Featured Editorials

Brexit: Onward and Upward or Down and Out

(jjohnsit and Scizor99 have blogs on this story. My knowledge of EU banking, and British law are very limited. This is my first blog, please let me know if it could be improved or needs corrections)

I was not really expecting the referendum would win the vote. I’ll leave the analysis to the professional experts. This is what I could find to help me wade through the media fog of breathless “latest new thing” reporting.

Dorchester County, SC, School District settles discrimination case

The US DoE's Office of Civil Rights yesterday announced that Dorchester County School District Two in South Carolina has entered into a voluntary agreement to stop discriminating against a transgender elementary school student. THE OCR had found that the district was in violation of Title IX's prohibition on sex-based discrimination.

I commend Dorchester County School District Two for committing to protect the civil rights of all students and ensuring that all students have equal access to education programs and activities.

--Catherine E. Lhamon, assistant secretary for civil rights

Imagine If Democrats Had Sat In Against

The Bush Tax Cuts

The Invasion of Afghanistan

The Invasion of Iraq

The Socialism for the wealthy during the Bail Out Of the Banks then as soon as possible the privatization of the profits.

The ravages of foreclosures during the great recession

The pardoning of torture

The ignoring of war crimes

The removal of contraception and abortion rights from being covered in the ACA.

The Denial of Climate Change by Republicans

What This Has Always Been About

Progressives have always fought for racial equality, for social and economic and environmental justice. That's what we believe in, that's who we are and that's what we do. We've seen Democrats betray us and there will be no forgiveness, we've seen defeats and they've been traumatic, we've seen long years of reactionary attacks, but we're still standing, we do not repent of all the trouble we've endured along the way, our marks and our scars we carry with us.

All over the world dams are being dismantled

Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 10.11.01 AM
Photo credit: DeSmog.ca
The Site C dam is a proposed $9bn 1,100 megawatt hydro dam on the Peace River in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. It's called "Beautiful British Columbia" on tourist brochures. But look what's happening to the Peace River Valley.

Major Media Blackout of White Male NY Clinton Delegate's Assault on Woman of Color, Moumita Ahmed

Imagine,that a woman of color was beaten with a cane by a white male Republican at a statewide meeting of Republicans? Imagine the insane amount of media coverage from CNN, MsNBC, the Washington Post, The New York Times, etc. Yet, Moumita Ahmed was assaulted by a white male Clinton supporter at a meeting of New York Democratic Party delegates on Tuesday, June 21st, and - crickets from the MSM.
