Hillary and her newly manufactured "friends"

Hillary's new friend

Talk about bad judgement--here ya go again Hillary.

ADVANCE IS NOT EASY WORK - No one notices when you do your job well, and the Taliban-sympathizing father of a terrorist gets into your rally when you do your job poorly. Dave Weigel and Abby Phillip: “Seddique Mateen, the father of the suspect in the June mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub, secured a prime seat at a rally for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday outside the city. For 25 minutes, Mateen sat right behind the Democratic nominee for president as she remembered the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting and laid out her policies. Mateen’s presence was first noted by WPTV reporter Tory Dunnan, who was initially rebuffed for an interview but then was surprised to find Mateen holding a pro-Clinton sign and asking to talk to press...Mateen has spent years, and some of his own money, attempting to become better known. He paid to air a news and commentary show in Afghanistan, where he declared a fringe campaign for president and offered support for the Taliban. ‘Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in [the] Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,’he said in one episode.’”

Tone deaf? Incredibly stupid? Totally insensitive? Too filled with hubris to give a damn? Take your pick.

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Lookout's picture

They were unaware or he would have been exited stage right.

In fact there's a video cycling that the $hill has been killing off her opponents. Insinuating that some of the DNC folks found dead recently were responsible for the DNC leaks. Probably RW bullshit - but interesting. Its about 10 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

sojourns's picture

The correlations of these deaths are to strong to be dismissed as RW bullshit.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Incompetence obviously. Not the candidate, but the hapless staffers. Luckily for Hillary this is good for one news cycle. Nationally, hardly anybody knows who this guy is.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

elenacarlena's picture

leaders who messes around in the Middle East while barely knowing what we're doing or hope to accomplish. A supporter of the Taliban could easily want to do her harm. Where was the Secret Service? They're not investigating people who will be sitting that close to her? They never would have reached her in time if he had lunged at her. Crazy.

I think she is tone deaf and insensitive and hubristic about many things. But I think this one somehow slipped past her security.

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This points to Secret Service incompetence as well, good comment.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

TheOtherMaven's picture

sucking up space and air time in an effort to get his cause favorably noticed by an Important Personage and the Crass Media. It will probably backfire on him because of who he is.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

detroitmechworks's picture

What better way to get Trump supporters riled up than by sticking who they consider a "Muslim Terrorist" on the stage behind her?

Hillary gets credit for being a supporter of Muslim-Americans, proving that they aren't terrorists and anybody who says so is just a big racist, and Trump supporters are up in arms about a murderer's father being on the stage.

Win/win, since the media will ignore the very real deaths in order to show how horrible Trump supporters are, and Hillary gets to claim ignorance and that her staff doesn't discriminate on the basis of religion.

Yes, I do believe she is THAT slimy.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.