bernie sanders

"Sanders Poised To Announce Presidential Campaign: Report"

(Often times, it's the little things that matter; and when a story like this goes viral, growing at about a thousand shares every 20 minutes [making it about 10 times more popular than every other story, over at The Hill], that's a hopeful sign, this early on. And, yeah, I'm supporting him from the get-go.)

Here's a TYT video on the story...

This is getting repetitive

The global establishment has a formula for any and all popular movements and politicians that threaten the power and wealth of the ruling elite, and they use it a lot.

Is it even possible to oppose the status quo and not be 1) a foreign agent, 2) stupid, and 3) racist? I doubt if Jesus himself returned today, and he denounced the money-lenders, that he wouldn't be "outed" as a lazy, stupid, racist, Putin Puppet.

Maybe Bernie wasn't a Putin Puppet after all

We've all been told that anyone who didn't support Hillary in 2016 was a treasonous Putin Puppet, and that goes double for those sexist, racist Bernie supporters.
Yet deep, deep down in a new Senate report, it turns out that Russian trolls weren't all that fond of Bernie supporters after all.
