Actual Quid Pro Quo Allegation
I saw a story pointing to this over the weekend, but the person had not yet been named. Now, it appears to be a *real* allegation, if you will.
State Dept. official accused of offering 'quid pro quo' in Clinton email scandal
A top State Department official allegedly “pressured” the FBI to downgrade the classification of one of Hillary Clinton’s emails as part of a “quid pro quo,” according to documents released by the bureau on Monday.
The accusation of such an arrangement came from an interview the FBI conducted with an official in its records management division. Notes from the interview were released as part of the FBI’s public posting of documents related to its now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.
In the interview, the unnamed official says that Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary of state for management, tried in late June or early July of last year to get the FBI to change a classified email to unclassified, in exchange for the State Department allowing the FBI to place agents in more countries.
Here's the relevant portion of the notes released today:
“[REDACTED] received a call from [REDACTED] of the International Operations Division (IOD) of the FBI, who ‘pressured’ him to change the classified email to unclassified. [REDACTED] indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Undersecretary of State, who had asked his assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo.’”
The notes go on to say, “[REDACTED] advised that, in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.”
An unnamed official alleges that Kennedy followed up this request by asking during a private meeting whether the FBI could “see their way to marking the email unclassified?”
From Christian Science Monitor:
FBI's handling of Hillary Clinton emails: Was there a quid pro quo?
Both the State Department and FBI have denied the allegation.
State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner said Monday that the allegations are factually inaccurate and that Kennedy's conversations were an attempt to understand the FBI's process for releasing certain information to the public via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
"Classification is an art, not a science, and individuals with classification authority sometimes have different views," Mr. Toner said, as The Hill reported. "There can be applicable FOIA exemptions that are based on both classified and unclassified rules. We have an obligation to ensure determinations as they relate to classification are made appropriately."
@wikileaks Crazy...
— Mark Mansfield (@Mark4124NH) October 17, 2016
New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to 'Shadow Government'
One revelation in the documents came from an interview with an unidentified person who suggested that Freedom of Information Act requests related to Clinton went through a group sometimes called "the Shadow Government."
"There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as 'The 7th Floor Group' or 'The Shadow Government.' This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries," the FBI's interview summary said.
That group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once "for coordination purposes" instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the "Shadow Government" did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.
Hmmm. Still not quite clear on what FBI means by ' Shadow Government'.
Others find this interesting
What they mean.
It's what we have. Our current government, in no way is visible in a legal, moral or ethical standpoint. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Hence: Shadow.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I have seen a lot of mention of this sort of thing
recently. The gist of it is, that politicians come and go every few years, but there are permanent government employees, particularly in the State Department, that actually set the agenda.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
aka The Deep State
Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State | Blog, Perspectives | BillMoyers com
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
That is an excellent article, GSL. Thanks for the link
The article not only talks about the Deep State, it talks about how Obama can kill Americans without due process, start wars anywhere he wants to without congress's permission, lock up anyone indefinitely without charging them and not allowing them access to a lawyer, spy on Americans without a warrant as well as many other unconstitutional actions.
But of course he can't pass any of his legislation because the mean republicans block his agenda.
And he is quite content with having the republicans block his agenda after DWS ran such a crappy election and losing the house. If he was unhappy with the results then DWS would have been fired. Instead after she left the DNC he congratulated her on doing such a fine job.
The rest of the article is a great read, but here is where Bill talks about the Deep State.
I don't remember which president warned us about the Deep State, but it might have been Truman. I'll look for it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The Deep State by Mike Lofgren
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
More from Lofgren - 2011
From the Light House.
Lofgren's "The Deep State"
I highly recommend. I'd recommend that one as a nice, concise kind of explanation for just what we have. In one passage he calls it not a conspiracy so much as an evolution - it isn't like there's some room all these people meet and set one agenda, their agenda simply evolved into one that's only about money and power. They own it all, and that book makes an excellent case. If I thought I could get friends to read just that one they'd see what I rant on and on about. And the man was a Republican staffer so not like anyone can accuse him of being some Commie either. But most of my friends aren't the reading fool that I am and really, I can't say I blame them for that sometimes. I read enough to make me very fucking angry and there are times I wish I could stop, but I can no longer just look away.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
lizzy, even if you could get your friends to read the book
I bet that they wouldn't believe it anyway. We saw how much people can change their way of thinking over at DK. No matter how much proof we provided about who Hillary actually is, they wouldn't believe it. Just kept sticking to their talking points that what we were saying was right wing talking points.
Then ag, they can't get us to believe what they do either.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Do they include The Bureau in that?
That's what I can't figure out...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Certainly the CIA, NSA, et al.
I have not seen the FBI mentioned in the same way, but it makes sense. But most recently, the State Department seems to be the biggest player. Whether that is because of all the news related to the State Dept these days, or whether they really are the center of the action, I don't know.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
...but it's the FBI's notes is why I'm wondering if this illustrates some level of self awareness or if it's just intended to represent State (possibly as a derogatory statement).
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Press Release published today
(and which my partner just shared with me) entirely changes my understanding of this. This talks about the long term State employees calling some of Clinton's people "The Shadow Government"...specifically lawyers from the law firm representing her, who set up their own system of releasing the emails for the FOIA request about Benghazi.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I really don't want to have to learn something new every day
at least about this subject.
But I had not bumped into this. And this is on the weirder side of crap which has to be reviewed to get a handle on what all she and her peeps did, so it's kinda interesting in a freaky way.
Thank you.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
For literally decades
At least since 1992, when she really did think she was the co-president, deeply resented not being treated as such by the public. The meme was "First Bill, then Hill." The animosity of the women in HillaryLand toward what they called "the white boys" (Billy & his crew) is indescribable.
"as to be reviewed to get a handle on what all she and her peeps did, so it's kinda interesting in a freaky way. "
Feel strongly the most important thing we can do is prevent Her Heinous being POTUS.
It is SO hard to believe, accept, even by those who know it to be true, if they aren't part of the Clinton team. Terrifying.
So true.
It was obvious even then, that we would be going through this, now. (though I thought it would have been a bit sooner.)
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
LOL - so did the Clintons, in 2008, when "their" election
was STOLEN, remember
It's sarcastic.
Some ad hoc committee of people composed partly of add-ons from Clintons legal team is suddenly given responsibility for these emails outside the normal channels. The career folks dub that committee the "Deep State." It's sarcasm coming from folks pissed by this usurpation of their authority, but it's also sadly too close to the truth to be that funny.
Thank you
I seem to have a bit of an autistic streak, and sometimes that manifests in my having a very wry sense of humor and other times I'm just head-scratchingly confused if a statement looks true and not at all funny.
Sarcasm makes sense. Looking at it from that vantage, it's also more than a wee bit passive aggressive.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
It looks like two related but distinct entities
The deep state is real and worthy of concern (and I admire Bill Moyers a great deal), but the shadow government here appears to refer to specific Hillary Clinton cronies whose jobs have been to protect her from FOIA requests related to the mess she made in Libya.
Wasn't Foster Dulles the SOS
Wasn't Foster Dulles the SOS under Eisenhower? He and brother Allen, who ran the nascent CIA wreaked global havoc without restraint....working undercover, according to their own agenda. Read the nonfiction account of their part in the "shadow govt." In Talbot's "The Devil's Chessboard."
It's almost as if they have one position for the public and another private (i.e. actual) position. Hillary's admission in one of her "secret speeches" merely confirms what we all suspected. And she will be business as usual if she's elected POTUS.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Limited hangout to show the FBI turned down Kennedy's quid pro quo offer.
The memo does, however, show collusion between State and Clinton in attempting to strong arm the FBI into changing the classification.
State had previous claimed they remained independent of the Clinton's during the investigation. The Podesta wikileaks emails have blown that claim out of the water by showing communication between campaign operatives and State employees on the matter of which emails to release to Congress. (How they chose the emails to give to Congress is a whole other little coverup within a coverup BTW.)
So now the FBI releases it version to place itself in a good light showing the classifying agent with clean hands. But remember it was the FBI OID who pressured the classifier on behalf of Kennedy at State, so not everybody at FBI looks like a boy scout here.
Interesting to note, further down the memo talks about an "all agency meeting" (CIA, DIA, and 'others') chaired by Kennedy at STATE to specifically discuss Clinton email classification status with regard to her FOIA release, Kennedy's purpose being again to muscle the FBI into DEclassifying her emails so she could not be said to have been storing classified information on the home brew server.
The FBI again refused, but after the FBI later confirmed it wouldn't comment on the decision to the press, Clinton went out and gave a press conference saying that no classified info had been sent - a blatant lie which she knew the FBI wouldn't contradict publicly.
Until now.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Who else has popcorn?
That would make a great essay in it's own right...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Some more juicy details here.
Six ways State tried to cover up Clinton's emails
I know the Examiner is a rightwing rag, but they still do a nice job of laying Hillary's collusion with the State Dept.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Another reference to the Shadow Government
your link provided names of some of the people in it.
The bots on DK have looked into the email releases and selectively post ones that they don't think are damaging.
I remember when they appreciated the leaks that Assange released when they showed Bush in a bad way, but now that he's going after Hillary, he's a treasonous rapist who needs to face the charges against him even though when he left Sweden those charges had been dropped because there wasn't any evidence that he raped those women.
The US government pressured Sweden's government to bring charges against him. He rightly afraid that if he leaves the embassy he will end up either in the USA or dead.
Many members of congress have stated that he should be killed, including Hillary who thinks it is appropriate to use a drone to take him out.
She is following in Obama's footsteps of killing people without a trial to decide guilt or innocence first.
I wonder how many members at DK agree with her?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
If you want an answer to the last question you asked...
Take a stroll over to the dark side and read the comments in the diary about Ecuador cutting off Assange's access to the internet. It's frightening! I wandered over to see if there were any posts about the email releases and that was the closet I could find. Assange is now hated there along with Snowden. They should both be tried for treason. It's a full on hate fest over there. I truly can't believe some of what I read there and by posters who used to seem to have some grasp of reality. They have completely lost their minds. What an incredible cesspool! Hard to believe I actually participated over there for 11 years.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
that's the Land of Kos
I believe a lot of things
now that I used to imagine were impossible.
2016 will go down as a critical year in the history of the United States for good or bad.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I had a lot of fears and suspicions
but reality reveals my paranoia was wholly inadequate.
Yes, and that's the worst part in many ways
I've thought for decades they're all a member of what I termed the green party - the money party. I remember when Newt went after Clinton on Monica and telling my mother they all work together in some back room somewhere, saying "you be for that, and I'll be against it, and we'll get it done or not done accordingly." My Right Wing mother asked how I could be so cynical and I asked her how she could not. This was long before I started really paying attention, and I don't mean to say I was in any way prescient - I just felt that way after seeing what they do. And now, that's all been confirmed this year, right out in the open too - they don't even hide it anymore.
That is what amazes me about supposed liberals who are acting as bad as the loony Tea Party ever did. I feel like we all suspect it and have suspected it for a long time, and now that its confirmed for us, people can STILL ignore it? Just blows me away.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
They are derranged orange freepers...
following an old man who regurgitates the NYT in every one of his posts.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Daily Kos has reduced the complexity
of American politics down to the level of a sporting event where two teams vie for supremacy. The sole objective of the site is to root for and support the Good Team, while disparaging and hindering the Bad Team. Commentary necessarily tends to be simplistic, since any serious criticism of the Good Team is either discouraged or forbidden. Its Leader must be respected and promoted at all costs.
It is what it is. As a vehicle for maintaining Party solidarity and enthusiasm, a kind of team-building exercise, DKos has been and still is somewhat effective. But as a forum for analysing and discussing fundamental political realities from a broader perspective, it has become next to useless.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Well, we don't have a democracy or even a republic.
And me , little Miss Mary Sunshine, I'm depressed by it all.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
FBI redacted guy speaks up
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member