My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Last week tonight with John Oliver
From:Squirrel! Mainstream Media Censorship and Propaganda Continues
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 05:18pm 1 Sun, 09/18/2016 - 08:41pm
Last week tonight with John Oliver
From:Squirrel! Mainstream Media Censorship and Propaganda Continues
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 05:18pm 0
Last week tonight with John Oliver
From:Squirrel! Mainstream Media Censorship and Propaganda Continues
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 05:18pm 0
Last week tonight with John Oliver
From:Squirrel! Mainstream Media Censorship and Propaganda Continues
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 05:18pm 0
Last week tonight with John Oliver
From:Squirrel! Mainstream Media Censorship and Propaganda Continues
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 05:18pm 1 Sun, 09/18/2016 - 07:34pm
Was it the drum beat for war
From:Obama: Would be 'personal insult' to legacy if black voters don't back Clinton
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 01:09pm 2 Sun, 09/18/2016 - 06:22pm
Not contary at all.
From:Obama: Would be 'personal insult' to legacy if black voters don't back Clinton
Akze Sun, 09/18/2016 - 12:46pm 0
Shill of course.
From:The Victim Blaming Has Begun
Akze Fri, 09/16/2016 - 02:17pm 0
Don't be fooled
From:Clinton campaign "warns" media to tread carefully
Akze Sat, 09/10/2016 - 08:33pm 0
The took over
From:This is what I was afraid of
Akze Sat, 09/10/2016 - 04:10pm 0
Protest turnig in to civil wars
From:The Anti-Antiwar Left
Akze Fri, 09/09/2016 - 03:24pm 0
He's right about pipelines
From:Opinion on Ajamu Baraka (Green Party VP Candidate)
Akze Tue, 09/06/2016 - 01:09pm 0
Welp I think I have reached my rage qouta for the month.
From:TOP goes 99.9% for the 0.1%
Akze Tue, 09/06/2016 - 12:15pm 0
They hid that?!!!
From:TOP goes 99.9% for the 0.1%
Akze Tue, 09/06/2016 - 06:27am 1 Tue, 09/06/2016 - 08:28am
From:Stein Gained 6 States Today
Akze Tue, 08/23/2016 - 10:47pm 0
With the exception
From:Against Adolph Reed's "It's Important"
Akze Tue, 08/23/2016 - 03:19am 1 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 01:28pm
All ready happening.
From:Thomas Frank on the Real Potential Disaster of 2016
Akze Tue, 08/16/2016 - 02:26am 0
She and Obama
From:(Does anyone believe this?) Clinton forcefully disavows Obama's trade deal
Akze Fri, 08/12/2016 - 03:35am 0
Never in a billion years would greens join the likes of you.
From:Alas, Dr. Stein has lost my support with her VP pick.
Akze Mon, 08/08/2016 - 03:24am 1 Mon, 08/08/2016 - 06:21am
They are geting as bad as ours though.
From:Please stop the "Scumbag Trump" and other such derogatory memes. Don't help Hillary lie.
Akze Mon, 08/08/2016 - 02:39am 0
The tea party
From:Outreach to anyone but the left
Akze Mon, 08/08/2016 - 02:08am 1 Mon, 08/08/2016 - 02:22am
They wont come to Jesus.
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
Akze Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:20am 0
WFP are sheep herders
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
Akze Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:08am 0
He didn't need plato o plomo offer.
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
Akze Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:06am 0
I don't have anthing in common with dems or their party
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
Akze Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:55pm 0
You sound just like a Hillary supporter
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
Akze Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:47pm 0
From:Tantalizing Preview of Next Wikileaked Trove UPDATED with videos
Akze Wed, 08/03/2016 - 10:55pm 0
Didn't know
From:New Hillary Supporter Talking Point: "Bernie's supporters just wanted to drag the rest of us down the SJW rabbit hole."
Akze Wed, 08/03/2016 - 10:45pm 1 Wed, 08/03/2016 - 11:04pm
A year ago
From:The Big Winner of Turkey's Coup? Putin
Akze Tue, 07/26/2016 - 11:10pm 0
Funny, six words.
From:Trump coming in 3rd place in multiple demographics
Akze Wed, 07/20/2016 - 09:40pm 0
professional liberals
From:So define 'Liberal' for me.
Akze Mon, 06/27/2016 - 08:59am 0
WFP are sheep dogs
From:Ersatz Avenue: Dem Party Takeover is Unrealistic
Akze Tue, 06/21/2016 - 10:19am 1 Wed, 06/22/2016 - 07:12am
closer to 40 years
From:Ersatz Avenue: Dem Party Takeover is Unrealistic
Akze Tue, 06/21/2016 - 10:15am 0
It's not slower though
From:Bernie Should Beg For Forgiveness!!!
Akze Fri, 06/17/2016 - 03:26pm 0
Any chance he was being snarky?
From:Listen, Liberal
Akze Wed, 06/15/2016 - 07:39pm 3 Wed, 06/15/2016 - 11:26pm
FB wont let me get on the
From:Facebook Censoring Posts by DNC March Organizers
Akze Wed, 06/15/2016 - 03:56pm 0
From:How bad are the statistics of TOP? & misc stuff
Akze Tue, 06/14/2016 - 10:35pm 0
TOP has always been
From:How bad are the statistics of TOP? & misc stuff
Akze Tue, 06/14/2016 - 10:25pm 2 Wed, 06/15/2016 - 08:22am
Won't TPP
From:Good News
Akze Tue, 06/14/2016 - 08:16pm 0
Jill's facebook likes
From:Solid Majority of Dems want Bernie to have a "Major Role"
Akze Sun, 06/12/2016 - 12:54pm 1 Sun, 06/12/2016 - 09:38pm
New party
From:Event in Northampton Ma; E. Warren speaking on "income inequality" oh the irony!
Akze Sat, 06/11/2016 - 09:20pm 0
They wont hate hillary
From:Headline on TOP
Akze Sat, 06/11/2016 - 03:31pm 0
LMAO at bribesvill and kickback city!
From:Obama's YouTube Endorsement Video - Epic Fail
Akze Sat, 06/11/2016 - 12:32am 0
Battle of the boroughs!
From:yo bbb, so obama seyz to me, he seyz...
Akze Fri, 06/10/2016 - 08:50pm 0
As a lawyer in chi town
From:I have to thank Obama for making so many things clear today
Akze Thu, 06/09/2016 - 09:59pm 0
FL med will be on the ballot this year.
From:I have to thank Obama for making so many things clear today
Akze Thu, 06/09/2016 - 09:47pm 0
From:Alpha's Live Blog for June 7th Part Deux
Akze Wed, 06/08/2016 - 02:38am 1 Wed, 06/08/2016 - 02:47am
He's still climbing
From:Alpha's Live Blog for June 7th Part Deux
Akze Wed, 06/08/2016 - 01:59am 0
I'm hoping they drop the price some
From:Alpha's Live Blog for June 7th Part Deux
Akze Wed, 06/08/2016 - 01:45am 2 Wed, 06/08/2016 - 09:43am
You know one of the first investigative reports
From:Alpha's Live Blog for June 7th Part Deux
Akze Wed, 06/08/2016 - 12:37am 0
She seems about as far right as Hillary
From:Alpha's Live Blog for June 7th Part Deux
Akze Wed, 06/08/2016 - 12:14am 2 Wed, 06/08/2016 - 12:19am
(No subject)
From:Pot legalization and the increasingly desperate fight against it
Akze Tue, 06/07/2016 - 05:56pm 0
MO turned in the sigs 3 weeks ago.
From:Pot legalization and the increasingly desperate fight against it
Akze Tue, 06/07/2016 - 05:45pm 0
Amen. It cant come soon enough
From:Ok. I am so upset about Puerta Rico I can't sleep.
Akze Mon, 06/06/2016 - 05:26am 0
all good here
From:Refresh your browser
Akze Mon, 06/06/2016 - 04:35am 0
That's the big cable news scam,
From:Rachel Discusses No Hootin' or Hollerin' Order for State Dem Conventions
Akze Mon, 06/06/2016 - 02:23am 0
That's the big cable news scam,
From:Rachel Discusses No Hootin' or Hollerin' Order for State Dem Conventions
Akze Mon, 06/06/2016 - 02:20am 0
Obama is going to throw her under the bus
From:'There is now more than a theoretical chance' of no Clinton Nomination (WSJ opinion piece)
Akze Thu, 06/02/2016 - 12:03am 0
how hard he pushed the recommendations
From:If Markos is a typical supporter, then the Democratic Party is f---ed
Akze Wed, 06/01/2016 - 08:32am 0
good stuff
From:Campaigning Like It's 1999
Akze Wed, 06/01/2016 - 01:49am 0
Nuland gets sos
From:The Evening Blues - 5-31-16
Akze Tue, 05/31/2016 - 11:13pm 0
From:Reality Check: Hillary will face no legal consequences for email scandal
Akze Sat, 05/28/2016 - 11:08pm 0
neither are parties but are ideologies.
From:Ha- Talking Points Memo Just Had An Epiphany
Akze Sat, 05/28/2016 - 07:55pm 0
let me get this straigt
From:TOP Crashing Into Reality's Gates
Akze Fri, 05/27/2016 - 05:52am 1 Fri, 05/27/2016 - 10:36am
the new laws
From:Assault on the Working Class
Akze Thu, 05/26/2016 - 07:12pm 0
make no mistake, we are vindictive as hell
From:HRC throws Wasserman Schultz under the bus
Akze Thu, 05/26/2016 - 09:40am 1 Thu, 05/26/2016 - 10:31am
the FBI tried for years
From:The Evening Blues - 5-25-16
Akze Thu, 05/26/2016 - 12:45am 0
nail on the head sir.!!!!!!!!
From:David Brooks has a good weep and fails to notice that he answered himself
Akze Wed, 05/25/2016 - 12:18am 0
she sold out in 09
From:David Brooks has a good weep and fails to notice that he answered himself
Akze Wed, 05/25/2016 - 12:12am 0
You left out Soros
From:What we can look forward to on the GOS in coming months
Akze Tue, 05/24/2016 - 10:36pm 0
From:Mainstream Bernie supporters don't care about income inequality?
Akze Mon, 05/23/2016 - 12:02pm 0
she has refused to say
From:Oh Lord, Bernie Just Ripped The Scab Off
Akze Sun, 05/22/2016 - 11:33am 0
I would never vote for
From:538 still clueless, but starting to get the drift
Akze Fri, 05/20/2016 - 12:06pm 0
it wasnt
From:Obamacare troubles update
Akze Thu, 05/19/2016 - 08:08pm 0
I saw
From:The Evening Blues - 5-18-16
Akze Thu, 05/19/2016 - 02:24am 0
I call it the big j
From:Open Thread - Wed. May 18, 2016 - Neo-Liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
Akze Wed, 05/18/2016 - 03:58pm 0
you were the first person ever followed
From:It's Time to Boycott Daily Kos (if you aren't already)
Akze Wed, 05/18/2016 - 01:06am 0
/r/Syrian civil war
From:It's Time to Boycott Daily Kos (if you aren't already)
Akze Wed, 05/18/2016 - 12:58am 0
they all would have been baned
From:It's Time to Boycott Daily Kos (if you aren't already)
Akze Wed, 05/18/2016 - 12:40am 1 Wed, 05/18/2016 - 04:04pm
since carter
From:Why Does the Clinton Machine Want Us to Leave?
Akze Mon, 05/16/2016 - 01:19am 0
both are fascist
From:Why Does the Clinton Machine Want Us to Leave?
Akze Mon, 05/16/2016 - 12:46am 0
From:Another Anti-Democratic Party Rant
Akze Sat, 05/07/2016 - 06:11am 0
AQ are the GCC's mercs
From:Remember when al-Qaeda was our enemy?
Akze Fri, 04/15/2016 - 08:38pm 0
Russia has quite a few
From:Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security
Akze Fri, 04/15/2016 - 05:48pm 0
I dont know how hard they are failing
From:$HillBots trying to use sexism meme again (re: Lift SS Tax Cap)
Akze Fri, 04/15/2016 - 02:41pm 1 Fri, 04/15/2016 - 06:01pm
The real news network
From:Other than here, where do you get your news and political commentary & discussion?
Akze Thu, 04/14/2016 - 03:34pm 0
The real news network
From:Other than here, where do you get your news and political commentary & discussion?
Akze Thu, 04/14/2016 - 03:31pm 0
Not the greater evil
From:Scheer & Frank Discuss The Democrats Shift Away From Income Inequality
Akze Sun, 03/20/2016 - 10:38am 0
When they outlaw the
From:My Back Pages - 1% Want To Steal Your Social Security, Obama Is Helping Them
Akze Sun, 03/20/2016 - 09:49am 0
