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The DNC Leak hits the fan, and I felt a disturbance--as if a million Clinton shills cried out at once
07/23/2016 - 11:48am
64 gustogirl
07/24/2016 - 11:15am
Team Hillary spikes football, but even WaPo says this is "worse than we thought"
07/05/2016 - 10:30pm
78 Pluto's Republic
07/10/2016 - 1:01am
Echo Chamber Fail: "Sanders voters moving to Clinton much faster than Clinton voters moved to Obama"
06/28/2016 - 7:43pm
28 eyo
06/30/2016 - 7:08am
A link to sign up for Bernie's livestream tomorrow night (THURSDAY)
06/15/2016 - 3:55pm
5 mj55
06/15/2016 - 9:40pm
Clinton's Voter Suppression Tactic Worked In California
06/08/2016 - 2:58pm
33 bikingforkarma
06/11/2016 - 1:39pm
NEW PPIC POLL: Bernie has erased Clinton's lead in CA
05/28/2016 - 6:13pm
22 Cant Stop the M...
05/29/2016 - 1:53pm
"Bernie Birthers": The Rise of the Pundit Class Demanding Bernie Drop Out. (Update: HUFFPO now one of them)
05/27/2016 - 2:16pm
16 expatjourno
05/29/2016 - 1:46pm
FBI investigation widens: Clinton Initiative and Terry McAuliffe Under Investigation
05/23/2016 - 5:26pm
65 Timmethy2.0
05/25/2016 - 4:11pm
Shaun King: Why I'm Leaving the Democratic Party
05/21/2016 - 11:12am
43 bikingforkarma
05/22/2016 - 2:31pm
Hillary spent more than twice as much as Bernie did in KY
05/17/2016 - 7:15pm
9 Lenzabi
05/18/2016 - 3:53am
