Friday Night Photos Bad Bug Day Edition
Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.
The humidity is very low (27%) and the Santa Ana winds are still blowing, but thankfully, unlike LA, so far there are no large wildfires in the county. According to the NWS the Santa Ana should break down later today which will be a big help getting the fires in LA under control. Now ,if they could only get more water.
I went to the Balboa Park rose garden a few days ago with the macro lens hoping to find lots of bugs for tonight's FNP. Unfortunately it wasn't a good bug day in the garden. Fortunately it was a good bird day the last few outings to Lake Murray and Santee Lakes.
"Pelican Yoga-Backward Bird pose" White Pelican
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Female/nonbreeding male
"QUACK!" Male Ring-necked Duck
"Emerald Eye" Double-crested Cormorant
I'm not sure on this one. I'm going with Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Hooded Merganser nonbreeding male
Hi Social
What a neat little bundle of white feathers the big pelican is in its yoga position, and the cedar waxwing caught red-handed with a berry in its mouth are wonderful photos. The emerald eye of the pelican, and the delicacy of the gnatcatcher, are also enchanting.
Thank you for all your photos, and happy outings!
Thank you, Janis
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Evening all
The sun has been relentless for a while now. I'm beginning to feel guilty about watering even the small veggie garden I have. The bushes and trees are covered with a thickish layer of mulch, but will soon need some water as well. I have my ollas working overtime. Thanks to lookout for the suggestion years ago.
A Gladiola flower pressed under glass...
Have a comfortable weekend everyone
Another Gladiola photo
from today ...
In one word
Beautiful. Very nice, Janis.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Thank you Social nt
Great glads!
Great Glad photos! They are a nice flower.
Hope all is well!
take care!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi d!
The local dairy sells flowers as well. Rarely do I buy any, but I just couldn't leave without this stunning bunch of beautifully coloured Gladiola.
Be well and enjoy!
Hi, Janis
Beautiful shot of the Gladiola. Nice soft lighting.
Don't feel guilty about watering your veggie garden. That's food. And we all need food.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Hi Social
Thanks for your perspective on food, I feel a little less guilty.
Hi pixelators
Hi all, Hey SP!
GREAT bird photos as always SP! That is indeed a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Just over 4" and a quarter ounce of pure energy. Hard to get them still with their constant wing-flicking. You have to catch them between flicks. The Cedar Waxwing is a first winter bird, born this past summer. Adults have red wax-like drops on the secondaries (the waxwing part), which are absent here. So, an immature less than a year old.
Thanks for the OT and great bird pix always! SP
I just have one poor docushot to drop. When getting a grabshot, or docushot, or a rare bird, quality is not really important. You should see some of the awful stuff I have sent it but got a record out of. This is a non-adult male Anna's Hummingbird we have here now. They are rare in TExas east of far west TX, but some few do winter every year. Once showed up here Dec. 20. Then on Jan. 7, TWO MORE showed up. We now have three here at once, which is bonkers. Mornings have been 25f or so thisweek. The first bird is an immature male, this photo is of the second one, haven't gotten a pic of bird #3 yet.
This camera blows out whites horribly, I don't care for its exposure readings.
Hope all are well!
Happy trails!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi, dystopian
Don't sell yourself short. That Anna's is not a bad shot at all. I've got a folder full of shots that look just like it. Hope your rare visitors stick around for a while.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.