
Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the DNC, Days 2 and 3

Cat Video Montage by ec.jpg

Welcome to Video News! My apologies for no official DNC video news open thread yesterday. But Oreo the Diabetic Pootie had a crisis at 3 AM yesterday, so Ginger and I were up half the night. Oreo and Ginger seem to have recovered in full, so we have resumed normal function.

Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and First Day of the DNC

Cat Video Montage by ec.jpg

Welcome back to Video News! It was an odd weekend. As many of you know, the convention has been almost overshadowed by the scandal of the DNC emails that were leaked proving that the primaries were rigged by the "neutral" DNC. But Bernie did speak at the convention last evening. If you missed it, I'll let Stephen Colbert fill you in:

Caucus Critters: Moondae Moppets: UnConventional Pawlitics!

Last week was dedicated to the Repurrblicans and Repuplicans because of their convention; and I was originally thinking to do an homage to the Democat convention this week, but I'm already tired of them before they begin! So let's do something else. Let's be UnConventional!

But first, The Recommendations:

What is the Lesser Evil?

While I have been researching my weekly series on neo-liberalism, one thing that constantly hits me over and over is how much the neo-liberal ideology has been little by little stripping us of our humanity. It is the single biggest thing that I have come to realize. Instinctively I knew it, but I did not realize why it was happening.

2016 Election--scenario #2382

To understand this election debacle and all its ramifications, interconnections, subterfuges, and downright crap, one has to be a master of 9-dimensional chess. I have a hard enough time with the common 2-D version. I thought I pretty much understood how this nomination thingy was going to work out--at least in my own mind. But then Bill Clinton totally clusterfucked the situation. He could easily be the smartest politician on the the planet--or undergoing senile dementia changes.

Good reason for not wanting GOP to have further control

I live in NC -- a swing state. We used to have Dem Governors and decent Dem state legislatures. We were considered one of the more "progressive" southern states.

In 2010 the GOP swept in and are in the process of ruining our fair state. They have gerrymandered the hell out of our state such that we'd need 3 votes to their 1 to get a Dem into office. GOP seriously hates the electorate fairly voting. It is really hard to unseat them.

Ersatz Avenue: Dem Party Takeover is Unrealistic

Like many others, I have been hanging on every statement made by Bernie and his campaign since the Primaries 'ended'. He has chosen his words carefully, using semantics which most of the time leave room for an interpretation other than "he will eventually concede and endorse".
