Featured Editorials

Syrian war about to get catastrophically worse

If you thought the political and humanitarian situation in Syria couldn't be any worse, you are about to be proven horribly wrong.
Unless several nation pull back from the brink right now, the Syrian Civil War is about to turn into a region-wide war that could plunge much of the Muslim world into open warfare, and could possibly even lead to a military confrontation between Russia and NATO.
Yes, it really is that dangerous.

Hellraisers Journal: "This is not a war of Freedom." It is a war for "rulership of the earth.."

The armies and navies which our strutting militarists plan to create here
are not intended for your defense and mine.
Their purpose..is to protect their commerce abroad and rob the workers here
of the last remaining vestiges of their rights under
the constitution and the laws.
-Frank Bohn

Monday February 14, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Frank Bohn on Preparedness

In the February edition of the Review, Comrade Bohn offered some thoughts on the issue of preparedness:

International Socialist Review, Feb, 1916, Preparedness, Frank Bohn,.png


A Speech Delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York, Jan. 5th, 1916

DC to require medical providers have LGBTQ cultural competency

 photo Caduceus1.pngThis past Tuesday the Council of the District of Columbia unanimously and with little fanfare passed B21-168, the LGBTQ Cultural Competency Continuing Education Amendment Act. When signed by Mayor Muriel Bowser, he district will be the first jurisdiction in the nation to require LGBTQ cultural competency training for all health care providers.

The bill sets a modest but needed floor for such training by requiring any health care professional who is required to receive continuing education to include at least two credits of LGBTQ-related clinical or cultural competency training.
