Featured Editorials

Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Met Amid Email Investigation...

What the actual fuck?

"Unscheduled" my ass....

Why do I think this is complete B.S.?

Who just happens to pop onto the private plane that it hauling the AG that is investigating his spouse and just talks about golf, travel and grand kids?

This is shameless and outrageous...

"So I sez to her, I sez, Mabel!" (VI)

My, my, my.

I occasionally go to Daily Kos to read if one person in particular has made either comments or recommendations. If there's a comment, I read it. If there's a recommendation of a diary, I just read the title.

While I'm searching the name, I do read some of the rec list titles and I noticed Markos is railing again about Progressives Who Are Not Falling In Line.

Surprise! The Revolution Just Started – with the Delegates.

Take a look at this bit of innovative democracy:

With a little less than a month remaining until the start of the Democratic National Convention, a coalition of individuals and several groups has launched an effort to stop Hillary Clinton from winning the party’s nomination. Their goal: allowing pledged delegates at the convention to vote freely for the nominee and not be bound to to the former First Lady.

Protesting in Philly and Cleveland: a Tale of Two Cities.

How a country’s officials deal with the permitting and policing of protest marches and demonstrations is of vital importance in today’s world, where the elites increasingly control the political process, as We the People have been betrayed by politicians of all stripes. Taking it to the streets remains one of the few vehicles left for the 99% to influence policy in a rigged system. It is a righteous weapon. It is an essential weapon.

Republicans rejecting science: It's what they do

Nico Lang has an essay at the LA Times: Being transgender isn’t a mental illness. What’s sick is a society that treats it that way

Attacking Obama, Kansas state Sen. Steve Fitzgerald:

You’re either male or you’re female, and it’s not changeable. It’s reality. Inability to deal with that reality, or to recognize that reality, is disoriented, and can be disoriented to the point of insanity.

Bernie, the Convention, and Glass-Steagall

Maybe I heard this wrong--because that's been a problem. Although I didn't actually "sell my soul for rock and roll" I certainly paid for it with my ears. At any rate, I had the pleasure of seeing Bernie address an extremely enthusiast audience inNew York City on June 23, 2016. My apologies to any c99'ers who many have commented on this speech already, although I didn't perceive any essays whose title referenced that event.
