Don't get me wrong. I'll never give up.
Thanks for all the great responses to my blog about hope. I will never give up hope nor my way of viewing the world as a big interconnected system.
I wrote that blog because I was observing the inevitable workings of this sick system of ours. First let me remind you of the summary of our book:
The Global Economy that sustains the civilized world is destroying the biosphere. As a result, civilization, like the Titanic, is on a collision course with disaster. But changing course via the body politic appears to be well nigh impossible, given that much of the populace lives in denial. Why is that? And how did we get into such a fix? In this essay, biologists James Coffman and Donald Mikulecky argue that the reductionist model of the world developed by Western civilization misrepresents life, undermining our ability to regulate and adapt to the accelerating anthropogenic transformation of the world entrained by that very model. An alternative worldview is presented that better accounts for both the relational nature of living systems and the developmental phenomenology that constrains their evolution. Development of any complex system reinforces specific dependencies while eliminating alternatives, reducing the diversity that affords adaptive degrees of freedom: the more developed a system is, the less potential it has to change its way of being. Hence, in the evolution of life most species become extinct. This perspective reveals the limits that complexity places on knowledge and technology, bringing to light our hubristically dysfunctional relationship with the natural world and increasingly tenuous connection to reality. The inescapable conclusion is that, barring a cultural metamorphosis that breaks free of deeply entrenched mental frames that made us what we are, continued development of the Global Economy will lead inexorably to the collapse of civilization.
This election is different because it is happening as people begin to understand that message. They know that we have been asleep for far to long and that the result is severe. The level of awareness is growing rapidly, but there is such a long way to go.
I am always flattered by the way most of you react to what I write, but I still want to communicate a different world view and many are not understanding. What we say in the summary above is the key to where I am coming from.
This election is part of the system that is the cause of our problems not a potential solution. It must be dealt with and Bernie is doing as much as is humanly possible. My point is that this enormous effort is not even close to enough. Not only that but it has the danger of confusing people who do not understand the role elections play in this sick system.
In less than a year we will be in the aftermath of the election and no matter how it comes out we will be in a place we have never been before after an election. The requirements for action will have only begun. Normally everyone is exhausted after the farcical theatrics of electoral politics but this time you will not be able to rest.
There will be instabilities in the system that are exploitable and they will be exploited. That will be a very dangerous situation. I see no sign of awareness of the need for preparation.
In the 1960s and 1970s we had a movement that was ready for a collapse of the system. It never happened because the oligarchy seduced the majority of unsophisticated new "radicals" (for lack of a better term) into electoral politics and basically killed the movement. That has run its course finally it seems so we are at this point.
Still the election will put a huge dent in the ability of a much less sophisticated movement to deal with the ugly ways the oligarchy will use to hold on to power.
In those days I was in the leadership and had no problem knowing what was happening. Now I am an old cripple and using the internet to try to understand what is going on. Unfortunately, what I am learning does not fill me with confidence. That was what I was trying to express in the "hope" blog and much as I was glad to receive the encouragement in those many comments, I was not given much reason to see that my concerns are not real.
I hope this clarifies my reason for asking about a reason for hope.
I'll see your "does not fill me with confidence"
and raise you a "It's Broken and It Can't Be fixed."
By this I meant we're pretty much going to have to go all the way through the meat grinder and see what happens when we come out the other side.
Thanks for taking an active part here, Don. Please keep writing. It helps to share.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
thanks.....I share your meat grinder analogy
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
I hate to add to the darkness
here, but I've noticed there is a level of cognitive dissonance as to what is going on.
I am terrified or income inequality and the power of wealth, but not because it's our worst problem. It's because it makes it impossible for us to deal with our worst problem. When our worst problem hits, its possible if we have organized correctly, that people will understand what's happening and we will finally be able to reorganize society in a healthier way.
That problem is climate change.
The thing about the worsening environment is that it is in fact directly tied with income inequality.
In societies with a large middle class, people throughout the country have a sufficient voice to make people aware of how their environment is, and can force change. When you have a society of powerful aristocrats and weak peasants, one of the defining traits of that society is that whenever the peasants complain, rich people think their whining. That's about the most base generalization I can make.
I've noticed that no amount of scientific opinion can get people to wake up now. But trust me, in the end the way society goes will come down to how it responds to starvation and the loss of coastal cities. According to information from the University of Miami, we will probably lose Miami as a useful city in 20 years.
This isn't something that's happening to our kids anymore. We are going to see it.
That's why we have to get the basis of a movement going now.
Chris Hedges says "pick up the pieces" afterwards...
But... That could take a long time, and I don't have much to spare now. Even if the system fails the rich will still come out of it pretty much intact and the cycle could start all over again; there will be even more reason for greed to entice the population back into slavery. Have to get it done now and try, try again. Go Bernie get it done get it started!!
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
yes it will take a long time
that's the good part .... once it stops happening we will be starting to stagaify again
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
It's going to come down to small groups of people,
with differing skills to go beyond, don't you think? I don't have or want defensive urges, but I hope it doesn't come to that. Immediately. I do fear that there will be a backlash. I want to protect my 20A of forest, that's all.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm out of touch but lots is already happening
People are doing what they have to do just to survive and survival is what it is all about
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Hi, Don!
I am not sure I can eke out much of a scenario for hope.
I am 64, and I certainly feel too old to make much of a difference, and we are in a global mess.
As aware of it as I am, I still have nothing to offer in the way of a lifeboat.
Great to see you here, my friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The Potential Solution is what?
Sanders has been pretty good about laying out what many of this country's problems are--and I dare say that people would have just gone on their merry way if he hadn't come along--and his policies are a start but by no definition the end of what needs to be accomplished.
In the greater scheme of things, getting started is only the first move. Are we prepared for the next steps? Hell, no! We have only just now decided to look at the problems. In the 60s and 70s, "radicals" got put down hard, and lack of organization and cohesion eventually brought about the demise of the activism that was seen then, much of which was centered on the Vietnam war, not on the evolving economic problems. In essence that time was a free-for-all fight. A more holistic approach is needed than what was adopted back then.
Laws have been put into place over the life of this "democracy" to protect working people and disrupt income inequality, but We the People have allowed those to be watered down and dismissed time and again. Blame the victim? Damn right, in this case, I do.
Until people are willing to sacrifice--whether it is time or money or deciding that they don't have to have absolutely everything advertisers are selling (which is not the American Dream)--then even if some changes are made to make life a little bit better, we will allow it to happen again. A solution implies an end to a problem. It is time to realize that We the People need to stay ever vigilant.
Sorry about the ramble and disconnectedness, but I am very tired and depressed today...and angry.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
the word "sacrifice" is very context dependent
there is so much we think we need because "they" taught us we did
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Yes, it is.
Freedom from want is not choosing between a 48 or a 60 inch flat screen TV monitor with surround sound and HDTV.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'd settle...
...for not having to choose between paying the electricity or the gas.
My plan
is to get Bernie in the White House. And work with Brand New Congress to unseat some republicans [which they are working on right now].
And then see what the People's Summit comes up with. Hopefully, they can form a coalition party [by any name] and then I'll try to get it on the ballot and work for its candidates.
Perhaps we can start to make a real difference in 2018. But only if we understand that we have to do this without the benefit of Big Money.
Bernie has decided [I think] to not spend money on television advertising in California and instead to invest in the ground game. If he can win CA without TV, it might really have an impact on the electoral process.
Yeah, I'm a dreamer, too. But we have the chance of a lifetime right now. We gotta give it everything we got, even if we wind up looking like fools for trying.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Don't forget to unseat a bunch of Dems while you are at it. It might be better to keep a few moderate republicans than to keep treacherous Dems.
Sanders rallies are so huge that the word may spread a lot better person-to-person rather than on television, particularly because studies show that it is older people who are watching, and while many of us support Sanders, those who aren't getting most of their news on the Internet are not likely to vote for him anyway. it would be much better if the TV watcher heard about Sanders from a grandchild. That would be more persuasive than a TV ad = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
electoral politics is a narcotic
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
You have it right, the
You have it right, the deceptions of the past so that money could be made instead of fixing things back then will come home to roost, climate collapse is on the way and incrementalist change will be the death of the folks alive when it hits. The patterns show the heel dragging and stubborn clinging to what makes the most money over rides wisdom and common sense. the collapse of the biosphere is already started, they just refuse to let the majority know. Due to this, I am glad to not have made additions to a population that will see what is left of itself scrabbling for power/water/food/and possibly air.
If my vision of the future patterns seem dark, it is because they are pointed in that direction. even the scientists admitted they softened the blow earlier so as to at least get less denial, but now they admit things are more dire.
Bleaching of reefs
ocean acidification
methane blow outs
oxygen deadzones in the oceans
animal/bird die offs
quakes due to fracking
water pollution due to fracking
the list is extensive
Consumerism is good for the companies making the crap we buy, but it is killing our biosphere. The planet will recover and start fresh once the coming 6th extinction is over.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Have to raise my hand as guilty
I was an under age keep clean for Gene kid... who had seen camelot murdered before my young eyes... Then MLK and RFK and by the time of Woodstock (I was really there) I was convinced it was all FUBAR so why care... Just go to college and live my (alternative) life and when Bill Clinton came on the scene I was willingly fooled into believing he was the second coming of Camelot so I pulled the lever marked D and didn't give it another thought... More the fool ME for doing it a second time.
(Hangs head in boomer shame)
I am guilty of helping the DLC usurp our political system
and now we just MIGHT finally have a chance to rectify what stupid people. Like ME, brought forth on our nation.
PS. Mia culpa Mia culpa Mia culpa (sigh)
Orwell was an optimist
evolution is a trek with many paths
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
...and records of short-term failures
documented in fossils. Humans may be another one, around long enough to collapse most extant species now.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
as we said
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
I didn't catch on 'til G. Dubya.
I first voted for McGovern, so I go back. Not as far as Don, but... And, it wasn't the politicians that lit my lightbulb. It was the MSM lame stream media. It was MSLSD and the Sunday Wonk Shows. I kept seeing some RW numbnut, George Will, on one of the Sunday wonk shows. George f'ing Will? That asshat hasn't been right about anything in 20 years. And noticed all the other George Wills on the wonk shows. None of whom had a fucking clue in 20 years or more, hadn't taken a whiff outside the Beltway in all that time. Week after week, same asshats on the same wonk shows. And, I'm "slow," just a C HS student and D college "student," but the lightbulb finally showed a flicker. "This is just a Village Fest," I said to no one in particular. "Why am I watching asshats dumber than me?" I noticed the same thing over at MSLSD, although they still had K.O. at the time, and Rachel was watchable. So it finally dawned on my lame brain, the lightbulb finally lit, that "The Media" either didn't give a damn what was going on, was lazy, or both. But what they weren't was honest. They weren't being honest. See, during the Nixon Occupation we citizens may have had a love-hate thing with "The Media," but we at least knew they mostly did their job. The WaPo demonstrated that by pursuing The Trickster through the Watergate story. Wow, I though. Woodstein are actually going to bring down the president. A newspaper was going to bring down the f'ing president. The asshat that drafted my butt was going down! Now, up 'til then we had Uncle Walter telling us how fucked up Vietnam was every night on CBS. Love 'em or hate 'em, there was a STRONG sense that "The Media" was doing its job. Watergate was just icing on the cake. Simply put, "The Media" could be trusted. Or mostly trusted. So we all went off into the '80s, having kids, climbing that Corporate Ladder, with the sense that all was right with the world, any wrongs would be righted by the ever vigilant Media. No need to pay that close attention, CBS and the WaPo got our backs, let's go have some fun! And, the '80s wrong - Reagan - was righted with the election of Bubba. See! We have a self-correcting USA! All is right with the world. Kick back, watch Dan Rather and relax. He's got this! What could go wrong with Bubba and Dan in charge?! This is written for the under-40 crowd that must wonder how Boomers dropped the ball. Easy. After the Watergate reinforcement (if any was needed), we went about the business of living our lives expecting The Powers That Be - Dem politicians and The Media - would take care of business on their end. Would have our backs like Uncle Walter and the WaPo had ours way back when. If nothing else we had CBS' 60 Minutes reminding us every week that "we got this, go play with your kids." And so we did. It wasn't until G. Dubya beating Al Gore that lightbulbs started to flicker and more of us Boomers started paying attention - and wasn't until Dubya got reelected that we REALLY started paying attention. By then, of course, it was almost too late. The Oligarchy had all but taken over. Some say already has. Hard to argue with that, except some of us still remember Watergate. We remember real reporting and we know numbnuts Chuck the Toad ain't it. If you're still watching that asshat on Sundays stop. You're smarter than he is, smarter than all of those Village Idiots. You're not going to learn a damn thing by watching those Sunday wonk shows other than you're smarter than they are, so turn it off. Yes, we Boomers dropped the ball during the '80s and '90s while we were raising kids, but we fully expected "The Media" to do their job while we were off living our lives. Our "responsibility" was to read the daily newspaper and watch Dan every night. We did that. What we didn't know until G. Dubya came around was Rupert and the big boys were blowing smoke up our ass. Some say we caught on too late. WAY too late. Maybe. But, I still have faith we can get it back. Why I'm a #Berner. I'm in it to get it back.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Go in peace, my son.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Bill is charismatic. While
Bill is charismatic. While that is a good thing in a way he has used it to his own benefit. (sadly) I remember seeing him back in the day at some high school in Las Vegas. I was impressed. Now I can see him as what he is. It is not impressive. (Such a shame but he is now a rich man)
...your book
I've got your book on my amazon wish list. I'll get it eventually. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks.
please give us feedback
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Thanks for all the great
Don, do you have the link to said blog. Your views are fascinating. Thanks.