Featured Editorials

A celebration of smiley7

This is a celebration of smiley7, who has long been a friend of mine. We're blog brothers. He's a seriously good guy, as many of you know. Some scoff at the closeness such communion can bring, but not I.

I’m with Pierre.

“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”

Soldiers Are Not Assets, War Not A Game

If there's ONE topic that has been treated with a complete lack of respect in this presidential campaign, it's that of war. We have one party who thinks that the solution to political problems is to rain fire from the heavens like an avenging god, and another who thinks the same thing but likes to pretend that it doesn't really count if the body bags aren't on TV.


As for Cruz winning, I'm more scared of him than Trump.

Honestly, was Bernie supposed to win Kansas? I was TOLD today would be another bad day for results, and I know that there are other states where there is an expected less than favorable outcome. But hey, right on Kansas!

An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...

I'm hesitant to publish this.

On the one hand, although the genesis of C99 is at DKos and many or most of us found our way here from there, if C99 becomes just another in a dreary series of places to vent about the foibles and mismanagement of DKos, Caucus99 can never succeed... or at any rate, never succeed in an interesting and politically valuable way.

I am here to see what this is all about

I have over 900 diaries on Daily Kos, many highly recommended. I came here to stay in touch with comrades who left there recently. As a charter member of DSA I am a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders. Coincidentally we were both at the University of Chicago in the early 1960s and involved in the same causes.

Is this what Markos thinks of Clinton?

You have to understand that, come March 15, the Clinton we all know and love, courtesy of Doug Henwood’s accurate biography My Turn, will be replaced by a brand new Clinton. She’ll be experienced (but not “at what?”), capable (but not “of what?”) and competent (but not “at what?”).
