
NEW Guccifer 2.0 Leak and NEW Assange Interview

This just in, ye of little faith:

Today, in an interview, Julian Assange signaled to the Australian Broadcasting System that WikiLeaks will release around One Million documents before the U.S. election.


An understandable explanation for the 2008 Stock Market Crash (that Hillary will never tell you, because it was the fault of BILL and HER DONORS!)

I originally published this essay on TOP in December 2015; it received 352 recs back then.

Could the Clinton Foundation mess have been avoided?

Back in December 2008, anticipating Hillary Clinton’s confirmation as Secretary of State, the incoming Obama administration asked that all foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation and associated entities be disclosed and state department approval be obtained for some donations. The administration signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Foundation to this effect.


There are no issues in the 2016 Presidential race.

Maybe there were issues when Bernie Sanders was running. Sanders made an issue of honesty, of whether or not any of the political rhetoric you hear coming from the mouths of the politicians had any relation to what the politicians were going to do. And then Sanders endorsed Clinton, and, lo and behold, it didn't, again. And the issue disappeared.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: About that realignment...

I’ve heard talk that a political realignment in this country may be in the offing, result of the breakdown of the alliance between social conservatives, right-populists, and the part of big business that doesn’t much pretend to care about looking human. For a long time, that part of the business elite had little trouble wrangling the other two elements into line by hiring politicians who mixed a palatable cocktail of religion, nationalism, and economic “freedom”.
