In Confidence - Afghanistan Plans 2010

This morning I decided to search for Clinton e-mails concerning the Occupy movement and this popped up at the top of the list. Afghanistan! Marked "In Confidence" by Clinton herself.

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774890 Date: 08/31/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6 From: H
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:44 PM To: '' .Subject: Re: IN CONFIDENCE: Afghanistan: Analysis by [redacted]

H to Jake Sullivan: Did RCH share this w Gen P? I will be reachable on my berry for the next few hours.

Jake Sullivan to H, 5 hours later: See below. Meeting with embassy folks now -- will report on that and dinner later.

Scanning through the government document I find 25 names redacted plus a completely redacted text box. Knowing a full account of the meeting will be coming down the tube in a couple hours, I can almost see the Pakistani hackers salivating as they wait... Then the government document is sent through the server in the bathroom to the unsecured Blackberry...

"7. [Redacted] said that there would need to be a cease-fire, and wondered why ISAF couldn't occupy the high ground by being the first to offer such a move. There would also have to be frank discussions about the withdrawal of foreign forces.

8. [Redacted] said that his main worry was that the Obama Administration would waste another year ploughing on with a military campaign which could deliver stalemate at best, and a serious reverse at worst. Then, with the 2011-12 Presidential election campaign getting going, the White House would panic, handing the problem to Pakistan, and pull US troops out more quickly than the situation merited.

9. [Redacted] said that he had known from 2001 that the Western intervention in Afghanistan had been fraught with danger. He had suspected then, and knew even more strongly now, that the Taliban could not be defeated or even properly contained by military means. Once again, he was sick with worry at the way things were going. He had thought that the Obama Administration had understood that the solutions in Afghanistan were political, not military. He was trying to think how he and other concerned experts could shock the Administration in getting a political grip on the hetuation:

Direct link:

This goes on and on in the government document from Clinton's Blackberry. A document which is titled; "In Confidence" by SOS Clinton herself and which contains 25 redacted names of an agent or agents in Afghanistan, and admittance that USA forces cannot win, that a cease fire is needed and plans for how to reach negotiations for a ceasefire.

The seriousness of the situation meant that such an article would have to concentrate on essentials: much of the talk about counter-insurgency (in what was an A civil war) and development and governance was no more than "poetry".

[Redacted] said... 7. said that, in his view, the only way out now was a negotiated peace with the Taliban and all the other parties to the conflict.

The Taliban would not make a final peace with Karzai, who had little credibility left. Similarly, the senior Taliban leaders would need to be brought across the border into Afghanistan, to get them out from under the control of the ISI. All this would need deception and trickery: for the first time in his career would see that diplomats were needed, in this case to finesse a delicate process, involving multiple negotiations. Karzai would have to eased out, but gently and with plenty of public respect.

This is just one randomly (on my part) accessed government document which is marked by Clinton as "In Confidence" and admits to anyone capable of hacking an unsecured Blackberry a complete strategy talks within the US Embassy in Afghanistan where American troops are on the ground and under fire. Admitting that the situation was hopeless militarily and discussing the placement of troops. Admitting to manipulation of the Afghan government to rid it of its President. Making it clear that negotiations with the Taliban would involve "deception and trickery."

Is this the kind of thing that should be floating around in unsecured government documents so that any intelligence unit worth its weight in keyloggers, trojans, spam boxes and phising (Pakistan military intelligence, for example) can access?


I invite you to study the casualty figures and how great an upswing they were during Clinton's time as Secretary of State, and the downswing after she left. All of the data is here: Coalition Military Fatalities By Year and Month

Could the Blackberry in 2010 be hacked? The RCMP managed it. Exclusive: Canadian Police Obtained BlackBerry’s Global Decryption Key

2010: According to technical reports by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that were filed in court, law enforcement intercepted and decrypted roughly one million PIN-to-PIN BlackBerry messages in connection with the probe. The report doesn't disclose exactly where the key — effectively a piece of code that could break the encryption on virtually any BlackBerry message sent from one device to another — came from. But, as one police officer put it, it was a key that could unlock millions of doors.

Governments around the world in recent years threatened to ban BlackBerry if it didn’t give them access to its encrypted communications.

In the past several years, BlackBerry has given the Indian government access to communications on its networks, and has even built a server in Saudi Arabia so the local government can access Saudi users’ communications.


Clinton should have known the following information which was common knowledge:

BlackBerry hacking - who might be doing it? -- Blackberry data interceptions by several emerging countries have turned attention to how state spy agencies access electronic communications. Christian Science Monitor

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riverlover's picture

So many redacted screaming "pull out!", what did she decide, all redacted?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

moneysmith's picture

even though Obama will no doubt save her ass. Our politicians are so odious, I've run out of words to describe my outrage.

Thanks for doing this, though. I love that your simple search turned up something so damning. Brilliant, really!

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

Fionnsboy's picture

To think that an 'ordinary citizen' should be able to find this, disseminate it, and invite discussion about it, while the media does nothing. Talk about a smoking gun! That she should be so callous and stupid as to put people's lives at risk to "all enemies foreign and domestic" says everything one needs to know about her: the only concern about any detail or factoid is how a, b, or c will impact her lust for power. Everything else is marginal. My disgust for her and her husband, and what they have done to America in general and the Dem Party in particular, grows by the hour.

We all know the MSN hasn't been doing its job for years, but to let this kind of thing slide unpublished and unchallenged just shows how very much we have been censored and deprived of Jefferson's vital 'truly free and independent press.' TG for the internet. I just CANNOT see how Comey doesn't recommend indictment.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

Alligator Ed's picture

You must have spent hours digging through the pile of shit that was Clinton's DOS. Ready, in plain sight--a condemnation of the whole Afghanistan fiasco! FY, HRC. FY, BHO if you knew about this--of course, it's quite possible the secretive $hillary kept this away from the Prez. BHO made 2 huge mistakes during his tenure, which is soon to end: One was selling out a Progressive agenda as soon as he got in office. Number two was obviously appointing--and even worse--appointing Hillary to DOS AND listening to her.


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Alex Ocana's picture

Hillary Clinton Jake Sullivan


Its interesting to sort through on subject matter... even with the "Reuters" or "AP" in the header. Then for each email look at the PDF. This shows the redactions. In the above two cases names have been redacted. Why were these names redacted?? The obvious presumption is that they are agents whose life may have been put in danger.

Ok! It also shows little things like "Did you just call me" and who is calling who about the subjects. Also there seems to be responses missing... a promise to email an attachment of an embassy staff analysis "in a minute" and then no document to show this was ever done. Poof, the thread goes dead. Does that mean something deleted as "yoga and grandkids" OR something that was deleted because od some more nefarious reason?

The database searched terms changed this morning, added baghdad|basra|mosoul as search terms, ...I do wish I could sort this to date.

What strikes me is that when a foreign hacker has access to this stream, he and/or she knows pretty much everything the state department is using in the decision making process even before the decisions are being made. She knows everyone in the decision making process, including secret agents. He knows when to listen into important unsecured blackberry phone calls. She even knows, in some cases, what the decisions are.

In other words, There is no secrecy in the State Department whatsoever. Whatever foreign intelligence agency worth their weight in keyloggers, trojans and phising lines had 100% access to the highest reaches of the State Department decision making process for four years.

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From the Light House.