the plush, hushed privacy, or the beds with comforters, or the massages, or the coriander-scented soap, or the Willie Wonka-style array of chocolates and jelly beans, or the Napa Valley cabernet.
It is the iPad that sits on a counter at the entrance, with a typed little note: “Here is a glimpse of what you’re missing over at the main terminal right now.”
The screen shows travellers hauling bags through packed terminals, queuing in long lines, looking harassed and being swallowed into pushing, shoving paparazzi scrums – routine hazards for the 80 million people who pass through LAX each year. “There they process thousands of people at a time, they’re barking. It’s loud. Here it’s very, very lovely,” said Gavin de Becker, who runs the new terminal, called Private Suite.
He wasn’t wrong. The $22m facility, the first of its kind in the US, opens on Monday, giving the 1% a whole new way to separate themselves from everyone else’s reality. ... “The real purpose here is logistics.” He reckons about a tenth of his clients will be celebrities who are fed up with the paparazzi staking out LAX. The rest will be corporate – CEOs and other members of capitalism’s top brass. ...
Instead of battling the traffic jams that clog LAX you reach Private Suite via the Imperial Highway, leading to a discreet turn-off where an armed guard checks your identity and pushes a button. Tall grey gates open and you enter the haven.
The Audacity of Sleaze: Profiles in Corruption
What could be more absurd than Drone War King Barack Obama getting an award for courage? The speech that Obama gave after getting the 2017 “Profiles in Courage” prize from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation last Sunday – that’s what.
In his ponderous address, Obama showed that his aptitude for grandiose, fake-progressive oratory has not been extinguished by dips with Richard Branson in the cool Caribbean (more on that below). Obama’s brash Orwellian chutzpah was on grand display. He praised freshly elected Congresspersons for having the “political courage” to “save the financial system…even when it was unpopular” in 2009.
Yes, these dauntless peoples’ representatives had the epic valor required to boldly defy public opinion by expanding a major taxpayer bailout to the well-heeled Wall Street parasites who crashed the national and global economy through their selfish and reckless behavior –opulent bloodsuckers who grant lucrative salaries, speaking fees, and other neoliberal disbursements to not-so public officials who do their bidding while “serving” (the Few) in government.
Ask Obama. Ex-prez “O” has been spotted kiteboarding with Branson, the British billionaire airline mogul, who is leading the charge for the privatization of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. Obama’s been seen boating in the Pacific with Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, and Bruce Springsteen on a $300 million luxury yacht owned by recording mogul billionaire David Geffen. The Obamas reached an eight-figure publishing deal ($65 million) for his-and-her memoirs on their years in the White House. And Obama will speak for $400,000 at a Wall Street health care conference in September, hosted by Cantor Fitzgerald LP.
Nothing says, “show me the money” like POTUS on your resume. Call it the Audacity of Sleaze. The Venality of Hope.
Bit rich? Barack Obama 'to pocket £2.5million ($3.2million) for sold-out speech in Milan today'
Barack Obama will reportedly pocket a staggering £2.5million (€3million) today for delivering a speech to a sold-out audience in Milan as part of his lucrative post-presidential speaking tour.
The former President, who has already earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for private speeches since leaving the White House, will make his highest-paying appearance yet at the Global Food Innovation Summit today.
President Obama flew into Italy’s business capital yesterday, and according to local media headed straight for the extravagant Park Hyatt hotel, which can cost up to £7,100 (€8,400) a night.
After bringing the city to a standstill with a convoy of 14 cars, a helicopter and a 300-strong police escort, President Obama’s entourage reportedly took over two floors of the hotel. ...
President Obama will give his speech in Milan at Seeds and Chips, a conference on the impact that technology, innovation and climate change will have on food availability and production worldwide.
Ok, back to all Trump all the time. That's all that seems to be on the media's mind these days.
Trump Fires Comey: Is this Watergate in the age of Twitter?
An excellent article worth a full read.
The Scandal Hidden Behind Russia-gate
The Washington Post and New York Times editors are trying to relive the glory days of their youth by comparing Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey to Richard Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre at the height of Watergate. ... Here’s how Russia-gate is not the same as Watergate and why, in fact, it’s the opposite. ...
[See article for a detailed discussion of the solid evidence of Watergate crimes (the burglary) vs. the feverish speculation presented as evidence for Russiagate. Also, a good comparison of the protection of democracy and democratic process that Watergate represented vs. the deep state neocon warmongers' attempts to protect their war-escalation strategy while passing it off as protecting domestic (small d) democratic institutions. - js]
Watergate was about blocking a cover-up, Russia-gate is about perpetuating one.
Hours after Comey received his termination notice, Ken Gude, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, published an article calling on the Justice Department to “appoint a special counsel to lead the investigation into links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts to interfere with the election.” CAP is a major Clinton stronghold. Its founder is John Podesta, who was Clinton’s campaign chairman and whose brother, Tony, is a registered Saudi lobbyist. Its president is Neera Tanden, a long-time Clinton friend and adviser.
Major funders include George Soros and the United Arab Emirates, which, like Saudis, has long pushed for the U.S. to adopt a more militant posture vis-à-vis Iran, Syria’s Assad government, and Russia, which is allied with both. ... This is the real scandal that Russia-gate is designed to cover up. Like any country, Russia wants to steer U.S. foreign policy in a direction favorable to interests. But it’s a very small player in Washington compared to giants like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar. These are nations that have given millions to the Clinton Foundation, to the “William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park” in Little Rock, Arkansas (recipient of a $10-million gift from the Saudi royal family), universities like Harvard and Georgetown, and a slew of think tanks, not just CAP and the Atlantic Council, but the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Brookings, the recipient of a $14.8-million contribution from Qatar.
The oil monarchies have thus used their petro-wealth to create a pro-war consensus in Washington that is nearly 100-percent complete. Needless to say, this will not benefit the mass of ordinary Americans, the people who will have to fight and die in such conflicts and whose taxes will pay for them. Instead, it will benefit the oil companies and arms manufacturers with whom the oil monarchies are closely allied, not to mention hawkish politicians hoping to use war fever to propel their careers to ever greater heights. They will benefit because they have sold U.S. foreign policy to the highest bidder. This is a scandal of the first order. But rather than exposing it, Russia-gate is all about covering it up.
Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations
Donald Trump threatened former FBI director James Comey on Twitter on Friday morning:
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017
The tweet, which if taken at face value would suggest Trump has been secretly taping White House meetings, came after the New York Times reported that he demanded “loyalty” from Comey in a private dinner held shortly after Trump took office.
White House spokesmen did not immediately respond to requests for comment as to whether the president possesses recordings of his dinner with Comey or any conversations with him.
As Clinton Blames Comey & Russia, Authors of "Shattered" Expose Aimless Campaign
Comey Firing Will Not Stop FBI’s Trump-Russia Investigation, Acting Director Says
The Senate Intelligence Committee had planned to hear from James Comey at their worldwide threats hearing on Thursday. ... Instead, the committee got Andrew G. McCabe, the Comey deputy who took over leadership of the bureau after Trump abruptly fired Comey as the FBI director on Tuesday afternoon. Sitting beside the heads of the CIA, NSA, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence, McCabe got a rough political baptism as senators grilled him over the circumstances surrounding Comey’s firing, and the status of the investigation into Trump’s Russia ties.
McCabe’s testimony contradicted the White House on two key points. While the White House has repeatedly said the FBI no longer had confidence in Comey, McCabe said the bureau had his back. “Director Comey enjoys broad support within the FBI and still does to this day,” he said. And while White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has called the Russia investigation “one of the smallest things” on the FBI’s plate, McCabe said it was “a highly significant investigation.”
McCabe was circumspect about the bureau’s interactions with Trump. He refused to comment on the accuracy of a claim made by Trump, in his letter firing Comey, that Comey had informed Trump “on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation.” ... Nor would McCabe say, when asked by Sen. Ron Wyden, whether such conversations between Trump and Comey would be improper if they did take place. When pressed by Sen. Martin Heinrich, McCabe said that he had met with Trump earlier this week, but that the Russia investigation had not come up.
Contrary to reporting in the New York Times and Washington Post that Comey’s firing had followed a request from him for more resources to work on the Russia investigation, McCabe said that the FBI had what it needed, and that its work would continue unimpeded. He did not say specifically whether or not the FBI had asked for more prosecutors.
Trump rips Comey and says he planned to fire him no matter what the DOJ said
President Donald Trump called former FBI Director James Comey “a showboat” and “a grandstander” on Thursday, two days after abruptly firing him.
“The FBI has been in turmoil,” Trump said in an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt. “You know that, I know that, everybody knows that.” ...
Members of the administration, including Vice President Mike Pence, had argued that Trump merely accepted Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s assessment that Comey was no longer an effective leader. “When [Rosenstein] brought the recommendation to the president that the director of the FBI should be removed, President Trump provided the kind of strong and decisive leadership the American people have come to be accustomed from him,” Pence told reporters Wednesday morning.
But Trump contradicted that narrative on Thursday when he told NBC News that “regardless of the recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.”
White House might have listened to Sally Yates if they knew who she was
Why didn’t White House fire Michael Flynn as soon as then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates told them that Russia had potentially compromised the former national security adviser? Because, President Donald Trump told NBC News reporter Lester Holt in an interview aired Thursday, that the matter “did not sound like an emergency.”
Trump said his White House Counsel, Don McGahn, gave him that impression, but added that “she didn’t make it sound that way either, in the hearings the other day, that it had to be done immediately.” Trump added, “I believe that it would be very unfair to hear from somebody who we don’t even know and immediately run out and fire a general.”
Gaius Publius has this article up at Naked Capitalism with an extensive commentary by Yves. Yves's commentary should not be skipped, it is just as important as the article. In fact, I'm going to quote a part of her comment as a teaser for the piece:
Trump – A Nation in Crisis, Again
Yves here. The media’s fixation on the scary Putin monster takes energy away from opposing Trump on real issues: health care, climate, dropping life expectancy, the surveillance state, to name a few. It also validates the effort of the CIA and certain elements of the military to meddle in domestic politics in a shockingly open manner, which is a terrible precedent.
As Lambert wrote, “If we can’t win on the facts, we do not deserve to win.” As Ilargi said yesterday:
It’s not about whether Trump is or has ever been guilty of anything he’s accused of, it’s that the insinuating narratives about that have long been written and repeated ad nauseam. It’s about whether the witch hunt exemplified by PropOrNot makes objective news gathering impossible. And the only possible response to that question must be affirmative….
Does Trump deserve being resisted? It certainly looks that way much of the time. But he should be resisted with facts, not innuendo of yellow paper quality. That destroys the media, and the media are needed to maintain a democracy.
Gaius’ post focuses on how the “get Trump on Russia” campaign has gone down a series of rabbit holes and his opponents are now likely to shift to “extra-Constitutional means” to remove him. In the face of all of media fixation on Trump and Russia, it’s important to keep in mind:
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. Both the strong form claim that many seem to believe about Trump (“Trump is a Russian agent”) or its weaker form variant (“Trump under Russian influence”) extraordinary, since both amount to charges of treason.
Yet despite months of press and pundit yammering, nothing has come within hailing distance of proving either claim, despite Trump being the object of extensive oppo by the Republicans, then the Democrats, and throughout, one presumes, by members of the military/surveillance state that badly want to escalate a conflict with Russia (both in the United Kingdom, and this country).
It is hard to fathom how the Russian government could get influence over a US billionaire based on Trump officiating at a beauty pageant and setting up some legal vehicles for licensing deals that never got done. And the other theories of how Russia would have sway over him don’t hold up to scrutiny.
US intelligence chiefs have doubts about cybersecurity firm over its Russian roots
Top US intelligence chiefs have publicly expressed doubts about the global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs because of its roots in Russia. Six leading intelligence officials told a Senate hearing on external threats to the United States of their concerns over the firm’s broad presence, without specifying the particular threat they see. Asked if he was aware of a security threat tied to Kaspersky software, FBI acting director Andrew McCabe replied: “We are very concerned about it and we are focused on it very closely.” ...
Kaspersky was founded in Moscow in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky, a computer engineer who served in the Russian military. The company quickly expanded to a global presence, with 3,600 employees, 400 million users of its software, and revenue of about $620m in 2015, according to its website. Its antivirus programs regularly rank in the top five of such software for personal and business computers.
Kaspersky denied having ties to any government. “The company has never helped, nor will help, any government in the world with its cyberespionage efforts,” it said in a statement on Thursday. “Kaspersky Lab believes it is completely unacceptable that the company is being unjustly accused without any hard evidence to back up these false allegations.”
Trump Ordered to Turn Over Giuliani Memo in Travel Ban Suit
The Trump Administration was ordered by a federal judge to disclose a memo drafted under the guidance of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani that allegedly served as an outline to make the president’s travel ban look like it wasn’t aimed at Muslims.
While running for president, Donald Trump asked Giuliani to form a commission that would help draft a “Muslim ban” to “show [him] the right way to do it legally" after his initial proposal drew widespread public condemnation, according to a court filing by the Arab American Civil Rights League. The commission then recommended that “nationality be used as a proxy for religion,” the group said in the filing.
U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts in Detroit on Thursday directed the president to produce the document by May 19.
‘Abbas has decided to sign peace deal with Israel’
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has crossed the Rubicon and voiced “unprecedented” readiness to reach a peace deal with Israel, sources close to the efforts to renew talks between Israel and the Palestinians have told The Jerusalem Post.
Abbas, according to the sources, made this clear to President Donald Trump during their meeting at the White House last week. The president plans to use his trip to Israel later this month to receive assurances from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he, too, is committed to a peace agreement.
Since his meeting with Trump last week, Abbas has changed his rhetoric, issuing a number of statements meant to reflect flexibility on previous demands. He has, for example, said that he would renew the talks under Trump’s auspices without preconditions. In the past, he had said he would not negotiate with Netanyahu without a freeze to settlement construction.
He has also sent his advisers to the press to declare that the Palestinians are prepared to negotiate land swaps with Israel, a recognition that some West Bank settlements will remain part of Israel in the framework of a future deal.
Netanyahu, on the other hand, has largely remained quiet. The strategy within the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem seems to be to wait and hope not to be blamed for preventing the success of the peace talks Trump is planning to restart following his visit on May 22.
Jailed Reporter Barrett Brown on Press Freedom, FBI Crimes & Why He Wouldn't Do Anything Differently
'An Idea Whose Time Has Come': Lawmakers Roll Out Plan to Expand Worker Ownership
Amid increasing corporate power and dwindling worker profits, a coalition of lawmakers on Thursday put forth one solution that just may take off.
Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) teamed up to put together two bills that would make it easier to form and operate employee-owned businesses, which have been "proven to increase employment, productivity, sales, and wages in the United States," according to a statement from Sanders' office. ...
"Simply put," said Sanders, "when employees have an ownership stake in their company, they will not ship their own jobs to China to increase their profits, they will be more productive, and they will earn a better living."
The WORK Act, which was also introduced in the House by Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), "would provide more than $45 million in funding to states to establish and expand employee ownership centers, which provide training and technical support for programs promoting employee ownership," according to a press statement. The proposal is modeled on the success of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center.
The second piece of legislation would establish "a U.S. Employee Ownership Bank to provide $500 million in low-interest rate loans and other financial assistance to help workers purchase businesses through an employee stock ownership plan or a worker-owned cooperative." A companion bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.).
Texas seeks unprecedented federal money to defund Planned Parenthood
Texas will ask the Trump administration to green-light the state’s unprecedented efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, according to documents seen by the Guardian. The request could pave the way for dozens of other states to adopt the same aggressive tactics to defund the nation’s largest reproductive healthcare provider.
Under the Obama administration, Texas lost millions in federal family planning funds as a consequence of its unlawful efforts to block Planned Parenthood from participating in Medicaid. In the aftermath, Texas created a state-funded family planning program which critics say failed to adequately replace the services of Planned Parenthood.
Now, in a letter obtained by the Guardian, Texas officials ask the US health department to fund its state program – the same one the state created after it defied federal laws that prohibit defunding Planned Parenthood. In its letter, which is expected to be sent to the Trump administration as early as this week, Texas makes no indication that the state plans to comply with those laws and reinstate Planned Parenthood’s funding.
A half dozen other states have attempted to exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding. But only Texas, by giving up millions in such funding, has been successful.
Why are British Columbians Voting Liberal, Against Their Own Interest?
Brazil announces end to Zika public health emergency
Brazil has declared an end to its public health emergency over the Zika virus, 18 months after a surge in cases drew headlines around the world. The mosquito-borne virus was not considered a major health threat until the 2015 outbreak revealed that Zika can lead to severe birth defects. One of those defects, microcephaly, causes babies to be born with skulls much smaller than expected.
Photos of babies with the defect spread panic around the globe as the virus was reported in dozens of countries. Many would-be travellers cancelled their trips to Zika-infected places. The concern spread even more widely when health officials said it could also be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. ...
In response to the outbreak, Brazil launched a mosquito-eradication campaign. The health ministry said those efforts have helped to dramatically reduce cases of Zika. Between January and mid-April, 95% fewer cases were recorded than during the same period last year. The incidence of microcephaly has fallen as well.
Imagining a world without pesticides
‘Turn it off’: how technology is killing the joy of national parks
Andrew Studer was admiring a massive lava fire hose at Hawaii Volcanoes national park when he spotted something unusual: a small quadcopter drone flying very close to the natural wonder pouring hot molten rock. “There were other visitors sitting out relaxing in somewhat of a meditative state, just trying to enjoy this phenomenon,” said Studer, who recently captured a viral image of a drone hovering near the lava. “I do feel like drones are extremely obnoxious, and I’m sure it was frustrating for some of the people there.”
In recent years, there have been growing concerns about technology invading national parks, with drones and other noisy gadgets disrupting wilderness areas, wildlife habitats and other recreational areas.
As drones became increasingly popular in 2014, the NPS moved to ban the launching and landing of “unmanned aircrafts”, but the problem has persisted. Since the new rule went into effect, parks have issued 325 citations related to drones, according to spokesman Jeffrey Olson. “It was pretty quickly apparent that visitors who weren’t flying them didn’t like them,” he said. “People were really upset ... It’s like a buzzing bee you can’t get out of your head. People observed drones being used to herd wildlife.”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
The Glorious Return of Condi Rice
Ukrainian general calls for destruction of Jews
The Hazards of Military Worship
NYU Accidentally Exposed Military Code-breaking Computer Project to Entire Internet
The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers
A Little Night Music
James Brown - Cold Sweat
James Brown - Please, Please, Please
James Brown - Lost Someone
James Brown - It Was You
James Brown - I Don't Know
James Brown - Papa's got a brand new bag
James Brown - I Got You (I Feel Good)
James Brown - Make It Funky
James Brown - Get On The Good Foot

Hi, Joe
The last time Obama ran he had something like 2.4 million bucks, which was supposedly from his book sales. (Running for the Senate and the Presidency boosted sales.) Recently, though, only a few months out of office, he made a $20 million dollar donation. How the hell does your net worth increase from 2.4 million bucks total to whatever it takes to be able to afford a $20 million donation? And the heck do we do we still call them public "servants?"
Watching the news lately is like watching a combination of a way over the top SNL skit and a Greek tragey, with the talking heads standing in the for the Greek chorus.
Have a great weekend anyway!
evening hw...
apparently, the salary of the president, while considerable by the standards of the 99%, is nothing compared to the gratuities.
This little number works for tips only!
Could I get a table dance with that beer?
Maybe he had a second job.
Everybody's moon-lighting these days.
Seriously, I'm groping around in my mind trying to figure out how he turned $7 million, in just eight years, into a cash stash so large he could give away $20 million, easily.
The president gets a salary of $400,000, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment.
That's $569,000 per year. That's about $4 million for an eight year run plus what he had — let's call it $7 million total. I suppose he had his savings in a blind trust managed by a competent broker. All the President has to do is keep interest rates low and keep the stock market soaring with incredible stimulus from government spending on war. The great thing about war spending is that you have nothing to show for it and you get to keep spending and spending to produce more. (If you spend on infrastructure, then you're stuck with all this modern buildout. The only ones who benefit from that are the American People.) That's quite an incentive for any President with investments allocated to the right sectors.
Of course it is legal. I wonder why more people aren't running for Federal office. The odds are way better than lotto and the payout is like hitting the capitalist jackpot. Everyone becomes a multi-millionaire. Except Bernie Sanders. After all those years in office, he still hasn't broken a million.
And that assumes he didn't spend a cent in eight years!
BTW, I think Bernie probably broke a million after his run. He had one book out and now a second. His first book was a filibuster that should have been in the Congressional Record, and owned by the US public. Still, I think someone paid him for the right to publish it and I think he kept the money and now he has a second book. But, he sure had a lot less than most Senators. Of course, when he ran, some bots on the board I was posting on then counted it against him that he hadn't managed to become rich after 25 years of making a good salary! Sometimes, you can't win for losing.
I do recall that that the proceeds from Bernie's first book went to a charity related to children, but can't remember particulars at the moment.
My searches suck and I haven't the energy to go digging, so here's this, which was handy and followed by a bunch of unrelated stuff, as now seems typical.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
California has hired its first commercial cannabis czar
State capitol is Sacramento. I thought this might fit with the EB because:
Of course! Makes perfect sense. I like the part toward the end (not really):
Love how the Ds like to end discussions, especially while wearing their jack boots. Good luck.
Sacramento cannabis czar interview: ‘Everyone is going to have to follow the rules’
I follow the rules.
And if the rules become a hinderance to the growing of my meds, I'll break the law.
I was a gorilla grower before it was legal in Michigan and would be again.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
evening pricknick...
forgive me, i can't resist. how often do you have to water gorillas?
As much
as your back can handle.
I love my greenhouse. It uses less than a half gallon per day per bush. I use what's called a water still system to retain and pull water from the ground when the night cools. There are some good uses for plastic.
And I grew veggies all winter long in it this year. Scary how warm it was in southern Michigan.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
evening eyo...
does california allow people to grow their own in small quantities, or is it all controlled by dispensaries? the fellow they've got running their program sure sounds like an officious little snot.
Ya got me Joe, who can figure any of it out yet?
Blah blah blah, let every single city and locality decide for themselves, that is how messed up it is, banned everywhere in nimbyville. Also says please bugger off to another site to find how Sessions might feel about quasi-legal weed, no promises! Well alrighty then. I am having trouble finding the Recreational info I had bookmarked, it has moved again I guess. We'll see.
Edit: Found the PDF that got me all worked up, a 14 page summary from the Legislative Analyst's Office, reconciliation between the new Prop. 215 laws, and now Prop. 64:
Interesting file path there, the document is found at the very bottom of the page under General Government, not Criminal Justice, but you know... optics.
[replaced some commentary here with linkage instead]
The Governor's Cannabis Proposals
Oregon regulators almost killed off the retail business end.
Have to say, if I ever fly through LAX
again I'll have to remember to flip the bird to any camera I see. Give the pluto's a little taste of ordinary vulgarity to go with their cabernet.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
evening lizzy...
sounds like a great idea, perhaps it could start a movement. there's lots that people might want to say to the 1%.
We should all develop the ability to spot cams!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Among the multimillionaires, the luxury, and the bling,
Private terminals.
Private yachts.
Private airplanes.
Private gated communities.
Private guards.
Private schools.
I'm so happy to belong to the riffraff. I'm right at home with those who work for a living. Those who produce what is needed by all. Sweat equity is not a curse but a privilege.
I'm proud to belong to the 99%.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
it's all pirate property.
That was of course the original intent of the hammer and sickle.
Good evening Joe and All...
hear SNL's going to be in the bushes tomorrow night.
Thanks for this week's news and blues and have a great weekend!
evening smiley...
when i heard that spicy had taken off to hide in (or among?) the bushes, my first thought was that it would feature in snl's opening segment this week. seems too good for them to pass up.
have a great weekend.
has offered $100,000 for recorded conversations between Comey and Trump.
evening olinda...
i suspect, due to trump's wording, that he's bluffing. but i'd be delighted if some tapes did surface.
have a great weekend!
Latest Caitlin Johnstone
evening gj...
great article. i can remember back when the best comedians were counterculture artists. lenny bruce, george carlin - the best minds worked to expand people's consciousness and get them to question authority.
the new comedy celebrities colbert, stewart and their ilk are surely smart and talented and they take on the trappings of the counterculture, but they are a mere shadow of those that went before them.
Stewart may have gotten some karma payback.
So he retires on goes on a righteous mission to advocate for help for 9-11 first responders. And from what I saw he was blown off and ignored. He must have thought his previous fame was going to open some doors, especially for such a righteous cause.
I hope in retrospect maybe he can appreciate that people like Code Pink were also blown off, ignored, and told to fuck off, so they took it to the street.
Imagine the segments Stewart/Colbert could have done about 9/11
Why didn’t they? It seems inconceivable that they would have, or ever would in the future, doesn’t it? Mulling that over tells you who they are and what their assigned role is. Ooh,
shinyha ha, funny! Look here, don’t look there!What’s fascinating is not all the supposed “must see” TV we’re flooded with — it’s all the “must not see, ever” TV, the abundance of topics, the wealth of knowledge the elites use their power to place off-limits to the public.
Trevor said things about Russia that were borderline racist
The original tweet from Rep. Leiu asshole
"Our 11 year old just asked me if President Trump was part Russian. That would be really funny if it wasn't so really scary."
Got a shitload of shit.
That wouldn't work.
Throwing in some Necrotizing Fasciitis would be much better.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Boy, The Empty Suit is going to end up making
the Clinton's look like amateurs when it comes to pandering to the 1% and selling influence to anyone with (apparently) a minimum of $400,000. If the Clintons are worth approximately $200 million dollars after 30+ years in public service, look at how much TES is taking it in and how fast it's piling up.
And if I remember correctly the way TES deals with the hungry (or anyone in need) is to give them a good dose of austerity. Is that what he tells people in his speeches?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
evening amanda...
i am guessing that obama will be a billionaire within a decade. a guy who can command $3.2 million for 90 minutes work is going to go far.
This is so maddening. The guy was NOT
who we thought he'd be and that was basically because we believed him when he told us who he was.
Betraying the 99% pays well.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
not only does it pay well..
he was very good at it. the vast majority of the people he screwed mercilessly still think he's the bee's knees.
he should be looking at prison.
what he gets is a big stack of money.
until that gets switched around we will have trouble with the pols.
they think they are "smart". wiseguys is what they are.
we will see how that money spends.
"some will rob you with a six-gun, some with a fountain pen."
Funk Friday.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
evening tim...
glad to see that you had a good time at jazzfest. i'm hoping that next year i can get down there for a weekend. i've been wanting to hit jazzfest for years, but circumstances have conspired...
Sounds like a plan
one of the last great record shops.
I'd be thrilled to see you there. Also, I can be helpful about where to stay, how to roll, ... We can go toThe individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
The Fairgrounds is not near the FQ at all, IIRC.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
About Shattered video and political illusion known as HRC.
I will definitely read the book. But many things to say about the video overview of the book. But in the end for me what happened when Hillary ran was the creation of a mass political illusion. I saw this when diaries appeared on TOP pushing Warren as VP. I believe now that somebody from her campaign must have planted the idea to test it out. Oh the idea was cheered from hither and yonder.
I may have been the only one that wrote that no way would Hillary ever pick Warren. Hillary is of Wall Street and Wall Street hates Warren. And the minute Warren were to be chosen, that is the minute all monies and influence pedaling to Wall Street would end. Wikileaks pretty much confirmed this.
The author in the video says Hillary had a hard understanding what the ruckus was about people being mad at the system. His explanation was that for years and years she lived in a bubble. But Trump got it. Bernie got it. Obama got it. Even Bill Clinton got it as he was at odds with campaign strategies. And critical supporters did not get it. Neera Tanden didn't get it. But Mook didn't get it. Gloria Steinem didn't get it. The heads of the unions and and Planned Parenthood who endorsed her in the primaries didn't get it.
Hillary was in a bubble of her own choosing. Franks was right about the ideology that surrounds the 10% controlling the democratic party and their enablers at PPH, the unions, and various other organizations and groups.
And we are living the effects of the continued self delusions of Hillary and her supporters as we enter a new age of McCarthyism to punish those who denied the ultimate goal of the political illusion.
Good evening, Joe. Sure a lot of Trump News today.
It's funny, SFGate has a samll "Trump Today" section. Heh.
I am a bit surprised at Mr. Publius using the T word. I'd have expected better than that. Treason requires an enemy - not somebody some folks dislike, but somebody with whom we are at war. Russia? Nah.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --