Climate Change Tipping Point Realities v. COP21 Paris Pt. I

Crossposted from: café babylon

cop 21

heads of state will arrive on nov. 30


It is the 21st Conference of the Parties, i.e. the annual meeting of all countries which want to take action for the climate..  It will be held in Le Bourget, France, from 30 November to 11 December 2015. (the website)

(Disclaimer: I’m not a Bernie Sanders supporter.)

TRNN had recently featured an interview with Christian Parenti who’d agreed that “Yes, Bernie Sanders and the Pentagon are right: ‘terrorism is linked to climate change’;  NYU’s Christian Parenti explains how we can connect the dots between droughts, neoliberal policies and terrorism’.”

A commenter had linked to a Farron Cousins DeSmogBlog piece published at; he’d added some other sources ballasting that almost inarguable contention.  He quoted Bernie quoting the CIA (and I’ll pass on the possible reasons that the august organization would care about those ‘threat multipliers), reiterating that the Penatgon has been saying the same thing for twelve years.  He adds:

“As the planet continues to heat up, arable land in developing nations is disappearing, particularly in areas of the Middle East. These areas are ill equipped to handle the sudden impact of reduced farming income, rising temperatures, drought, and the resulting food shortages, so conflict emerges easily and without warning.

The parallels between the situation described in the government report and the situation on the ground in Syria are striking. The worst drought on record in the Middle Eastern country has created instability for farmers and threatened the food supply. At the same time, the government has struggled to hold on to power across the country in the face of militant groups and millions of Syrians have fled their homeland”

….then quotes Time magazine, James Clapper, Mother Jones, and so on.  He ends with:

“Right now, the entire planet is trying to figure out how to handle a few million refugees trying to flee Syria. Imagine what will happen when 634 million people across the planet are displaced because of rising sea levels.”

Bernie Sanders is absolutely right – climate change is the greatest national security threat, not only to the United States, but to every country on the earth. The only question is who is going to lead the way in trying to turn the problem around?”

Now that ‘greatest national security threat’ may be hyperbole, but nonetheless, climate change has already begun to kill global citizens by way of drought, extreme weather events, has eradicated loads of species of flora and fauna, and is on track to blink out far more.  Columbia’s Richard Seager says that it was indeed a precursor to ‘Syria’, although nothing like the whole story.  Still, he has climate maps, facts and guesstimates as to the hundreds of millions in the poorer, drought-stricken nations who will be forced into mass displacements.  Where they would go is not speculated, however.

Now the COP21 website has announced that: ‘By 24 November, 147 Heads of State and Government had accepted this invitation’.  The list and schedule of ‘speakers’ is here.

Now what the site doesn’t tell us is how many fossil fuel lobbyists will be attending, and (ahem) adding their two cents (billions?) on ‘corporate policy solutions’ (greenwashing).

On Nov. 19 DeSmog UK had featured ‘Caroline Lucas Calls for Fossil Fuel Industry to be ‘Kicked Out’ of Paris Climate Negotiations’; a graph or two:

“Lucas said: “For over 20 years governments have met, yet greenhouse gas emissions have not decreased and the climate keeps changing. The forces of inertia and obstruction prevail, the fossil fuel giants and the politicians who do their bidding are responsible. And that’s why I call for the fossil fuel lobby to be kicked out of the UN climate negotiations.” [snip]

Lucas’s words were echoed in a damning report issued earlier this week criticising the infiltration of big energy companies into climate negotiations since they began decades ago.

The report by the Corporate European Observatory (CEO) argues that “the market-based and techno-fix solutions on the table are diverting attention from the real culprits and delaying real action.”

They also claim that politicians have chosen measures that “suit existing business models and continued corporate profit making” which has largely been down to strong corporate lobbying.

This year’s talks are also sponsored by some of France’s “dirtiest corporations”. This includes Air France, nuclear and coal giant EDF, energy utilities company Engie (formerly GDF Suez) and coal-financing bank BNP Paribas.

Now let’s see what Our Fearless Leader is saying about climate change just ahead of COP21.

I just launched my Facebook page with a video on climate change. America will lead on this. The time to act is now.

Ah: ‘America will lead on this.’  Odd that I wasn’t able to discover that promised video, though, isn’t it?

On Nov. 6 Obama was lauded profusely for ‘rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline’, Bill McKibben even saying that “President Obama is the first world leader to reject a project because of its effect on the climate. That gives him new stature as an environmental leader, and it eloquently confirms the five years and millions of hours of work that people of every kind put into this fight.”  Now I don’t know that any of his statements are true, but I will say that he is a gatekeeper for Democrats, and heads one of the key non-profit industrial complex organizations.  More on those later.

But in any event, the main benefit to the ‘rejection’ is on the ground, on people’s land, Indigenous land, and especially over the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska.  As far as a major carbon bomb, Berkshire Hathaway had already bought a rail line to send the nasty tarsands yuck…where it was supposed to go, plus Enbridge and other XL clones.  But moving on:

On Nov. 13, Steve Horn had reported: ‘Obama Administration Approves Pipeline Expansion Set to Feed First Ever Fracked Gas LNG Export Terminal

“The Obama Administration has quietly approved expansion of a major pipeline carrying fracked gas destined for the global export market.

The Gulf Trace pipeline, owned by The Williams Companies, is set to feed into Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana. As first reported by Reuters, LNG tankers loaded with super-chilled liquefied natural gas obtained via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) will set sail for the first time from Sabine Pass in January 2016.”

It’s a long piece, but includes investors and a ‘Who’s Who’ of gas lobbyists.  But Oh, my!  Such a climate leader!

Steve Breyman (adviser to Jill Stein) adds some fuel to the fire in ‘Baked Alaska: Obama, Climate Change and the Arrogance of Power’, after giving small credit where it is possibly due:

“Obama committed the US to 26-28% reductions in greenhouse gases from 2005 levels by 2025 — with no consideration for how the cuts affect global mean temperature increases, the real measure of seriousness. Compare that to the European Union’s promise for 40% cuts from 1990 levels by 2050 (also surely not enough to prevent further catastrophe).

“The science keeps on telling us,” admits Obama, “we’re just not acting fast enough.” A primary obstacle to acting faster is Obama’s own “all of the above” energy policy. The president opened new areas of the Gulf of Mexico to drilling (after most of the anger and some of the hurt over BP’s blowout disaster subsided). Obama subsidized the fraud that is “clean coal,” leased vast expanses of the West for further coal mining at fire sale prices, and failed to ban mountain top removal mining. He kept the nuclear reactor industry on life support with approval of and massive financial support for a new plant, and left it to “the market” to shutter several old nukes.

His administration bolstered fracking for oil and gas in shale formations across the country, and in a stunning failure of responsibility overlooked the legal exemptions engineered by Bush and Cheney that make the practice possible. He finally killed the Keystone XL pipeline after TransCanada withdrew its permit application, and Hillary Clinton came out against it. Obama permitted Shell to drill in the frigid depths of the Chukchi Sea seventy-five miles off the Alaskan coast (a decision Al Gore called “insane;” Shell called it quits for now after failing to find much oil). To top it off, the president visited the oil patch when gasoline prices soared in 2012 to boast about the vast increases in fossil fuel production his policies stimulated (an eight year high to that point).”

Well, Pfffft.  As Breyman writes: ‘No guts, no glory’, and the man has certainly never shown guts on anything that matters to the planet, the biosphere, or everyday people.  And oh, how O waffled when asked what ‘success’ would look like at COP21 in Paris: basic architecture in place, no firm targets will be what the science requires, yada.yada.yada.

But he had the huevos to declare: ‘Hope Builds on Itself!’

(They called it ‘hope’ because all the other four-letter words had already been taken, no?)

Blown away by O’s “If there are costs to this transition”, Breyer notes, with charts: “The International Energy Agency estimated recently that the world must spend $1 trillion annually for the next thirty years to keep the global average temperature increase at two degrees Celsius (see Figure 4).”

More on that ‘two degrees C’ construct, as well as 350 ppm C02’ and the non-profit industrial complex in Part II…or maybe III.

Now stir in: ‘Coal Mining Rejected for Climate Risks Is Back on the Table in Colorado because: Obama.

“Less than two weeks before world leaders convene in Paris for an international climate change conference, the Obama administration has again proposed letting coal companies mine in a roadless area of Colorado’s North Fork Valley.”

One might not be faulted for believing that the man is ‘legacy shopping’, but mainly the revolving-door kind, yes?  I’m sure he’ll be schmoozing with some of the best fossil fuels lobbyists on the planet in Paris.

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wendy davis's picture

and i do hope i can keep this series to III parts. information is coming to light quickly now, especially leaked info on the collusion with big oil in the TTIP (TAFTA) negotiations, plus arrests of peaceful climate activists in paris. I'll stick both into part II (she sayed hopefully).

i'll be back as i can.

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thank you very much for posting it here. Looks like things transferred well, did you have any problems? I added a crossposted link at the top, you can move it or delete it you'd like to. Please don't hesitate to add the crossposted link in the future.

As usual, the big money fox is let in to guard the henhouse. Your final paragraph summarizes it succinctly. Thanks for the well written, well linked essay, more please!

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wendy davis's picture

it hadn't occurred to me to link the crosspost, it's been since my.fdl that i had done so. i'm not sure i'd know how to do it, to say the truth. maybe creating that info in Word, then using Easy Copy for the html code, then pasting it in at the top?

the obama tweet wouldn't embed, so i just quoted it on the OP, then hyperlinked it. tweets not embedding may be weird for my cross-posting, we'll see. my third try yesterday worked fairly well, so i saved it to Draft, but when i'd clicked 'my blog', it wasn't there, or at least i didn't know how to find it.

does one need to be registered to see the 'recent comments' list on the left sidebar? mr. wd says he can't, an that's the only reason i can think of.

anyhoo, thanks so much for all the help. i need to get scootin' to work on the next part, and do weekend chores. i'm pretty behind schedule already. (smile)

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click the "Edit" link next to your essay title and you'll be able to view the code again. I made the crosspost link right under the title, take a look you should be able to spot it right at the top of the editor body. Copy and paste that line of code into a text document, Word if you use that, and save it somewhere on your computer. In the future just copy/paste it from the text doc into your essay body where ever you want it to display.

I'll check your site for the Obama tweet and see if i can get it to work. I checked your profile and the draft is there, look under the "Draft" link at the top. Go to My Account/Drafts.

Yes, one needs to be registered to see the recent comments on the left sidebar. The comments can be monitored without registering by visiting the Community Content page and clicking the "Comments" link under the specific essay blurb. The "New comments" link will not display though unless one is logged in.

A couple of quick tips:

If you want to center any elements, images, videos, text etc., highlight the element in question and the click the "C" icon above the editor and the code will automatically wrap around the selected element. Of course "C" stands for center. The "R" icon button will align elements to the right.

To add a break in your essay, or what's more commonly known as a "fold" that gives a little context to your essay in the essay list for the Community Content or Front Page, place your mouse cursor where you want the break at and then click the icon with the juxtaposed "AB" on it, it's the third icon to the left of the end of the icon list. Hover over the icon and it will say "Teaser break".

To use any of the icons above the editor, hover over them with your mouse to view an explanatory title.

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I inserted the Obama tweet, I went to the tweet page and copied the embed code and injected it and deleted the link to it that you original posted as it was then redundant.

I also centered your images and the tweet as that appears how you prefer it in your original post at cafe babylon. I separated the pertinent code changes with a line space in case you wanted to take a look and see what I did.

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wendy davis's picture

JtC. oof on not having thought of asking you for a 'more'/teaser break. it looks much better, and goodness. thanks for going the extra mile on the tweetie (still hven't grasped how you did it, but i'll read a few more times).

it's amazing you can look at the code and tell wth is going on. (smile)

i really feel like uch a pain in the drain by now....

i spotted this on the right sidebar last night; damn, it's fun.


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It's really no problem, it's worth it to have a writer of your caliber posting here.

Embedding a tweet is akin to embedding a youtube, if you know how to do that. Go to the site where the tweet is you want to embed. At the bottom of the tweet you'll see some icons, the one for embedding tweets is the 3 white dots in a row, like this ... , only white. Click on the 3 dots and a dialogue box will appear, select the "Embed tweet" link and that will take you to another dialogue box that will display the embed code. Make sure the embed code is highlighted and then right click and select "Save". You have now copied the embed code to your browser clipboard. To insert the saved code into the essay body, right click and select "Paste" and the code will be copied where ever your mouse cursor was positioned.

OOOoooo, I lurve that vid, danke.

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wendy davis's picture

but sadly my caliber is dropping due to brainus swiss cheezus.

i did make your three dot instructions work in a comment, but knowing where to add the code is the hard part for me. but i'll try to work it out, promise. or else: pay you my standard american dollah.99 to do it fer me.

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probably the easiest way to proceed is for you to just go ahead and post your essay and then either private message me here or send me an email with the corrections you need made. I'll then let you know the what, where and why of the corrections and that should help you to get the hang of it. I usually keep a sharp eye out for new posts and would make needed corrections anyway, with a later message explaining the correction. So either way, you're good to go.

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divineorder's picture

Have to face the fact that I have been to lazy or distracted to learn more about this, never even learned html.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

if you need any tips on any of it, just give me a shout.

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divineorder's picture

and effort you have put in to this and the Weekend Blues of old. Good stuff.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

you don't really need to know much HTML if you use the icon buttons above the editor. They will automatically wrap the correct HTML tags for you.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am about as illiterate as they come here and I have found the formatting buttons make it easy for even a neophyte like me. JtC has ensured that for us.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

I read the links that you gave and I guess there are many more to investigate and add. Great summary without lacking of details. Thanks a lot (also for linking to the source materials). I am not finished with reading the links so far. There is a lot of work in going through that. So, chapeau.

PS: I really "luv" Peggy Noonan... Diablo (Dumme Kuh auf Deutsch gesagt).

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wendy davis's picture

stupid cow is right, lol.

yeah, lotsa links, but shoot fire, there's a lot to consider and so much that will be totally ignored in the theatrics of COP21. but that's been what's gone on for decades. fake 'goals' that get stretched into infinity. but you'll be glad to know that our president boarded a plane for paris just hours ago....'to lead'.

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divineorder's picture

been quite pessimistic about the mechanisms and machinations of COP21 , but still felt it important to promote and organize involvement/actiono on the citizen side.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

shaharazade's picture

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mimi's picture

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mimi's picture

to have called Peggy Noonan names, one step too far, a thought I better had not put into digits.

Now I go back to bed, say my prayer and hopefully fall asleep.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

wendy davis's picture

JtC worked his fantail off helping. i ♥ the george bernard shaw quote.

mollie has the same gorgeous spaniel avatar, no?

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

wendy davis's picture

you have two screen names, and mr. b is the regal spaniel?

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

know me as 'Mollie'--either from DKos, or from the previous incarnation of this blog at Google.

Hence, the 'macro' signature line with my DKos blogging handle.

(And, Mister B is a nickname, that stuck.)



"We must stop looking for our salvation in strong leaders. Strong people, as Ella Baker said, do not need strong leaders.

Politicians, even good politicians, play the game of compromise and are too often seduced by the privileges of power.

Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author, Truthdig, 9/20/2015

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

lotlizard's picture

Well, that didn't take long: France is already turning its emergency laws against terrorists into a bludgeon for use on eco-critics. Is anyone really surprised?

Climate conference protests: Tear gas in fairy tale theme park (original in German)
The plan was to turn Paris into a happening for the environmental movement. Now all demonstrations are forbidden. Protest during a state of emergency? How?

Emergency laws forbid all political gatherings

8,000 police manning the borders, 120,000 in the country as a whole; reports say 2,800 police are needed just to patrol the conference grounds north of Paris. The French government's emergency decrees outlaw all political gatherings — and the authorities are serious about it. The mass demonstrations that environmental organizations from all over the world have worked towards all year have been banned. Furthermore, as if to show it means business, the French ministry of the interior has now placed 24 activists under house arrest for two weeks. Some of them were to have played vital roles in the protest preparations. Now for the two weeks of the climate summit, they may not set foot in the Paris city center, may not leave their apartments between 8 pm and 6 am, and must appear at their police precinct three times a day, at 9 am, 1 pm, and 7 pm.

A weapon against critics of any sort

When police knocked on the door of an organic farmer's house in the Dordogne last Thursday, they were clad in riot gear. The farmer (a woman), her husband, and her two-year old child were at home; the next thing they knew a special police squad was storming their house. The police searched through the family's address books and notebooks and copied the data from phones and computers. Why had they come? “Because of the environment demonstrations.”

The end of last week the occupants of a house in Ivry-sur-Seine near Paris were woken in the same fashion. The first to open the door was menaced at gunpoint by thirty policemen storming in and was handcuffed. Every room was searched with no result. The other ten occupants were forced to kneel in a corner. Similar police actions took place in Rennes and Rouen — all on the basis of the emergency laws.

It took only a few days for the emergency decrees in France, supposedly a tool to combat terror, to turn into instruments to be used against critics of any sort.

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wendy davis's picture

2 weeks' house arrest: pre-emptive sentencing. sounds like the USA.

i grabbed this guardian link earlier. too much to choose what to paste in, but one has to wonder if the 'anarchists' were agent provocateurs, as happened so often during Occupy days, yes?

well, it'll be interesting to see what happens until dec. 11, and how the media cover it. or if they do.

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divineorder's picture

Disaster capitalism tactics at work ala Shock Doctrine.

There were non-violent protests, and one that turned violent, def two types of protest at least. I posted about the arrests over at dkos before rushing down to participate in our local event. I wanted to post it here first but still feel more comfortable with the mechanics there. Am getting more and more used to things here, and JTC comments above helped.

When we got back from the event, found this:

In a statement, the climate group said that the violent protesters violated the "nonviolent pledge that every group involved in the climate coalition" agreed to.

The statement expressed hope that France wouldn't clamp down further on freedoms during the conference following the incident.

Beforehand I had read a great deal of what you synthesize so nicely here, good to get your analysis of current reality!

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

But all sides say pledges made in Paris will be insufficient to limit a rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, widely viewed as a threshold for dangerous changes in the planet's climate system.

Read that , then the line from that silly old pop song popped into my mind...

All I need is a miracle....

Again, thanks for your essay.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

wendy davis's picture

nah, it'll all be theatrics, save for the small nations' leaders hoping for respite.

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shaharazade's picture

That climate talks among the vested interests of Big Oil and the global in the bag pols of mass deception would be ineffective of doing a damn thing to mitigate climate change. So you say the marches by we the people are more important and now due to the 'terrists who are gonna kill yer family' all demonstrations in Paris are now cancelled. Apparently these climate change global warming 'extremists' demonstrators being anywhere near where the Davos and world leader crowd will meet to discus climate change is a terrorist threat to the instigators of climate change. Well fuck me but I can not see how anyone can think that these assholes are going to do a damn thing to stop the destruction of our planet. They are to busy killing everything in site and demolishing the planet for profit to even consider anything that might mitigate global warming. Hey it's the price we pay to win the race to the top. the top where robotics will out and people globally need realize this is progress and inevitable growth.

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wendy davis's picture

it seems that the Big Solutions are coming from the world bank and the billionaire elites, the latter lookin' to invest in Green Tech Solutions. wonder who'll profit from that? plus, green consumerism is part of the problem in the overly-developed world, isn't it?

but how self-interested is the WB's plan? loan africa money with austerity built in, and make sure you can tell folks how to spend their filthy lucre. crikey.

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mimi's picture

Undercover Info: The spycops and their supervisors who remain accountable (fraud, abuse, rape…)

Today, the Metropolitan Police issued a contrite apology to those women deceived by undercover police officers who had adopted false identities and formed sexual and marital relationships, purely to gain information about political activities.

My mama sez: never trust a cop that sez 'trust me' cuz that's a spycop. ok, bedtime.
Good Night.

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lotlizard's picture

The Guardian in 2013: Trauma of spy's girlfriend: 'like being raped by the state'
      Woman says she now knows that the weekend she went into labour, the undercover policeman was with his wife and children

A woman who had a child with an undercover police officer who was spying on her says she feels she was "raped by the state" and has been deeply traumatised after discovering his real identity.

She met the undercover officer — Bob Lambert — in 1984. At the time, Lambert was posing as "Bob Robinson", an animal rights activist, on behalf of the then secret police unit known as the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS).

The woman, whose first name is Jacqui, said Lambert was supportive when she became pregnant with their son in 1985, and wanted to have the child. But he later vanished from her life, claiming to be on the run. She only discovered his true identity last year — after spotting his photograph in a newspaper.

"I feel like I've got no foundations in my life," she said. "It was all built on sand — your first serious relationship, your first child, the first time you give birth — they're all significant, but for me they're gone, ruined, spoiled …

"I was not consenting to sleeping with Bob Lambert, I didn't know who Bob Lambert was. I had a spy living with me, sleeping with me, making a family with me, and I didn't do anything to deserve that."

Did the so-called “Free World” lose its moral compass after the fall of the Soviet Union? Or was it always like this and we were just too naïve and too inundated with World War II and Cold War propaganda to notice?

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hecate's picture

always been like that, and it always will be, so long as there are "spies," foreign or domestic. Putin began his career baiting and springing honey-traps in Dresden. One of several women George Washington dallied with during the war was a British agent, who would roll out of bed and dash off war-plan letters to her handlers. Trotsky had his head stoved in by an assassin who'd fucked his way into the household. More than 2200 years ago, it is said, Ying Zheng dispatched a concubine to seduce a rival prince into mounting a (designed to fail) assassination attempt, one that would enable him to then go a-warring. Etc. Etc.

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lotlizard's picture

Monty Python's Flying Circus.

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MarilynW's picture

with that caveat. In other words, "we will meet those carbon emission levels if we feel like it."

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To thine own self be true.

gulfgal98's picture

These so called "leaders" will continue to triangulate around the issue by throwing some pretty, but meaningless words out there and calling it historic. If Obama was ever truly interested in addressing climate change, he would not have waited seven years to do so and he won't this time either. Bought and sold politicians do not change. Once they have sold their souls, there is no getting them back. They (their souls) are gone forever.

Thank you for posting this here. I eagerly await your next installment.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

I'd like to link to a couple of your excellent social justice posts--probably at Evening Blues, since that is where we seem to do the most talkin' about such issues. (with full attribution, of course)


Seriously, I had arrived at the conclusion that TFA'er DeRay McKesson 'might be' somewhat of an imposter, but I didn't have the background material that you've assembled, to back it up.

Thanks for all you do to enlighten the progressive community on many issues!


"Integrity and courage are powerful weapons. We have to learn how to use them. We have to stand up for what we believe in. And we have to accept the risks and even the ridicule that comes with this stance. We will not prevail any other way."

Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015

"To Thine Own Self Be True, And It Must Follow, As The Night The Day, Thou Canst Not Then Be False To Any Man."
--William Shakespeare

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

wendy davis's picture

unabashed liberal; i'd be honored.

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wendy davis's picture

yep; 20 years of UN climate meetings, and the greenhouse gases have risen 64% in that time. not to mention g-20 meetings, as well.

part II is finished, when i get up the gumption to cross-post it, i will. but i did stick in the COPT21 twitter thingie, and oy; the 'pretty word' con games!

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shaharazade's picture

looking at and reading the Paris climate change summit. The Guardian buried the global marches on a back page in the environmental section. They FP live blog every damn thing there but not the climate change marchs. The comment sections were chock full of idiotic nasty deniers who seemed to run the gamut politically from Marxist's to Tory Cameron lover's. The denials were almost laughable and came in many flavors. Who knew that coal was going to save us all and bring prosperity to India and China. One person said global warming would be a good thing as more crops will grow. Obama out did himself in being a slimy hypocritical cappie. They did 'live blog' the summit which was predictably a lot of hot air and no solutions that will interfere with the economic profits and growth in the pillaging of the earth. Economic Globalization that's the ticket.

“Let’s show businesses and investors that the global economy is on a firm path to a low carbon future” said Obomber. He gave his usual call against cynicism and threw in some 'terrorism' for good measure.

Barack Obama has told crucial UN climate talks in Paris that the negotiations represent an act of defiance after the barbaric attacks in the city two weeks ago in which 130 people were killed.

Offering his condolences to the people of “this beautiful city” the US president said: “We salute the people of Paris for insisting this crucial conference go on ... What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it

Here's a great little video of the human chain in Paris...

Hat tip to Don Midwest for the video.

Here's a great picture gallery of the marches around the world .....

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wendy davis's picture

thank you (smile).

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --