This is 2016 not 1968. Act accordingly DNC.
The plans to set us up for repression at the Philadelphia convention are all too transparent. Nevada was a first step. Having been a movement leader in 1968 I can see the similarities in the oligarchy's strategies but there are huge differences in the context.
We are at war now but the Nation is asleep relative to what went on back then. The 1968 convention followed a series of huge demonstrations in Washington D.C. and NYC. Civil disobedience of all sorts was going on including the resist the draft movement. Yes we have seen marches and demonstrations galore in recent years but they have had a very different character.
Back then the war and Civil Rights for Blacks dominated as issues. People like Martin Luther King and others were just beginning to make the links between the war and the economic repression visible.
Bernie's campaign has laid a foundation for a far more holistic view of what the imperialistic oligarchy is all about and has built upon the work of the occupy movement and Black Lives Matter among others.
From my experiences as a leader back then I can only warn everyone that you have not seen anything yet. Bernie was very clever to have chosen to run as a democrat. He has put the party in a precarious position once again as it was back then for different reasons.
We had government agents infiltrating our organizations and trying to get people to support violent actions. They also got to be trusted enough to handle money which they stole.
When I lead a coalition in Buffalo N.Y. we had about 30 different organizations under one umbrella and there was no way they could be controlled. Participatory democracy was the way we functioned. One wing of the movement focused on resisting the draft but even it had many factions. I worked closely with RESIST and Dr. Spock but there were other groups.
I'm not out there on the lines this time. My age (80) and health prohibit that. Nevertheless I see the same establishment forces working through the democratic party again.
I find it very hard to see how the oligarchy will give up power. It will use lethal force if necessary. Nevada marks an escalation. Clinton's declaration of victory is really a warning not to be laughed off. She means what she says. She will be the nominee because it was predetermined. They never expected Bernie to be so successful but then they have no clue how alienated they are from the people.
They are not naive and have an empire they hold together with lethal force. Be prepared folks. I don't know how Bernie thinks about what I am speaking, but he must be very nervous as the showdown approaches. He is a responsible man so do not be surprised by his actions to avoid people becoming endangered. However he is one man and this is a battle not just for our country but to unseat the rulers of an empire.
There is a joke about an old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times". We are really cursed in that sense.

Bernie and the ransom
This is why I won't give up on him if he appears at the convention, Hillary is nominated (Cat forbid!), and he says various "unity" themed platitudes on the convention floor.
We must treat any such situation as if Bernie has a fucking GUN pointed at his head, and aware that the bastards behind the gun hold many of us as hostages, too. Why? Because, for any practical purposes, that will be the way it is at that point. Just because you can't see it on the teevee or YouTube doesn't mean it's not there.
A most excellent point to finish off an excellent Essay, amice. Solidarity!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
But derp derp argle bargle conspiracy theory derp derp derp. n/t
Here on the New Blue Satan...
...derping and argle bargling are frowned upon because it sounds too much like your food is coming up from listening to Hillary Clinton giving a speech. We all know that listening to Fearless Leader should be a joyous occasion. DWS will be online shortly for your five minutes of hate, so be sure to attend.
I thought this place was the Evening Blues Satan. n/t
no conspiracy theory required.
Just this:
If the scenario is that Bernie's in the convention hall and Hillary "wins" the nomination, and Bernie doesn't expressly endorse Hillary at that moment, would you want to be one of the cops/Secret Service assigned to get him out intact?
I wouldn't!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
your thoughts dovetail with my own but you have the supporting experience.
Very good to see the BLM - Sanders campaign connection being drawn - less obvious than the OWS one but every bit as important.
Also agree that those in positions of power will do whatever it takes to keep those positions - up to and including murder.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
IF he is murdered at the show, who can we put up in his place?
I DO believe that if he's murdered, then Washerwoman-Schlitz AND the pair of Clintons DID give the order, and I wouldn't wait for the "innocence" curtain call. i'd want all three of them to be taken out backstage.
I DO think that the Clintons would be in on it and give the "go" word.
CHRIST ON A BICYCLE, I want out of this country with my cats and my meds and I want a small safe place. ::sigh::
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
It wouldn't be that obvious.
More likely a plane accident, possibly a small plane if they can get him on one; sort of like JFK Junior and Paul Wellstone. Killing progressives with bullets is so 1960s.
Its something that's been on my mind as we get closer to the
Convention. I was 21 and pregnant with my 1st kid in '68. It was the year I saw my suspicions about the PTB (being the granddaughter of a union organizer) played out in technicolor. MLK and RFK (not so long after JFK) were bucking the system and were taken out, and along with 'the whole world', I watched America's children (my peers) being dragged and beaten for the same reasons MLK and RFK had to be silenced. The message was clear, the establishment was in charge, and if we didn't get it then there was Kent state two years later to reinforce their position.
My concern, now that the curtain has been pulled aside, comes from knowing that the folks behind it have no intention of giving up without the fight of their lives. It's not something I'm comfortable saying out loud (i'm superstitious that way) and not something that's been discussed in the blogs I participate in, but at this point I'm not sure how far they are willing to go, without inciting an all out confrontation (Ferguson being a trail run) between the haves and the have nots. Having recently gotten into MLK's Vietnam speech (thanks to the 16 yr old granddaughter's US History assignment) it brought back some pretty horrific memories of how serious they are.
I think they WILL have him hit
...AND I think the entity working with them will give orders NOT to make it all that smooth and seamlessly professional. I think they'll WANT us to know they can do it, assuming we'll do nothing.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
As someone who believes in
criminal defense rights and does not believe in capital punishment, I strongly disagree. That's the only way one can humanely go from a CT to a proven conspiracy. Totalitarians have been taking people backstage for millennia, and I want none of it.
Speculation such as this makes me very uneasy. I would hope we do not drift downward into that kind of black hole thinking here. JMHO.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i agree...
yes, history shows that you can't rule out the possibility of political rivals, covert agencies and/or (weaponized?) crazy people assassinating politicians - and that's why the secret service exists and is protecting senator sanders.
beyond that, it's not really a contingency that you can plan for.
best left as a dark suspicion.
on the other hand, the topic of the essay, expecting the powers-that-be to direct violence at protesters is also something that is eminently predictable based on history. so if folks plan to protest at the democratic convention that is a contingency that it would be unwise to fail to prepare for.
well, I want to go, how do I prepare for it?
How can you prepare for being out of luck and be at the wrong place at the wrong time, if everything points to the necessity to be at the right place and the right time?
It means things like
"question instruction that you are given" by people you don't know, when that instruction runs counter to anything positive.
or "be on the lookout for Real Bros who encourage you to break shit for no apparent reason"
There's more, but those are two big ones.
Follow your gut instincts.
thanks, I alwasy follow my guts, thanks /nt
I still say
put a gas mask around your neck and be prepared to sit and refuse to move. Link arms with others. IF arrested, say nothing, mot even your name. Whether or not you carry ID is up to you and I don't trust attorney advice, unless it's attorneys working with HateWatch, the SPLC. I don't even trust ACLU advice any more.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I'd Be Careful
Even when just kidding around or venting out of frustration with clearly no intent. And as we know from Snowden, the National Stasi Agency is cataloging and indexing our every online word. The watch lists must be massive by now.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
They Will Do What They Want
“If you give me six lines written by the most honest man, I will find something in them to hang him.” - Cardinal Richelieu
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Movie "Enemy of the State"
Movie "Enemy of the State" around 20 years ago--how far has the technology come since that movie to monitor all communications anywhere on the planet? If you want to keep communications secret it has to be done in person but then their is long distance mikes for that if your suspect. So very difficult to stay off the grid sota speak
Just joining this website, puts you on
a rat-out list. Markos has fleas already infesting here.
I'm also sure he's got the ear of at least one effective string puller. Fuck'em.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
my comments about lethal force were not suggesting they will
murder Bernie. They know that would make it worse. I was speaking about putting down a movement to take away their power
also conspiracy is in no way involved. My thoughts arise out of knowledge of how systems survive
they will not just hand over power
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you think they really understand
because from what I'm seeing, they seem to be acting pretty clueless at this point. And that's what's been setting off my alarm bells.
expecting rational behavior is really clueless as well
the system grinds on without the need of any form of human intelligence....just reactions to the programmed cues
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Agreed. It a moot point.
I'm sure it wasn't intended, but
your comment could be misinterpreted as suggesting violence. Given this country's political history (JFK, RFK, MLK), I can understand why it is a short leap to express that progressive leaders will not survive. You might want to reply to your comment and clarify that you aren't suggesting violence or anything else just in case someone reads it that way.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I DO advocate going to the convention even without admission and I advocate standing directly outside the convention center and taking a gas mask on one's person. I don't have any advice on ID, but IF arrested, I'd not even give my name. If gassed, I'd be either dead in a cell, as I have COPD, or unable to speak anyway.
Others will have to decide. I'd advocate sitting down, arms linked if ordered to move. I don't think I'd advocate lying down however, as I've been told by a few younger LEOs that they've been trained to kick those who won't move along when they're all in armor and using those stupid clear shields.
I EXPECT VIOLENCE from Philly's far from finest. I'm from just outside of a city that's famous for violent vicious, overarmed and nasty police force... seattle. They've murdered quite a few people in the last decade. Not so colorfully as Ferguson, but just as finally.
If some asshole flea combing the posts in this discussion blog are set on ruining people for "allegedly advocating violence", they're going to no matter what I write. I DO think the Clintons are already nostril deep in a plan to murder Bernie and I think it's THEIR go word that'll bring it about if it happens.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
No, they want him up there saying the right things
Or, failing that, to destroy his reputation.
Assassination is costly, very visible, and creates martyrs. Not that they won't do it when necessary. I'm pretty sure somebody did it to Wellstone. But then again, in 2002, the country was a very different place, and much less likely to immediately assume it was foul play. In this climate, I'd guess a majority of the country--right and left--would assume it was foul play. It might be enough to unite right and left under Bernie's banner. *NOT* a good idea, unless they have no other recourse.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Odd, isn't it, how millions conclude that Wellstone was murdered
yet that TPTB never bothered to trap anyone into showing how and who paid for it.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Fentress, You speculate of Bernie "being murdered" ?
Wasn't there something Hillary Clinton said about what could happen as a reason to stick with the campaign til the convention is over?
I don't understand your comment, it makes me feel quite uncomfortable. I would say you go pretty far in your assumptions, so much so that I like to point out that I don't follow you on this.
But I follow you on wanting to be out of this country and be safe somewhere. And those who need the safe place most will not be able to find a safe corner. So, I will stay and wait and see what happens.
Bernie will merely shape-shift into a "Gompersite labor fakir"
if he is elected, so have no fear. That's a safe form to placate the oligarchy.
He knows the rules. If the concepts need to be reinforced, it can be done thru private discussions.
No lone nuts should be gunning for him. Besides astrology didn't give Raygun any warnings when Hinkley took some pot-shots at him.
I tried to figure out what a "Gompersite labor fakir" is
and all what google came up with were comments from C99p. Shooting yourself into the foot? I am confused and let it go.
start here or here.
thanks, lots to read and learn /nt
to answer to myself... I really don't understand
what Hillary Clinton did mean to say in that clip above. I am so tired of trying to understand it. Seems to me to not make sense to even try.
this should be deleted
this should be deleted, but I found no delete function.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
this should be deleted
but I could find no delete function
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
whom do you ask to delete what?
If you want me to delete my comment, I can redact it. You can't delete your own comment, just edit it in a way to say that you don't want to have what you said being visible.
oh for corn's sake
for some reason, a reply I wrote and edited appeared 3 times back to back. Since you can delete a diary, but not a reply, I just wrote over what was in MY reply.
Be well
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
well, I consider that someone could
have been tapped to plant that question and that an exasperated-acting Ms. Clinton gave her tired parental reply. Oh, the poor poor put upon tired out candidate.. .let's all take a moment to pity the hard working woman and pray for her. . That reeks like an open overheated case of setting the victim up for the blame for his own murder... that's what it smells like. Very Koch Brothers.
I do not for a single second want anything bad to happen to Sen. Sanders. I fear the right wing fascists and THEIR CHOSEN SHILL, Ms. Clinton, that much. I fear the people who groomed her and back her. I fear HER greed and her need for that much power and influence and access to more wealth.
I no longer think that those going after power will put the brakes on for appearances sake, dammit.
It's why I watch as little TV as possible, read a lot of light fiction right now and whatever political stuff I'm doing I'm no longer announcing anywhere. I just *do it.
Yes, I'm that uneasy.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I haven't heard much about BLM lately, is there any news
about what they are thinking about doing about the Convention?
My fault for being unclear
My comment related to this part of Don's post:
and murder was a bad word choice on my part. I was referencing the fact that there are many in law enforcement, the private contractor industry etc. who are not at all squeamish about a few deaths here and there.
I was not even thinking about the possibilities of an assassination attempt.
Sincere apologies and I agree with you 100%
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
that should have been obvious
it is always the ones who are against CT that bring it up without justification
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
If any waters were muddied
it was by my comment - not your diary which was completely unambiguous (as always).
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Excellent piece Don. I'm glad times are "interesting" in a bad
way while I'm still around to be one of the billions of regular people needed to fight the power of capital before it's too late. I'm glad we now have an excellent leader and example in the U.S. in Sanders to frame suggested strategies. He's prepared for a lifetime for this time and will rise to the occasion. We lost generations with the assassination of Dr. King.
This is a grassroots political revolution, and we must have the determination of revolutionaries. The revolution is to truly democratic socialism on a global level, just as Dr. King anticipated. Mass participation at the grassroots does have its challenges, but it is indispensable and we can prepare ourselves mentally for the propaganda onslaught with experienced leaders such as you, even if you can't be out in the streets.
Is anyone aware of a coordinated effort to have
protests and vigils and direct actions in concert with the convention? It would be marvelous to see Berners all gathered together in cities large and small to make a statement.
Get Real
They will let us make all the statements we want. It costs them nothing. They can then go on the propaganda media and claim that they aren't nearly as bad as we claim, because they let us have our say. Then they will end any media coverage and do what they intended from the beginning. Remember how huge the anti-Iraq War protests were right before the bombing began? They ignored the protests, and acted as they planned. Now few even know they happened.
There is only one thing for us to do, and that is incredibly difficult. As Martin Luther King declared in his Mountaintop speech, to win justice and equality, people needed to separate from the economic system and start their own. This frightened the PTB so badly that the hit was ordered for the next day, for the PTB didn't want that idea to spread. They couldn't have stopped it then.
I'm hoping that today they still couldn't stop it, but I can see just how much more difficult it would be. Walmart wiped out Mom and Pops. The amount of arable land for farming is greatly reduced as corporations now own so much of it. Monsanto has been granted rights to usurp your rights to earn from your crops under specious charges that their frankenfood genes have gotten into your legacy-seeded crops. You are deemed guilty with no means to prove innocence.
We the People would have to do without a great deal, and I can't guarantee that it would even have a fraction of the effect that similar action would have had in 1968 had Dr. King lived. But to do nothing means surrender.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Actually, it was MLK's Beyond Vietnam speech that they freaked
out about. And it was 1 year to the day after he delivered that speech in 1967 that he was assassinated.
Try Reading Mountaintop
King openly calls for a separation from the existing economy. The PTB could care less about the opposition to Vietnam, for the economy was continuing to make them wealthy. Take a large part of the population out of that interaction, and it all comes to a halt.
In Texas, a popular aphorism is that messing with a man's money is a death sentence. That is what Mountaintop did.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I read the speech he gave at Riverside church as MLK connecting
the dots between the underclasses of the world and America's interventionist policies. Until that point there seems to have been a degree of establishment tolerance for the civil rights movement he was leading, but when he was perceived as turning against the people in power/MIC (where the $$ machine is based) and calling for protests against our involvement overseas that required the help of the same people they were happy to send back to the ghettos they pulled them out of, was when they'd heard enough and decided to shut him down.
Just my take on the speech and how it was received from the articles I read that were written about it at the time and well after.
They. Don't. Care.
We can get together all we want. We can oppose anything they stand for. But when we take the money way, THEN they act.
If the PTB cared about King's Riverside speech, he'd not have been allowed to live long enough to orate Mountaintop.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I agree in part
although I think the assassination was in place before the Mountaintop speech. btw King's Mountaintop speech is my personal favorite of all his speeches, it still sends shivers through me.
In regard to the Iraq war and "them", you said
"They ignored the protests,"
They CENSORED COVERAGE OF THEM. The govt. ordered no-fly zones for helos over march routes where we got legal parade permits, making it IMPOSSIBLE to see the number of protestors and SCOPE of the protests.
They CENSORED our protests, god damn it.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Think Gandhi
What we need is a million person peaceful march on the convention
Gandhi was also
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Indeed he was. Gandhi’s story is inspiring — but in the end,
reality ensued.
Israeli Police Training & Non-Violent Resistance
"We are all Palestinians," is what we say in Bolivia when referring to the American Empire. I don't mean any violence, zero tolerance for violence...
I refer to the non-violent movement in the West Bank.. every week on Friday the villagers go out on a peaceful march, get tear gassed and shot at, sling some rocks and tear gas canisters back towards the heavily armed and armored IDF soldiers, and disperse back to the village. Then come the 3 AM raids where the kick down their doors and arrest the young men.
Be prepared.
From the Light House.
Hillary and her crew are literally hell-bent
and completely unaware of it. They think they are accomplishing something, but all they are really accomplishing is misery. The wheels of karmic justice grind slow. It may appear they they, and the execrable Bush gang, have gotten away with something, but that is not so. In life review they will get to experience the suffering they have visited upon others. It will be very long and not very pretty.
And so, my friends, we all have our parts to play in this little drama, whatever they may be. Let us not become so outraged that we become like them. It is evident that Hillary and her co-conspirators are abusing their power and cheating in order to win. She seems likely to succeed, absent some Deus ex Machina. Should she indeed succeed, the results of that are on her.
The results of our actions are on us. So let us do what we can, but let us be decent. Let us recognize we cannot control the outcome, but we can control who we are, and how we impact others. ToP has descended into a cesspit of hatred. That's them, not us. Let us be a refuge.
Yes—I hope “Love conquers hate” always remains a c99p value. n/t
If ONLY kharmic wheel-work
for them woild come hard and fast AND REALLY RGHT SHARPISH QUICK NOW, and be heavy and inexorable as a frakking weighted steam roller, to pull a mob-hit-style pass-by and reverse and do it three or four times.
The phrase "integral part of the eternal back alley pavement" comes to mind.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Interesting Times
It all could work out like a Hollywood script:
Cut to:
Evil empire about to crush the American middle class like grapes..
But wait! "My Lord! Global Warming doth rear its ugly head at thine gates! You know, the ones we crashed..."
Global warming kills only the rich because they live in hovercrafts above the ocean and it causes a yooge tidal wave.
Middle class once again solves the problems and designs a spaceship to Io and we go from there. To counquer and enslave other planets and be easter island statues there.
fade to black
Bernie is a win-win.
Can't someome wave a wand and those assholes forget where
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
the important thing
as in back in 1968,
is that the general viewing public wakes up
to the discontent of the young people.
And to finally realize that maybe there still is something wrong,
in the Pleasantvilles they've created.
That maybe they should care about foreign wars fought in their name.
That maybe they should care about predatory bankers that gladly rob their pensions.
That maybe they should care about a corporate congress that put millionaires ahead of people.
If the Bernie Revolution, picks up where Occupy left off, and wakes up the sheeping masses,
Then ground swell change, may rise up yet, to shake that snooty tree of the PTB.
Thanks Don for leading the disgruntled back then,
I was awed by the movement, though I was still a child.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
This Is Exactly Why It's Time To Abandon The Dem Party
It is too corrupt now. It cannot be 'fixed' by Bernie or anyone else. It's just like the Repub party with a few different stances on social issues.
Bernie did his job. He raised the awareness of the rigged system and the bought out Dem Party. Half of registered Dems voted for him in the primaries and caucuses. A lot of Independents woke up. The convention will be rigged and cheated just like the primaries and caucuses. Hellery will get the votes no matter how much cheating they have to do. And to placate the dumbest of Bernie supporters they will accept a few of Bernie's campaign goals into the Dem Party 'platform' which is a useless piece of paper and will never be considered after Nov 8.
I would love to see Bernie walk away with us to a third party (I'm feelin' Green). But I doubt it will happen.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Nov 8
Hopefully, It will be forgotten starting Nov 8, guaranteeing a one term Presidency.
I'm not worried about Bernie's safety
but I am deeply concerned about the physical well being of his supporters marching in Philadelphia.
The safest thing would be for Bernie to opt out of the Democratic Party in June, declare as an independent, and keep his supporters away from Philadelphia.
But that's not going to happen, is it?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
No, it's not.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
it is hard to carry through what you started... that's why I
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Don you write such clear and beautiful words
and I wish they were being burned galactically onto the retinas of each DNC member, but I suspect that all of them are hooked on oligarchy and ease and wouldn't read them even if a flea brought them to their attention.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
We need to make plans on how to defuse
the violence of provocateurs. I have a few ideas. But surveillance and infiltration make it hard to not immediately share those ideas without immediately sharing them with David Brock, if you know what I mean.
In general, the idea is to not meet them on their own ground with their own assumptions. They want a battlefield, so give them something else. Something radically different.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Agree. They've selected a number of gathering places and are now
in the process of planning how to control, contain, record, and overcome any perceived resistance to the rules they've put in place. How to stay out of harm's way when playing on the other teams turf needs some serious attention by the leaders of the activist groups, as well as the unaffiliated Berners, that are headed that way.
The HRC group
has already deliberately primed the pump for the convention.
They are smearing the Bernie side as violent, so they will ensure that there is a huge police presence. And it is likely, IMO, that someone(s) will start something somewhere, and the police will start arresting the Bernie people and hauling them off to jail.
I hope Bernie has arranged to camera the entire convention area.
The revolution must be televised
Part of the problem with Nevada was that there was too little documentation. One "chair lifting" video and a few "chair browbeating" videos was not enough to prevent the probably false meme from spreading. We need independent coverage and lots of it.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Can't stop the false meme from spreading
while they have the media.
But what we have on our side is that people already distrust, indeed practically despise, both the parties' establishments, AND Hillary in particular.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I bet you that no cameras will be allowed by non accredited
press. Demonstrators will be kept so far outside of everything and security checks will take so much time that everybody is missing what's happening inside.
Almost every cell phone has a camera.
Videos and pix are only a click away.
I grew up hearing, 'The whole world's watching.'
I saw the Kent State massacre on my local news the same day, even then.
Bernie was just on Face The Nation, he showed no fear. He did not go all belly up, jugular exposed. All in for Philly.
Even Democrats can be demonstrators.
Thanks Don, this was great historical context for what the DNC of today is trying to do.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
aren't soft coups more in vogue in the Americas these days?
They gave Honduras Pres. Zelaya the velvet glove treatment 2009. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff just got same sort of gentle coup.
Banana republic generals are very obedient to their pay-masters.
But there was that unusual quick-acting cancer killing Hugo Chavez in 2013.
Hopefully Bernie won't need to be removed by some whim or fancy of the US power elites.