
DAPL and Cowardly DemocRATs

Poll: who is most cowardly Democrat you know?

Sorry: poll is closed or your registration is invalid or you aren't really a DemocRAT. Anyway, it's my own poll, for all that's worth (polls this year haven't been worth too much as we know). Runner up in this poll is of course Hillary Goddam Clinton who was too cowardly to campaign, too cowardly to lay out a believable domestic agenda, too cowardly to take on the corporations from whose tits she has been sucking for years.

Open Thread 12-08-16: Throwback Thursday!

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(Shahryar here....shaharazade has a little illness, nothing serious, and I'm swamped with work. She's authorized me to repost this open thread she wrote way back when the membership of c99 started booming, way back in March 2016. It's pretty wonky! And still timely, probably always will be.)

In a bold and stunning move, Senate Dems tap Schumer as their leader.

OK, far from bold. And far, far away from stunning. As is done in a fraternal organization where the leadership moves "up the chairs", Wall Street's darling is now the Minority Leader in the Senate. Once you become 2nd Vice President at the Elks Lodge, you simply wait your turn to be Grand Poobah (kinda like Her Heinous, btw). Like the generals who insist on fighting the last war.
