My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Why is he acting so strange?
From:Open Raw - Late 70's-80's Art, Street, Punk, Pop, Wavey, Music and a bit of present day politics
irishking Thu, 10/27/2016 - 09:55am 0
"skin in the game"
From:NPR Admits Obamacare is Flawed, Then Lie and Say Fixing It is Complicated
irishking Thu, 10/27/2016 - 06:46am 0
What is with Hightower Lowdown?
From:The Evening Blues - 10-24-16
irishking Wed, 10/26/2016 - 08:09am 0
We have a choice, all right.
From:Jimmy Dore: The Emails Were Stolen By Russians Edition
irishking Wed, 10/26/2016 - 06:25am 0
Assume he knew.
From:Old Hopey-Changey lied. He did know she was running a private email scam and the DNC was freaked
irishking Wed, 10/26/2016 - 05:11am 1 Wed, 10/26/2016 - 05:31am
Yes, if the herd holds steady.
From:Stand up and have your voice be heard- 2 weeks until the election
irishking Tue, 10/25/2016 - 07:31pm 1 Tue, 10/25/2016 - 08:36pm
Anyone still alive can be redeemed, even
From:Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
irishking Tue, 10/25/2016 - 06:58pm 0
If only we knew how!
From:Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
irishking Tue, 10/25/2016 - 02:09pm 0
It is Party over People for him now.
From:Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
irishking Tue, 10/25/2016 - 07:34am 0
Into the Light
From:Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 10:18pm 1 Tue, 10/25/2016 - 10:18pm
Or instead Sanders and Warren could, you know,
From:Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 04:23pm 1 Mon, 10/24/2016 - 04:38pm
(No subject)
From:John Bentel Took the Fifth Today in Judicial Watch Deposition - SURPRISE!
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 02:04pm 0
"... show exactly what they mean by transparency. "
From:John Bentel Took the Fifth Today in Judicial Watch Deposition - SURPRISE!
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 01:56pm 0
Why is the Democratic Party leadership
From: October 24, 2016 Open Thread; United Nations Day
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 09:24am 0
Orwell was an optimist.
From:Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama to Clinton
irishking Mon, 10/24/2016 - 08:08am 0
can we get a stress reading on her voice?
From:Jimmy Dore: DNC Corruption And Lies Continue With New DNC Chair Donna Brazile
irishking Sun, 10/23/2016 - 01:14pm 1 Mon, 10/24/2016 - 09:51am
By the time Megan Kelly interviews her,
From:Jimmy Dore: DNC Corruption And Lies Continue With New DNC Chair Donna Brazile
irishking Sun, 10/23/2016 - 01:10pm 1 Sun, 10/23/2016 - 01:20pm
Story behind the pedophilia smear
From:Open Thread - the weekly watch
irishking Sun, 10/23/2016 - 10:58am 0
"We have met the enemy,
From:Jimmy Dore Takes Apart the John Oliver Hit Piece on Jill Stein
irishking Sat, 10/22/2016 - 11:35am 1 Sat, 10/22/2016 - 01:23pm
Assange pedophilia story
From:Open Thread - Saturday, October 22
irishking Sat, 10/22/2016 - 09:51am 0
that has been my experience,
From:Our Government Lies to Us Man
irishking Sat, 10/22/2016 - 07:55am 0
Sanders has chosen to join the club
From:Our Government Lies to Us Man
irishking Sat, 10/22/2016 - 07:03am 0
the combination of stupidity and arrogance
From:And Just Like That — Everything Changed
irishking Fri, 10/21/2016 - 08:47pm 0
oh boy!
From:Ok, so I'm kind of freaking out just a bit. Reddit: Server not found.
irishking Fri, 10/21/2016 - 05:10pm 0
they may have threatened him with seizure
From:Are they about to grab Assange today?
irishking Fri, 10/21/2016 - 01:31pm 0
not much else to do
From:Are they about to grab Assange today?
irishking Fri, 10/21/2016 - 01:29pm 0
Duterte is showing
From:And Just Like That — Everything Changed
irishking Fri, 10/21/2016 - 07:39am 0
i will buy her a ticket to Syria.
From:Debate Open Thread (Armageddon Edition)
irishking Thu, 10/20/2016 - 12:32pm 0
ah yes, Haiti !
From:Debate Open Thread (Armageddon Edition)
irishking Thu, 10/20/2016 - 11:33am 0
ah yes, Haiti !
From:Debate Open Thread (Armageddon Edition)
irishking Thu, 10/20/2016 - 11:32am 0
this election could be our salvation,
From:What happens in Vegas stays in
irishking Thu, 10/20/2016 - 07:03am 0
if the herd holds steady,
From:Clinton operatives linked to Assange smear
irishking Wed, 10/19/2016 - 03:13pm 1 Thu, 10/20/2016 - 12:07am
that's the Land of Kos
From:Actual Quid Pro Quo Allegation
irishking Tue, 10/18/2016 - 09:21am 0
they really aren't that smart.
From:Bernie Booed when stumping for Hillary in Seattle
irishking Tue, 10/18/2016 - 08:36am 0
Land of Kos
From:Bernie Booed when stumping for Hillary in Seattle
irishking Tue, 10/18/2016 - 08:19am 0
it's a toughie , all right.
From:Hillary, thy name is.... (Part Five)
irishking Tue, 10/18/2016 - 07:03am 1 Thu, 10/20/2016 - 07:51am
super cool!
From:Take THAT, Evil Empire.
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 10:56am 0
es tan claro como el agua,
From:Take the money!!
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 10:31am 0
From:RT banks accounts blocked in UK, Assange account shut down
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:46am 0
couldn't miss that one!
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:42am 0
couldn't miss that one!
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:42am 0
couldn't miss that one!
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:42am 0
not so much.
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:41am 0
not so much.
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:40am 0
not so much.
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:40am 0
right with you.
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:39am 0
right with you.
From:Vote Shaming
irishking Mon, 10/17/2016 - 09:39am 0
we were berned, all right.
From:Bernie to lead rally on Monday for Amendment #69:ColoradoCare
irishking Sat, 10/15/2016 - 11:12pm 0
"Orwell was an optimist"-
From:Podesta Speaks about Wikileaks: Blames Trump/Putin Conspiracy
irishking Wed, 10/12/2016 - 06:42pm 0
smart guy, and he knew more
From:Podesta Speaks about Wikileaks: Blames Trump/Putin Conspiracy
irishking Wed, 10/12/2016 - 06:36pm 0
good one.
From:News Dump Tuesday: Wikileaks, Hillary, and The Intercept Edition
irishking Tue, 10/11/2016 - 05:13pm 0
ranked choice voting is the
From:Conscience in the 2016 Election
irishking Tue, 10/11/2016 - 03:17pm 1 Tue, 10/11/2016 - 04:18pm
"why is he acting so strange?
From:The Real and Present Danger to America That Both Trump and Hillary Won't Talk About
irishking Fri, 10/07/2016 - 06:50am 0
let's hope wooden stakes are
From:Why I'm Voting For Jill Stein
irishking Tue, 10/04/2016 - 05:36am 0
absolutely right
From:Why I'm Voting For Jill Stein
irishking Tue, 10/04/2016 - 05:34am 0
