How I plan to vote, and why I'm here.
The other day I introduced myself. Someone read what I said, and indicated that they thought I might have come here to convince you all to vote for Hillary Clinton. That isn't the case, actually I came here because there's nobody to talk to in the real world around me, and I wanted to speak to progressives like myself.
However, I thought I would explain what I do think.
I despise Hillary Clinton. I don't simply dislike her. I feel rage when I listen to some of the things she says. I have a far more visceral response to it, because I've been effected by what she's done very personally. A student loan that I cannot clear through bankruptcy has prevented me from improving myself, and I tend to connect her directly with the lousy economy, and the prison system that we have now. I've never been in jail, but my brother went to jail over petty bullshit. He is dead now, and she owns a little piece of that. A small piece is enough to inspire my rage.
At this point, I don't believe that Trump can win this election. I didn't believe that months ago, and I'm even more certain of it now. He has no chance, and therefore my plan is to not vote if Hillary Clinton gets the nomination. If I don't vote, at least some people will understand that her lack of progressivism has cost her votes, and maybe that will inspire something.
If I think for a moment that Donald Trump will win this election, I'm going to vote for Hillary Clinton. And the reason I would do that is because Donald Trump is a monster who would get a lot of people killed. He does things to inspire the mob. Hillary Clinton is a hawk, but I suspect that with this anger management issues, Donald Trump could be worse in that area.
You should also understand that when unemployment goes up, people die. Those abstract numbers that people look at in the books have very tangible horrible effects. In many ways, the people who eventually die of bitterness and despair would have been fortunate if someone had simply put a gun to their head and pulled their trigger. Not all of them, but some.
Donald Trump is not merely a servant of oligarchy, he is an oligarch, and he is a stupid one at that. He's spent his entire life getting fat while people I knew lived in poverty and pain, and he feels smugly superior about that. If elected, he would take even more from the middle class and give it to his friends. I believe he would be worse than Clinton in that regard. She would be bad enough.
Some of the people I know and live with are just barely surviving. If you were to cut just a few medical benefits, or cut food stamps, it could eventually result in their death. I believe that such a thing would be a certainty if he were elected, and if they died and I didn't vote, I would be partially responsible. It's my duty as a citizen to vote against him.
Now some of you may not agree with that. Perhaps you will never vote for Hillary Clinton no matter what. I respect that, it's your decision. I didn't come here to change your mind. I'm simply telling you exactly what I think, and exactly what I'm going to do.
If it doesn't look like Trump will even get close, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton. If I think Trump needs to be stopped, I will.
I just hope that nobody here has any illusions about the kind of man that Donald Trump is. This election cycle, we've seen the lowest scum on the planet run for election and get a majority of the Republican vote. It's a terrible thing for America, and a terrible thing for everyone. His policies would lead to poverty and death.

Fair enough.
Have a nice day.
You just can't stop, can you?
Look, I'm trying to be patient here, but you just don't seem to be getting the message. Obviously you don't understand the concept of this website.
"The concept of this website"?
The concept...
We live our own reality around here, and suffer no brow beatings.
concepts, different realities, different brow-beatings.
Seven months until election.
Many things can change. Don't get fearful yet.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Trump is maleable.
He can be controlled. hrc cannot.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
On the other hand. . .
Hillary is beholden to many corporate lobbyists, whereas Trump maybe some, but not as much. But, maybe you mean malleable regarding voters' interests?
What I mean is that Trump
can be swayed by Congress, this Cabinet, etc., because he is unfamiliar with how government runs. He is a businessman. Business does not equal government. I have a Masters in Public Administration and have taken 30 hours of Business Administration coursework and the two differ greatly. People don't get that, for the most part. They think, "Oh! a businessman should run government like a business!" We've been "trying" that for years but all it translates to is "privatize everything so your buddies can get that gubmit money!"
Digressing - sorry - anyway, Trump can be influenced by those who know how government really runs - he'll have to listen because Congress will shut him down they way they've done Obama. He started out as a Democrat. hrc started out as a repuke. He leans dem the way she leans repuke. All of this is my opinion, of course.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Have you been watching
what some of the tea party governors have been doing?
Trump is more controllable.
Wow... just wow.
Ok, have fun with that.
You know martianexpatriate...
our only rule here is DBAD. You can have a difference in opinion with folks here, but do it in a civil and non-demeaning manor. You are coming close, my friend, I've seen it several times in this thread. Just letting you know.
Fair enough.
is that you? Great costume!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
He'd be a guy that a lot of Congress won't support
Sorry, he doesn't get to just snap his fingers and say "BOO! I'm a Dictator!" He has never had a political career. He doesn't know how it works and nobody's going to show him if they don't like him.
Wow, I'm sorry, but in retrospect, reading this incessant boogity-booh here seems to be really counterproductive. Please stop before you start evoking orange-colored flashbacks in the readership
I caucused for Bernie
not because I thought he would win, but because he was absolutely the best candidate to support. When my next chance to vote for president arises in November, my decision will be the same. Who is the best candidate to support? If I let others make my decision for me, by voting exclusively within either of the two big financial institutions called "parties," I will feel like a failure as a citizen.
a nice fat, steaming shit sandwich. One with stale white bread and the other with whatever bread you imagine it to be.
To mxp, I understand your thinking and the choices you will eventually have to act upon. I'd agree except I have zero idea how bad der Grumph would be. He might be so shockingly horrid that the people of our country might notice and get behind doing something about our political system. One argument says the split in both parties will lead to the rising of a third party, a sane one. I'd prefer that to be accurate but I've lived long enough to know that the only thing we can predict is that something would happen. Way too many variables to make a reasoned prediction.
Hillary? She is a greater known that will still be four years or more of daily shit sandwiches with a better choice of bread.
I hate the political calculus of massive political change. People will suffer from either of these two becoming president. The only good I can see coming from it is if the one which causes the most political chaos possible occurs. I think that would occur with der Drumph winning. It would split the Democrats severely like the Republicans are now. I worry the Republicans are more willing to take advantage of the Dem split for their own advantage. They are always faithful to the principle of getting the most for themselves regardless of what they have to do or how it looks. Tough call. I don't see any chance of deciding without more time passing.
I can safely say that I will not vote for Hillary. I live in Tennessee. My vote doesn't matter unless I vote for a R. Marsha Blackburn is my US Rep. for fuck's sake. Last week my wife and I were with two old friends at their home. They're rabid gardeners like my wife. I appreciate their results but it isn't my thing. All four of us were strong Obama supporters in 2008, less so in 2012, and completely disappointed now. He, a semi-retired internist, is as firmly for Bernie as I am. We've both wanted a presidential candidate of Bernie's caliber our whole lives. His wife was leaning Bernie while mine had yet to declare though I was pretty sure she is interested in Bernie but would prefer Hillary in the end. The election came up at dinner. His wife said it looked like it was over for Bernie and that it looked like it was time to think about supporting Hillary. Both guys said it is still a long shot but it isn't over, yet. We both expressed deep reservations about Hillary. My wife then said we'd just have to get over it because not voting for her was childish. That pretty much shut down all free discussion. Had I let my mouth gotten in front of my head I'd have been less than kind to her at that point but we were with these two very good friends. Both of them are kind to a fault and neither of them is comfortable with heated conflict. It was hard holding back my two thoughts. It does not matter who you vote for in this cesspool because it doesn't count and if you are "disappointed" with Obama you'll hate the Hillary followup. I do know their thinking is of the lesser evil variety. Both of them said as much. I can't say I agree that Hillary is the lesser evil in the longer run. We have 40 years of presidencies as evidence.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I feel for you, vtcc
I'm sure your wife is a lovely, wonderful person but I don't know if my marriage would survive hubby supporting Hillary. I feel that strongly about it. It makes me a little crazy. OK, a LOT crazy.
Luckily, the Dems have completely turned him off to all politics, so he likely won't vote at all. In the past, I've dragged him with me, but this time, I honestly can't see myself doing that. "Come on, you get to choose between two different pieces of dog shit. Why aren't you engaged in the process?" Yeah, right...
But I would not be likely able to shut myself up if he was supporting Hillary.
So many are conditioned to fear
There is an old, wise military maxim - Never take the counsel of your fears. So many fears are self manufactured and, since 9/11, cultivated for profit. Neither der Drumph becoming president will end America nor will it end with Hillary. I think I see greater potential for change occurring if Hillary loses. I also think that is a distinct possibility. Her winning will put a happy face on the further degradation of our country while the big baby will show the ugliest face possible. I don't think it is too much to expect our good people to find the courage to reject the ugly face and accept actual change in our system. We're pretty much lost if they won't/don't/can't. With Hillary the immediacy won't be as obvious.
Kitty, regarding my wife, I was pissed as hell when her childish comment came out. (She found Huffpo but, unlike me years ago, never moved on.) I don't know how I didn't (over)react in the moment. I'm not usually able to hide what I feel when surprised or blindsided. I think that's why our friends backed away from the topic pretty quickly. I took a few days to finally decide I really don't care who she votes for. She can fear a Trump presidency all she wants. Like a vote for Hillary it doesn't affect me. Hillary will never, ever, ever, ever win TN. But my ass is still chafed that the deep red states of the south who gave her so many delegates to the Democratic convention will not count for squat in the general election. I wish I had the activist gene in me so I didn't have a fukmall attitude towards people who won't fight when it's right. They'll get what they vote for. Deceived, betrayed, and ignored. Too bad they drag the rest of us along for the ride.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
"But It's HER Turn"
Too many women believe this slogan without thinking what it really represents. IF Hillary was male, or any other gender in the entire universe, her qualifications are still subject to examination before anyone supports her, just as it applies to every other candidate for every other office. Few men choose to vote for a candidate just because he's male. He has to demonstrate that he's supportable.
Women have a social imperative to support each other against men just because of their gender. But within their gender, they can be meaner than snakes to each other. I point to Phyllis Schlafley as my example. Without her, the feminine goal of the ERA would have been achieved. No man could have reached the goal of stopping that!
So unless and until Hillary burns women in a meaningful way, there will be those who follow without any thought.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I'll never understand this thinking
If there were two equally or nearly equally worthy candidates and one was a woman, yes, I'd probably vote for her because I think its past time we had a female President. But I also don't want the first female President to be an excuse for another 200 years without one.
It does not follow that one should support any woman, just as one would not support any man. If that were the case, why didn't these women supporters flock behind Fiorina? She was a woman. Or get excited about Sarah Palin, she was a woman, presumably, although she seems like an alien pretending to be a woman to me.
You Get It
Fiorina and Palin are excellent examples of what I mean when I say that qualifications must be examined. Neither passed the test with women, or they would have done what GOP leaders expected of them: attract women.
While both were clearly not suitable for office, the fact that Hillary has held office (I will withhold comment about how well she held office) is seen by some as to be qualification for the Presidency.
In 2008, I was prepared to vote for Hillary until she began playing the race card to attract white voters. I briefly turned to Obama until he lied about the FISA filibuster.
Veracity and honorability ARE qualifications for any candidate, and in my opinion, Hillary has neither. The fact that some women support her anyway says much about them and not so much about her.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
You might want to qualify that....
Because I think it is what the Clintons WANT you to believe. Look at the MANY women right here on C99% that are NOT going to vote for her...and it has NOTHING to do with her lady parts.
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Try This On For Size
“There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."
-― Madeleine Albright
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yes, I know...
and the backlash was fierce...
Never mind...I don't think I belong in this thread.
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But at the same time, many of us women want a good
first female President. I suffer from expecting more of women than I do from men in significant positions. Some of that reflects my trials by female mentors. I joined that club. There will be a female president, but not one who I fear will be a failure or even an average president. Those can come later. The first time should be a shining example (not that circumstances are predictable). Not her. My Pollyanna view.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I understand your reasoning and I share your rage at Hillary. I literally cannot listen to her voice any more...and it's only April. I don't think I can bring myself to vote for her under any circumstances. But to say this is a real conundrum is a gross understatement.
I believe that Trump can beat
I believe that Trump can beat her. Barely. Don't know that he will, but believe that he can, that he has a better chance of beating Her Highness than #TheBern. This is one thing #HillarySettlers don't seem to get: that #Bernie has a better chance of beating the Trumpster than does Her Highness.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Your beliefs
and the numbers I'm seeing are extremely far apart. I don't get the logic.
The Republican primary is utterly different from a general election. It's a much bigger pool, and far fewer of that pool are racists. According to the poll data I'm looking at right now, Trump is going to annihilated. Not only would he lose, it won't even be close.
In order for him to win, he's going to have to practice black magic in the upcoming months. He's spent most of his time insulting various groups more important in the coming general election. How is he going to improve his numbers to the point in that short period where he could win?
He'd need to make up much more ground than Sanders, and Sanders has been much smarter. Sanders campaigned on issues, while Trump has been demeaning people who will become important once he leaves his primary.
I'm not seeing a win here. I'm curious how you can imagine him winning.
Polling for the general isn't based on Republicans only
That's how.
He'll win because he's a Repuke.
The Repukes are fighting him now because they can't control him. But once he wins the nomination, which it looks like he will, they will put everything behind him to push him over the finish line. And they've got the media on their side. Remember it was the media who promoted him in the first place. And they've been collecting information about Hillary for 25 or so years. They want her to be the nominee because they don't want to have to do all the work over again for another candidate. And, to make things even worse for Hillary, nobody is excited about her. She's not all new and shiny. She's last year's model with no new car smell. BORINGGGGGG!! No one's gonna get off the couch to stand in line to vote for her. Especially if the weather is bad.
I'd be cautious
about citing Hillary's high negatives in the context of being asked how you see Trump being elected. Best to keep it third-person, as you have. Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid here, but I smell a setup. Goes like this:
How could Trump get elected?
We won't vote for Hillary.
So, you're to blame for electing Trump!
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
I'm curious, too.
If you're not seeing a Trump win here, and have cited the hard road for him to do so ("annihilated", "it won't even be close"), why all the hand-wringing and fear-mongering over a perceived Trump dictatorship, along with the dire need to desperately cast your vote for Hillary to stop it?
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
As a matter
of fact, I've specifically said that's why I don't think I'll need to vote.
What I am literally afraid of is that at some point, Hillary Clinton is going to get hit with some disaster. Something like being indicted over the web server, or something else.
So what happens is Bernie has already lost the nomination, everybody here has been talking about she's the worst possibility ever. Then, very abruptly, her fortunes change. All of the sudden a bunch of the people who were going to vote for her don't, and we get President Trump.
That is what I am afraid of.
Something coming
up like say, being indicted over a web server.
Better sooner than later,
from the view of Bernie supporters. I have no clue what a Party would do to replace a candidate that's indicted post-nomination. Perhaps Hillary would do as she claims and "fight for us" by remaining in the general as she simultaneously fought the indictment. Wouldn't that be a circus for the MSM! I bet they're already geared up to hammer us with every fearful scenario that human and artificial intelligence can conceive.
If an indicted Hillary could be replaced, pre or post nomination, the only reasonable choice for the Democratic Party would be Bernie. If they chose anyone else, that would insure a Republican win, and your vote and my vote would ultimately mean nothing.
So, why give in to fear? Give in to your conscience, give yourself some peace with a decision to vote FOR something, not against. Responding to fear will victimize you at every (mis)step, will eat you up, make you unhappy with life and with yourself, and not make a whit of difference in all of this unpredictable political turbulence.
And what's the #1 tool of the dictator? FDR already warned us about that.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
My Principle
This is why I will write-in Bernie if I must.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I used to live in a small conservative town
Until very recently, without Internet access. So, I can definitely relate to that. Regarding the general election, at this point, I am reasonably certain that Hillary cannot beat Trump. I say that looking at how the Republicans have voted in greater numbers than the Democrats during this primary. If all the Independents had voted, and there hadn't been suppression of Democratic voters, we would have a better idea of how the general election will look. Some Independents lean conservative, but most lean liberal. Many Democrats and Independents feel that Hillary is a conservative calling herself a Democrat, and absolutely will not vote for her. There really is only one way out of this conundrum, and that is to work like hell to make sure Bernie is in the general election in November, or we're going to have a Republican in the White House. That is how I see it right now.
good points, ones that DNC, DWS and others ignore
Or perhaps, by studiously ignoring them, they hope the problems go away?
With HRC, we know exactly what we're getting.
I will not cast a vote for another DLC dem, ever.
I've had enough.
Voting for HRC would be like voting for Nixon, with the added nausea-inducing elements of her enormous wealth and her sense of entitlement.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
A. If there is a really clumsy girl, should she not be named Oaf-elia?
B. If Klingon is a real language, and therefore cannot be copyright protected, does Andorean wine turn your pee blue?
C. If a tiny weasel can shut down the Large Hadron Collider by eating a powerline, which form of life can shut down Donald Trump?
D. If Germany is putting traffic signals on sidewalks to protect Texting addicts, will California lettuce be stamped with barcodes to help chefs avoid e-coli?
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
What a great fracking idea, actually,
Diagnose the problem, find a solution.
Here, some GOP do-badders would pass a law banning texting while walking. Cuz, you know, freedom.
With hrc
we all know exactly what we will get and it wont be good for the 99%.With t rump it is unknown, and while I am not advocating for trump the fear of the unknown is never as bad as imagined and as POTUS he will not be granted supreme rule no matter what he thinks. I am not so sure with hrc because the Clintons always seem to find a way to lie,cheat or steal their way to get what they want.
I'm really hopeful for California
There is a lot of Bernie support here in the East Bay Area. There is one obnoxious car on my street that has a bunch of Hillary stickers on it, but almost all signs of support I see are for Bernie. Because of our stupid Republicans, Independents can only vote in the Democratic primary. Independents can't vote in the Republican primary. That works in our favor. Thanks California Republicans!!!
Beware the bullshit factories.
You say:
I agree. Except I'd go even further and say that ALL Republican politicians are scum, and all of their policies will lead to poverty and death.
But I guess the question is, do we want that poverty and death now, or do we want it later? Because HRC winning in 2016 will mean the Dems will get decimated (again) in the midterms, will almost certainly lose the White House in 2020 (because do you really think Obama/Clinton is going to give us 16 years?) and then will be gerrymandered out of existence after the census. After this, the GOP will have free rein to do whatever the hell they want. Because whoever wins the White House in 2020 may not be as loutish as Trump, but their policies will be just as harmful. But on the other hand, were Trump to win in 2016, I think it would increase the likelihood of this scenario playing out in reverse (in our favor.)
So it looks to me like we're going to have to take a beating. So do we want to take it now, or take it later?
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
What an awesome point to make at the end here :-)
and oh, so true--you should do a separate post on this...
About those beatings-
Where have you been? The Left end of the Democratic Party has been taking it in the teeth for DECADES! Those beatings have been ongoing, and the only way it's going to stop is if we start hitting back. Starting with this election. The Dem elite are not nice people. They are power-mongers. If we ever want to get their attention, or whatever charade they have that passes for "their respect", it will have to HURT. All of my thoughts on what to do with my vote hinge on what will put the most hurt on the Dem power elite. For sabotaging Bernie's campaign alone, they deserve that.
As for Trump, he's a truly punk-assed Hitler. Hitler had the bloody military behind him. Trump has insulted ours, at every point in chain-of-command. My only question about a Trump Presidency would be whether a general mutiny of the rank-and-file military would come before an impeachment, with both major parties in favor. Given Trump's giant, bloated, atomic, rubber ego, I think it would be a race to one of those two results. For that reason, I don't understand all the shaking-of-the-Trump-bogeyman-in-the-face that has been going on. We will have the establishment Dems doing that, soon enough. There's no rush.
I tend to think it will be pure Schadenfreude, instead. I've had Trump's nattering in the background for most of my adult life, his self-aggrandizing as a sort of regular, repulsive background noise, and him winning the White House might actually let him experience for the first time, somebody with real power to do so, telling him "NO"! The spoiled rich boy could use a lot of that. -And the best part -- a Trump win would finally let him know what it's like to BE Barack Obama! Don't we owe him that? In fact, he would yearn to ONLY have as much obstructionism as Obama has enjoyed. And I would personally start spreading the word about how Trump's birth certificate was faked, as he was obviously not born in this country. Not here. Someplace where the people have bright orange skin. Wherever that might be. -And I think he's a secret Hindu, too. Help me repeat it enough, and it will become TRUE! No fooling!
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
I agree AP
The first time he fails to get one of his grandiose promises done, such as having Mexico build and pay for a giant wall, he will be toast.
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Here is the essential difference between you and I.
I look back in time at history, at all the other people who sounded like Trump and were elected to their position and who then subverted it. When Hitler was elected, the higher up's thought he was a buffoon.
It's that Trump doesn't have the military in his pocket, but if you think a guy like that couldn't inflict horrific and massive damage on the country your kidding yourself. If he becomes toast in the way you are suggesting, he still gets to run the place in four years. I'm living in a town where the average income level is actually almost below the minimum wage. I see homeless people out on the street. If he blows up the people, a lot of people I know will be dead in four years. I'm sorry you don't see it, or care about it. I'm not sure which one of those it is.
I am not an anarchist. I am a progressive.
I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary. I'm not planning on it myself, I doubt it will be necessary. I hope to god I don't have to. If I do get forced into that position, I may have to burn the skin off the hand that cast the vote.
My greatest fear is that she ends up getting the nomination, and is then indicted. Something comes out from earlier that ends up destroying her, and we get Trump as President.
I firmly believe
that many thousands of people who live in other countries will not survive the military adventurism of a Clinton presidency. Their lives are of equal value to those of US residents.
Her Chickenhawk history supports this statement.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Okay, I was not going to respond
to you out of a sense of decorum...trying to keep it peaceful over here...But I have held my tongue long enough I think...I did that over at TOP and I don't think I should have to here..
I am going to let your first snide retort to me go... but not this.
The "essential difference between you and I" is that you will give up in the end and vote for the lesser of the two evils...and I see them as equally evil... and refuse to be terrified into voting for evil ever again... I will vote my morals and my conscience. You vote according to whatever floats your boat... it is your right to do what you will do. As it is mine to do what I will do. But please, spare me the holier than thou attitude because no one is going to "force" you into voting for Clinton...that will be your own choice...and you will have to live with it.
Personally, whatever happens, I will be at peace with my choice.
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Preach it, sister Martha! eom
:-) ^5
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That having been said,
I'm sorry I've beaten a dead horse. I hope none of that ever comes to pass.