bernie sanders

"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”

Glen Ford of the Black Agenda Report takes down Bernie Sanders and the Democratic party in his recent article, "Why Bernie Sanders is an Imperialist Pig". First he rightly places the Democratic party as the "Warmonger-in-Chief political institution in the United States at this historical juncture" because of the "orchestrated propaganda blitzkrieg against Russia by the Democratic Party.

Democrat Elites Display Their Ugly Arrogance

A couple of good rants here from the Jimmy Dore show that illustrates the surreal arrogance of the top "Democrat" Elites, and their determination to hide and cover up the fact that it is their own (willfully corrupt) Policies, craven dishonesty, and non-performance that have driven away the American Public (voters) by the the point where the entire D-Party is now just a collapsed, aimless wasteland.
