bernie sanders

OMG! Bernie says the media is biased. Journalists fall on their fainting couch

Senator Sanders has dared to say that the media, the Washington Post in particular, isn't completely fair and unbiased in their coverage of him.
Where Bernie could have dreamed up this wild konspiracy theory no one knows.
So the media was forced to defend itself from this baseless smear.

Bernie and Tulsi and polls

Will Tulsi qualify for the next debate? That depends on how it's measured.

Since then, Gabbard has shot past the 130,000 donor threshold, and as of Aug. 11, she was sitting at 159,514 individual donors. That took care of one-half of the qualification criteria for the next two debates.

Where Gabbard is seeing some struggles is in the polling numbers. Well, sort of.

Comparing Biden to Sanders on racism

Black people love Joe Biden, but don't trust Bernie Sanders because he is in some vague, undefined way, a racist.
That's what the media tells us. That's what black political leaders tell us.
And that's why I don't trust the media or these current black political leaders or anytime modern Identity Politics is used.
