My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Along those lines, we've noticed the glaring disparity
From:Open Thread - Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 12/02/2015 - 02:05pm 0
Enjoyed this OT, Nancy, especially since Temple Terrace (Tampa)
From:Open Thread - Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 12/02/2015 - 01:33pm 1 Wed, 12/02/2015 - 01:44pm
Have a sense of dread, considering that Mikulski
From:The Evening Blues - 12-1-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 09:10pm 0
Joe's right. There's really nothing like playing an instrument!
From:The Evening Blues - 12-1-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 08:17pm 0
Greetings Joe, & Gang! Possibly 'bad
From:The Evening Blues - 12-1-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 08:08pm 2 Tue, 12/01/2015 - 08:45pm
Sent SLMD a cash 'snail mail'
From:About the "Donate" button--Server fees are due
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 06:44pm 0
Excellent creative OT, hecate--thanks! Particularly funny
From:Open Range 12/01/15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 02:56pm 0
Hey, Smiley--welcome back! Thought you
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 12/01/2015 - 02:35pm 0
Thanks, Mimi. Hey, "Hedges For President!" ;-D EOM
From:Open Thread Monday 11/30
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 11:06pm 0
I 'think' that FSC's Soc Sec expansion ideas are ones
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 10:29pm 0
Hey, FG, my 'guess' is yes--McKesson's the same as Jones. ;-) NT
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 10:01pm 0
Thank you, Joe. It is not only interesting, but oh so true--the
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 09:42pm 0
De nada, do. Your wildlife photos are such a treat! Yea,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 08:10pm 1 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 09:40pm
Hey Joe and Gang! Hard to compete with do's beautiful
From:The Evening Blues - 11-30-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 07:35pm 2 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 08:08pm
Well said, Mimi,
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Part II
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 07:06pm 0
UL is my C99% username, but most folks here
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Pt. I
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 06:50pm 0
Mimi's right, that's another way to do it. ;-) EOM
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Part II
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 06:00pm 1 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 06:10pm
Hey, WD--go to "Edit," highlight the HTML code for
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Part II
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 05:56pm 0
Outstanding is right. If you have no objection, WD,
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Pt. I
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 03:02pm 1 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 03:51pm
Here's a Hedges video that I posted months ago,
From:Open Thread Monday 11/30
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/30/2015 - 02:31pm 1 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 10:54pm
Wow! If this graphic can be reduced via Flickr, it would
From:Open Thread Sunday 11-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 10:01pm 0
Hear, hear, Shaz! Of the titles
From:Open Thread Sunday 11-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 09:26pm 2 Sun, 11/29/2015 - 10:21pm
Gosh, to think that I almost selected a 'net' domain--didn't
From:Help Us Select A New Name For This Site--UPDATED
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 06:51pm 0
Yes, one and the same, as they say. 'Mr B' thanks you! ;-) NT
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Pt. I
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 06:18pm 1 Mon, 11/30/2015 - 03:37pm
Actually, JtC, the title violates my own stated rules,
From:Open Thread Sunday 11-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 03:42pm 0
Hey, real nice job! Thank you both. ;-) EOM
From:Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Pt. I
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 03:03pm 1 Sun, 11/29/2015 - 05:44pm
Wow! That's some list,
From:Open Thread Sunday 11-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/29/2015 - 02:53pm 1 Sun, 11/29/2015 - 03:15pm
Thanks for the 'invite' to C99'ers, WD. I'm waiting
From:The View from Colonized Indigenous Un-Thanksgiving
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/28/2015 - 10:47pm 0
WD, you will be a great addition to C99%. The views
From:Help Us Select A New Name For This Site--UPDATED
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/28/2015 - 10:20pm 0
Second DR's sentiments, WD. Thank you much
From:The View from Colonized Indigenous Un-Thanksgiving
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/27/2015 - 04:17am 1 Fri, 11/27/2015 - 08:18am
Ditto, JR. Thank you for those touching sentiments, SD. EOM
From:The Evening Blues - Thanksgiving 2015
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/27/2015 - 03:34am 0
Wow! Very cool, Pluto. And, a great idea. Thanks! ;-) EOM
From:Help Us Select A New Name For This Site--UPDATED
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/27/2015 - 03:29am 0
Thanks for the piece, Crider. Made a screenshot of
From:The Evening Blues - 11-24-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/24/2015 - 08:44pm 0
Hear, hear! ;-) EOM
From:The Evening Blues - 11-24-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/24/2015 - 08:29pm 0
Quick (friendly) drive-by, with a link to a piece about the ACA,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-24-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/24/2015 - 08:27pm 2 Wed, 11/25/2015 - 12:12am
Hecate, I join the chorus saying, "Great to see you!" ;-) N/T
From:Open Thread 11-24-15 -- Encephalocele
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/24/2015 - 07:22pm 0
Greetings Bluesters! Thanks, Joe, for the United Health Care
From:The Evening Blues - 11-23-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/24/2015 - 02:02am 0
Hey, can't argue that most anyone's an improvement
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/23/2015 - 03:59am 0
Here's what a quick search yielded, reference the TN Hospital
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/23/2015 - 03:44am 0
Hey, I know how you feel. We lost
From:an interesting movie...
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/23/2015 - 02:23am 0
Hey, SD--no, I didn't see it. I'm over there so little, last
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/23/2015 - 01:12am 1 Mon, 11/23/2015 - 01:55am
Whatever you say--you clearly know more about
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/22/2015 - 11:54pm 1 Mon, 11/23/2015 - 12:33am
Interesting comment, Mimi. Aren't those sorta
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/22/2015 - 06:49pm 1 Sun, 11/22/2015 - 08:49pm
Update: Greetings and Salutations! Good luck to JtC (and
From:Open thread 11-22-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/22/2015 - 04:38pm 1 Sun, 11/22/2015 - 09:56pm
Hey, Al--you're right about Americans being
From:The Evening Blues - 11-20-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/21/2015 - 04:20am 0
Excellent piece, LL. In keeping with what Al was
From:The Evening Blues - 11-20-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/21/2015 - 03:57am 0
Welcome, Greyhound! Gotta say, you've got an awful handsome
From:an interesting movie...
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/21/2015 - 03:50am 1 Sun, 11/22/2015 - 11:52pm
In '15 Budget, President Opposes SS Privatization, Supports Work
From:The Evening Blues - 11-20-15
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/20/2015 - 09:19pm 0
Very interesting video, Joe. Time's run out on me for this
From:an interesting movie...
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/20/2015 - 12:43am 0
I second that sentiment, Joe. EOM
From:The Evening Blues - 11-19-15
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/20/2015 - 12:03am 0
Holy Cow! You're right, LL. I'll try to remember this
From:The Evening Blues - 11-19-15
Unabashed Liberal Fri, 11/20/2015 - 12:01am 1 Fri, 11/20/2015 - 09:31am
Regarding the NC piece,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-19-15
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 11/19/2015 - 06:59pm 1 Thu, 11/19/2015 - 08:42pm
Greetings, Bluesters! Appreciate today's
From:The Evening Blues - 11-19-15
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 11/19/2015 - 06:13pm 2 Thu, 11/19/2015 - 07:20pm
Thanks for working with ESRA, Nancy! They are the 'Gold
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/17/2015 - 03:10pm 0
Greetings Bluesters, and thanks for today's roundup, Joe! Saw a
From:The Evening Blues - 11-17-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/17/2015 - 02:42pm 2 Tue, 11/17/2015 - 06:35pm
Joe, thanks for the tip about 'Easy Copy.' I can use it. ;-) NT
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 10:02pm 0
Excellent analysis! Only one point that
From:She told Wall Street, “Cut it out!” and took their millions because 9/11
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 09:53pm 1 Tue, 11/17/2015 - 12:07am
You're right, Joe. DWS and the DNC are shooting themselves
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 08:10pm 0
Greetings! Quick (friendly) drive-by,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 04:24pm 1 Mon, 11/16/2015 - 06:09pm
Seconded! ;-) N/T
From:Monday the Hex Open Thread
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 02:14pm 0
Thanks for today's OT, el! It's really quite cool
From:Monday the Hex Open Thread
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/16/2015 - 02:13pm 0
I stumbled on a White Paper recently
From:Open Thread 11-15-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/15/2015 - 03:07pm 1 Sun, 11/15/2015 - 10:40pm
Say it, Brother! ;-) N/T
From:Open Thread 11-15-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/15/2015 - 02:25pm 0
Excellent points! My 'hope' would be
From:Open Thread 11-15-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/15/2015 - 02:04pm 1 Sun, 11/15/2015 - 02:09pm
Agree with Triv! It was an absolutely mindboggling spectacle--
From:Open Thread 11-15-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/15/2015 - 01:35pm 1 Sun, 11/15/2015 - 02:33pm
Interesting Piece--Was tonight's Debate deliberately scheduled
From:Open Thread 11-14-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/14/2015 - 02:36pm 1 Sat, 11/14/2015 - 11:10pm
Very disturbing. It's truly 'open season' on poor folks,
From:DHS Is Paying Students to Spy on Classmates in the Name of Safer Schools for Some™
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/14/2015 - 02:16pm 0
Sorry! That's part of what 'ate my comments' (I think). ;-) NT
From:Open Thread 11-14-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/14/2015 - 02:07pm 0
Greetings! Regarding the Dem Party Debate tonight,
From:Open Thread 11-14-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 11/14/2015 - 02:04pm 1 Sat, 11/14/2015 - 02:36pm
Nice OT, Shah! Especially the way you've pointed out
From:OT 11-12-15: On Minimum Wage
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 11/12/2015 - 11:39am 0
Excellent post--glad you had a successful meeting, JR! Sounds
From:Great Night For Bernie Sanders Campaign in San Antonio!!
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:21pm 1 Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:30pm
Hear, hear, Mimi, Joe, and Pluto!!!!! ;-) N/T
From:The Evening Blues - 11-11-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 08:05pm 0
That's one of the recommended sources, Joe. Thanks! I've
From:The Evening Blues - 11-11-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 07:59pm 0
Greetings, Bluesters! Just a quick (friendly) drive-by, Joe,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-11-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 03:49pm 1 Wed, 11/11/2015 - 06:31pm
I appreciate your tribute to your Army buddies, Cybrestrike.
From:Open Thread - Wednesday November 11, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 02:21pm 0
Greetings All! Thanks for this topic, Nancy--I'm the 'Gadget
From:Open Thread - Wednesday November 11, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 12:30pm 0
Oddly, this data syncs with
From:Open Thread - Wednesday November 11, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:56am 0
Yikes! Sorry about the 'double-post!' ;-) N/T
From:The Evening Blues - 11-6-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/10/2015 - 03:50pm 0
Greetings! Good luck with your ISP connection Joe,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-6-15
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/10/2015 - 03:40pm 0
Ditto, nice OT, Mimi--thanks! For context, both Postmasters
From:Open Thread Tuesday - 11/10/2015 - Books in my Boxes.
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/10/2015 - 03:01pm 0
GideonAB, I'll be following
From:The End Game for Humanity
Unabashed Liberal Tue, 11/10/2015 - 02:38pm 0
"No better Christmas present for the American People" says PBO
From:Eternal Verities and such 11-02-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:38pm 1 Mon, 11/02/2015 - 03:34pm
I'd bet she won't forget you--she'll carry you in her heart,
From:Open Thread 11-01-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:36am 0
Hey, Shaz--since all of the Dems, and Bernie and Angus
From:Open Thread 11-01-15
Unabashed Liberal Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:07am 0
Thank you, Mimi. I will try to work on
From:Open Thread 11-01-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:55pm 1 Sun, 11/01/2015 - 11:50pm
You're very welcome--'thank you' for the excellent venue! I'm
From:Open Thread 11-01-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/01/2015 - 12:56pm 0
Greetings! A 'must see' Newsmakers segment of 'likely' Ways &
From:Open Thread 11-01-15
Unabashed Liberal Sun, 11/01/2015 - 12:22pm 3 Sun, 11/01/2015 - 09:14pm
Here's an interesting table, in light of the closing of this
From:Open Thread 10-31-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 10/31/2015 - 05:45pm 0
I'll hold off until the Bill is signed
From:Open Thread 10-31-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 10/31/2015 - 05:20pm 0
Social Security 'cuts' for individuals who attain age 62
From:Open Thread 10-31-15
Unabashed Liberal Sat, 10/31/2015 - 02:35pm 0
Forgot, the bill also extends the "Medicare Sequester,"
From:The Evening Blues - 10-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 10/29/2015 - 11:10pm 1 Fri, 10/30/2015 - 06:46am
Sorry to hear this. Thanks for the videos, Mimi. N/T
From:The Evening Blues - 10-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 10/29/2015 - 10:38pm 0
Verified by video--SSDI will "move toward flat benefits."
From:The Evening Blues - 10-29-15
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 10/29/2015 - 10:35pm 1 Thu, 10/29/2015 - 11:10pm
Regarding SSDI, below is
From: Proving What We Already Knew Department
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 10/29/2015 - 05:54pm 0
SSDI To Become A 'Flat Rate' Benefit,
From:OT - 10-29-15 - Baseball!
Unabashed Liberal Thu, 10/29/2015 - 02:03pm 0
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Joe! (for the bill) ;-) N/T
From:The Evening Blues - 10-28-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 10/28/2015 - 10:13pm 1 Thu, 10/29/2015 - 07:01am
You said it, Sister! I often enjoy watching 60's and 70's TV
From:What is We The People's answer to the Powell memo?
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 10/28/2015 - 10:12pm 1 Sun, 06/05/2016 - 11:11pm
BTW, the Debt Limit Bill gives a 'pass' to large employers,
From:The Evening Blues - 10-28-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 10/28/2015 - 04:50pm 2 Wed, 10/28/2015 - 10:48pm
Greetings All! Love Curtis Mayfield--thanks, Joe! Quick
From:The Evening Blues - 10-28-15
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 10/28/2015 - 03:50pm 1 Wed, 10/28/2015 - 06:19pm
Thank the Clinton Administration for restricting 'able-bodied
From:Open Thread - Wednesday October 28, 2015
Unabashed Liberal Wed, 10/28/2015 - 03:06pm 0
