
Reality Check: Hillary has no intention of delivering on the gun control thing!

Hillary Clinton has no more intention of delivering on gun control than Barack Obama did. 1)It would require a Democratic Congress. The last thing in the world a 3rd way democrat wants is a Democratic Congress, because then they are expected to govern like Democrats. "Real Democrats" do stuff like defend the 99%, with high wages, a real public option, not to mention protecting social security. I mean "Bleck!" 3rd way dems don't do Dem stuff well, and don't want to.

First Post here - DNC Platform

Keith Ellison is a member of the DNC Platform Drafting Committee. He is one of Bernie's picks. So it may not be a surprise that he is showing interest in what real people have to say.

I posted information on his request on another blog for which I am a guest author (OK, a regular guest author). Here is the link:

Ok. I am so upset about Puerta Rico I can't sleep.

The Democrats are now run by sociopaths. They don't believe in fair elections or the right to vote, and neither does Hillary. Hillary is a poisonous, power hungry ogre. I won't vote for her ever, ever ever. I won't vote for anyone that supports her. She is violating the civil right of thousands of Americans. As usual they are smearing Sanders accusing him of their crimes.

We have a Platform Committee progressive majority issue wise.

Except for the lobbyists, the Platform Committee is looking very good (unlike the presumptive nominee). I found at least three of the DNC appointed committee to be excellent choices. Surprised to say so actually since I think it was 1972 the last time I had anything positive to say about them.

Gaming out a Community Strategy

There are a lot of folks talking about the next steps in a progressive political strategy going forward, beside the usual talk about who to vote for in the upcoming elections. Some folks who regularly inhabit the Evening Blues have put forward the idea that the time is ripe for a general community discussion about a community strategy for advancing the interests of the 99%. Outside of our community, there are lots of people and organizations thinking along the same lines.

Better How?

The Potemkin facade of the Democrats being the higher minded and more ethical Party has toppled over and revealed the shoddy framework and underpinnings of the structure that claims it represents the best interests of the citizenry. 2016 is a pivotal year since this is the year that we finally learned:

1. The Democratic PTB don't feel the actual voter has any part in selection of the candidate -

Dear DNC, (a taste of the shit sandwich they are trying to feed us!)

Email to DNC:

I have been voting mostly as a Democrat for more than 40 years and donated over $700 to Obama Campaign.

That all ends today. The NV Convention is the last straw.

The Democrats would rather lose the general with the liar and cheater-in-chief, Hillary Clinton, than win with an honest man-of-the-people, even if they have to steal the votes of a convention to get the Queen of Corruption nominated.

This lying cheating undemocratic political party no longer deserves my support. And neither does any candidate who would run on the ticket of such a corrupt party.

My vote for Bernie in the Texas primary will go down on record as my last EVER vote for anyone running on the ticket of the undemocratic "Democratic" Party.

I am now an Independent Voter and have joined a rapidly growing segment of the voting population in proclaiming myself as such.

Hillary Is Tobacco, Stein is Pot

Inspired by Bernie today... so I decided that it would be fun to think about the political parties and their various characteristics. I finally realized that they all have effects and general ways they make people react. Yes, they affect some people differently than others, but in the end, they all aim to alter your behavior and outlook.

The Political Parties and Persons are DRUGS. And it's pretty obvious which ones they are when you think about it.
