
Why “Health Care” for profit is an oxymoron. More insight from complex systems theory.

Our blindness to what these words are telling us is really astounding. My first time to fully comprehend the contradiction came from an experience while I was teaching at Harvard in 1969. The medical community in the Boston area put together a “Health University” which was a sixteen week course contributed by health care professionals at every level. At the end they distilled what the many discussions and brainstorming sessions had produced and came up with a set of wonderful proposals.

A complex world view makes our present situation more comprehensible

This may seem like a contradiction, but once you accept that comprehension depends on being able to approach the real world with your own world view it is actually very clear. Complex systems defy classical logic especially in the realm of causality.

Why Trump’s America is like the real America (link fixed)

Why Trump’s America is like the real America

I grew up believing in a host of commonly taught myths about my country. I’m embarrassed by how long it takes to get over these myths, but I also see that many people never do.

A good way to shatter these illusions with good historical facts is to read An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Oritz. Spanning more than four hundred years, this classic bottom-up peoples’ history radically reframes US history and explodes the silences that have haunted our national narrative.

A case for not voting

By voting you are making a statement. It may not be the statement you want to make. It is not exercising a constitutional right nor is it an expression of your freedom in a democracy. That's what you are supposed to believe.

If nothing else has been made clear by this year's fiasco it is that the system will only allow you to choose between the candidates that are preselected for you. This has always been the case but it is stark nakedly obvious now.

Little by little our eyes are being opened....but it is so slow and painful

We are about to see the end point of the Democratic Party scam that they called a "Primary". The Republicans are doing their version and the theater just gets more and more sickening.

Stealing the First Lady's speech has caused another wave of reaction to the well established disregard for truth or ethics that should be expected by now.

As I was saying before the election hypnotized so many

Elections in our system are a very clever distraction from the "man behind the curtain" (actually a bad meme because it implies individual human acts replace systems forces). This has been demonstrated once more. Even Bernie was forced to play their game. He appears to have lost but illusions like that are based on lack of understanding.

What if they gave an election and nobody came?

Does that sound funny to you? Think about it. It has been happening for a long time for a lot of people in this country. Bernie has been energizing people who have stayed at home in the past because they see a real choice in him.

I learned something from President Obama that I shall never forget. I learned that I am not as smart as I think I am. I learned that I forget hard learned lessons. Let me explain.
