weekly watch

The Weekly Watch

Blooming Idiots

Spring has sprung in Alabama. It's the deep flush of sudden color...an orgy of botanical porn. Amidst this explosion of life is the insanity of our government, economic system, and environmental degradation. It is the nature and power of life to be hopeful...positive about ourselves and our future. But I don't see how we manage the transition to a sustainable global system. However, I thought it would be a worthwhile topic and I hope you will share your views.

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Trout Lillies

The Weekly Watch

Travel is Fatal to Bigotry, Prejudice, and Narrow-Mindedness

It is About the Journey Not the Destination

It is time for a vacation from the daily news. Join me in a journey from the northeast mountains to the southwest corner of the state as I flow south down the Alabama watershed all the way to the gulf... where I'm spending the week. Alabama is not only alphabetically gifted, it also has a diversity of ecosystems and an extensive river system. This journey focuses on natural history and curios along the way.

There's no turning back...Here we go over the waterfall...

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The Weekly Watch

Capitalism Consumes Democracy

Capitalism is inequality personified isn't it? Those with the most money have the most power...with the consent and approval of the court. Democracy on the other hand is about equality...one person, one vote...each person equal under the law. The two systems simply are not compatible, and capitalism has clearly won.

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The Weekly Watch

In Order to Form a More Perfect Oligarchy

If we are an Empire, who is the Emperor? There isn't one. It's a cabal. A cabal of billionaires and CEO's...integrated vertically and horizontally...united by profit...banks and money supply, the war machine, fossil fuels, big pharma and health insurance, food and seed production, congress and the courts...all while holding the big media megaphone...with tentacles reaching around the globe and into our local city, county, and state power structure. But the pressing issue of the day...and seemingly everyday...is what will T-rump tweet as the world burns?


The Weekly Watch

Thwarting Peace and Democracy at Home and Abroad

The horrors of our foreign policy have been haunting me this week....along with the media promotion of the war machine. Lots of hand wringing about the budget, DACA, and the market, but not much discussion of our illegal presence promoting an immoral war in Syria, nor Yemen...nor Palestine. No, it's seventy six new nukes in the big parade, and a hundred and ten drones flying right behind. And let's get this straight, we shall not tolerate peace on the Korean peninsula, nor allow the Iranian nuclear agreement to stand. But wait, there's more...we have to shift our attention to China...and of course, big, bad Russia. Why? In order to protect “our” interests. Yeah, right. Well, we are promoting our brand of democracy in the Americas...recognizing fraudulent elections in Honduras and ignoring fair elections in Venezuela. This is nothing new...it just seems to be on steroids.

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The Weekly Watch

Collusion, Illusion, and Delusion

Will the Russiagate zombie ever die? Is there no wooden stake which will kill this vampire of distraction? Now, it is the FBI! But only after the Russians invaded the brain of Nunes. You mean the FBI was colluding? The FBI has a long history of being tainted with crimes which are obscured and hidden by illusion. Like maybe the JFK assassination, and MLK, and RFK? Perhaps even 911 itself? Lee Camp had a good 10 minute expose of things the FBI has lost.
While everyone is focused on the “memo” there's all kinds of destructive policies sliding through under the radar. Evils like resource extraction in parks. Rapid appointment of RW judges. Tariffs on solar panels to slow down green energy. Imperialist corporate conquests of poor countries using debt as the new chains of slavery. But what's new?

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The Weekly Watch

Is It Ignorance or Apathy?

I don't know, and I don't care!

It really isn't fair to accuse the people...the average working people...for the mess in which we find ourselves. It isn't ignorance nor apathy (although they play a role), what I really think it is that we have a case of helplessness and hopelessness driven by financial despair. Only 39% of Americans are ready for a $1,000 unexpected expense (2 min). How can they focus on the three ring circus of today's politics? Even if they want to understand our situation they are misled, distracted, and kept in the dark. This week alone goes from government shutdown to #releasethememo to the billionaire gathering in Davos to constant (illegal) wars in Syria and around the world. It is a system in collapse...capitalism, democracy, and the environment...yes, our system is unraveling.

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The Weekly Watch

Shut Down the Government, and Escalate the Wars

...sounds like a plan

It was a busy week like they all seem to be. Obviously they want to keep everyone preoccupied, distracted...you know shut down the government and accelerate disorder in the Middle East and around the world. Hold protest and marches against T-rump, but vote to give him increased surveillance powers. So we try to escape in our addictions to fossil fuels, opioids, meth, ...and entertainment.

It isn't just cartoonists that feel this way Mr. Fish

The Weekly Watch

The Unfulfilled Dream


—The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., May 1967

I never met Martin Luther King, Jr. I was only 14 when he was murdered (perhaps by our own government). However, I later worked with many people who were his friends...so called foot soldiers of the movement. So although we never met, he influenced me. I think he influenced our nation, helping us reach for a higher morality and better society. He was a human, and like us all continued to grow and evolve throughout his life. I think he was really maturing and carrying the movement forward when he began the poor people's campaign. Today I want to look at the dream which has yet to be realized, and the new effort to revive the poor people's campaign.


The Weekly Watch

A New Year
but the Same Old Hypocrisy

What irony as T-rump's inauguration protesters (and those who were simply in the area) face years in prison for exercising their rights that old “tiny hands” wants to protect the rights of Iranian protesters. In Saudi Arabia protests are not tolerated, but they are our allies. In Israel they treat Palestinians (especially those that protest) inhumanely, but they are our ally and seemingly our foreign policy directors. Meanwhile, we circle North Korea with aircraft carriers and line up missiles on their border and then holler about their aggressiveness? And perhaps the biggest hypocrisy, T-rump calls for more global warming as cold weather descends (largely due to climate chaos). All the while the news media misleads and distracts.

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