I am a pampered Jewish American Princess (at least in my more bizarre delusions) and thus the tremendous suffering I'm seeing has even reached moi. Oy!
I actually read on Twitter (and I make no claims to credibility here) that there's a video going around about a woman who breaks down crying because her vote didn't count.
It would take a wiser person than I to explain the emotions we feel even dealing with a consciously apparent rigged system. It really does bug us, it seems.
The blows upon us in our official culture were predictable but in my view, still hurt like hell - especially to the ego, so I guess that's just part of the testing process. Okie Dokie.
Even Bernie doesn't completely get it when it comes to the "drug problem" in America, the primly described "Opiates" to which people are flocking (as opposed to "crack" to which only nasty Black superpredators were flocking).
I have no problem at all understanding the temptation. I don't think this is either a health problem or an economic problem. It's an ill understood phenomenon that can't be waved way by calling it an anomaly in human behavior which can be eradicated. If I have to choose between the opiate of our present mass media and an actual opiate, I tend to lean towards the actual opiate.
Of course, to me encountering Bernie was and is a rush in and of itself, changes my actual brain chemistry when I listen to him, I can feel it. So somehow this is all connected for me.
When I read that Hillary gave a minute or two to encouraging us to come together as Democrats, or something of that strategy, I just went "oy". And moved on.
There was another tweet I noticed in my fabulously curated Twitter feed linking to an article saying something along the lines of "no one at all knows what they're talking about" and I believe it was referring to credentialed journalists and pundits. I didn't read the article but I dug the vibe.
And also there was a tidbit on how Brock's political smear machine has hired a million bucks worth of Hillary trolls to add to the trolls we already have seen, oh happy day.
Eh, nothing new there and frankly they're small fry now that we're being punched out by the big machine itself and not just its minions. Oy.
Well, still I come to the same conclusion. I have no idea what I'm going to do politically, as an individual citizen, because this story is still going on, at least in my own heart and soul (by the way, I love Nina Turner's phrase "heart/soul connection"). I can't say I enjoy what I am learning but I also can't say I don't want to learn more, and even learn how to actualize that learning in a way that's true to my fabulous self.
But this week, Oy!
R.I.P. Prince nt
Beat in the USA.
Can't get Delerious out of my head
Don't want real opiates. I want Bernie. We lost Prince and it's going to hurt forever, or at least a very very long long time. However, the other pain does require a response, interesting coinkydink - it's called Revolution. I think that is SO appropriate, even comforting.
Purple Rain on Google - A Tribute to Prince
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
She's shown us every side of her criininal mentality --
but vote for her anyway y'know.
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Was just listening to Tim Black's ...
... broadcast via Twitter - he said a lot of interesting things, but one of them had to do with how the Dem machine is trying to give us "consolation" prizes and they're aghast that we would not dig the gift, oy.
Their map does not describe the territory.
Beat in the USA.
Never mind the arrogance --
of assuming the nomination to be wrapped up already, or the little matter of trusting a candidate who can't be trusted, and who reveals at every turn that she can't...
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Arrogance is the right word.
It will not register with that particular power Machine until we can succeed with a real blow to it. They are confident now because they believe, as they did after Super Tuesday, they are invincible. Or something, who knows what goes on in their farkakta heads.
I think the closer we come to delivering that blow, the clearer their efforts to manipulate reality stand out, but then we have been suffering, and they have been prospering. So why would they bother to change what has always been such a winning political strategy for them?
Beat in the USA.
Who knows indeed!
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Even if Hillary swindles the nomination
She can't expect all the pissed off people to actually be masochistic enough to vote for her and she can't win without them.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Clinton math
They only care that they reach 50%+1. Their hope is that fear of Republicans and niche identity politics (women, minority/victim sympathizers, non-social issue based Republicans) will add up to just enough.
They've never been about unity, and they're not going to start now.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
It would never occur to them that they are a source of fear as well. The constant lying and lack of transparency tends to breed fear along with mistrust.
Beat in the USA.
Off-topic, Thumb
but I am still lol-ing at your comment, OT: It's not over until the FBI says it's over. Or words to that effect. lol
I would have rec'ed it, but I am still unable to, but I am sending class notes through Women for Bernie (which seems to still be growing, even with the Purge).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
NOBODY, but NOBODY is entitled to my vote...
...I will vote for whomever earns my vote. And if none of the candidates on the ballot earn my vote I will write in the name of somebody who has. The fact that I'm showing up to vote in the first place indicates that I take my franchise seriously. The fact that I will write in the name of a real person, after much thoughtful consideration, and as opposed to Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or Lizard People, is proof that I take my franchise seriously...
I want my two dollars!
I agree 100%
I would rather vote for what I want and not get it, instead of voting for what I don't want and get it.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Hillary Supporters...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Well whatever you DO decide..do NOT ask anyone of the dozens
Of brand new posters of the gos if they are paid campaign operatives ... Even if they joined less the. 48 hours before they start attacking Bernie supporters for questioning things like the validity of the NY primary due to the purge. It will get YOU banned.
Used to be that such actions were verboten, now it seems it's welcomed and protected.
Orwell was an optimist
About Plan B
Plan A, of course, it to support Bernie until there ain't no more. And if he doesn't get the nomination, I'll probably vote Green. They could use the numbers.
As to Plan B, some have made some very reasonable arguments for starting a third party. This would require a lot of hard work and time, but it might be worth it.
I have been lobbying somewhat for a swarm to the Green Party and then integrate our agenda with theirs. They already have name recognition and are active in 30-some-odd states, I think. The actual number of states escapes me now.
But I have come to think that this would be like a hostile takeover. I've been suggesting that we mob them, take control, and remake them in our image. In my more lucid moments, I would like to be better than this.
So how about this: Let's contact the Working Families Party. If our goals mesh [and I think they would], we could work to take that party national. They already have a lovely name. Who could be against working families? I think that very few changes would have to be made on either side. And I think they would welcome us with open arms.
What do you think?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The first time I heard the word JAP from my wife
I thought she was referring to a slur against her ancestry (shes Nisei, i.e., second generation Japanese American), but being a woman born and raised in the Bronx for the first 8 years of her life, she soon informed me that no, she was talking about a stereotypical slur against Jewish women in NY. What a coinky-dink as they say.
Thanks for your thoughtful essay. As for supporting the Working Families party, I don't think their reach extends much outside of New York and a few other Northeastern states. Which should not surprise anyone, as our political system favors two main parties, and they have been quite effective in erecting barriers to entry by third parties cross the country for over 150 years now. That is the main issue I see with creating an effective political party/movement across the entire US. Since we have winner take all elections rather than proportionate voting (which would give seats in legislatures to third party candidates based on the percentage who voted for them), the two main parties effectively monopolize elective political offices. And since both of our two major parties are now in the pockets of Big Money, we are witnessing how nakedly undemocratic our so-called democracy really is.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Upton Sinclair, who had
Upton Sinclair, who had always been a Socialist, was asked in '33 to run for Governor of California as a Democrat. He recounts his thinking it over ...
Well, there's something to that. He won the Dem nomination, and ran pretty well, but was put down by the Dem Party establishment working with the Republicans.